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Spelling List - Homophones

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1 Spelling List - Homophones
“How My Family Lives in America” Unit 5 Week 2

2 to in a direction example: I went to the city with my family.

3 too in addition; also; enough examples: He’s coming along, too.
Carl ate too much pizza.

4 two the number (2) example: John has two sisters.

5 week seven days example: It rained for almost a week.

6 weak without strength or energy example:
After the marathon, Lucy’s muscles were weak.

7 our belonging to a group example: Our school mascot is the Viking.

8 hour time; 60 minutes; 1/24 of the day example:
The television show was one hour long.

9 stair steps; staircase example:
Holly left her shoes at the bottom of the stairs.

10 stare to look at something or someone for a long time example:
Michael stared out the window at the stars.

11 flour a powdery grain used for baking example:
Add the flour and eggs to make the cake.

12 flower a beautiful plant example: A daisy is a type of flower.

13 write words, letters, or symbols formed on a surface example:
Please write your name on the top of the paper.

14 right to be correct; a direction opposite of left example:
Phyllis got all of the questions right on the test. Our classroom is on the right side of the hallway.

15 new recent; never used before example:
Kevin’s family just bought a new car from a dealer.

16 knew to understand (in the past tense) example:
I knew it was going to rain today.

17 Challenge Words

18 their The possessive form of “they”; his, her, or its example:
The dogs were wagging their tails.

19 there at or in a place; location example:
Place the book over there on the shelf.

20 they’re contraction of “they are” example:
She is knitting mittens and they’re red.

21 weather the temperature and precipitation on earth
rain, snow, wind, clouds example: The weather in winter is cold and snowy.

22 whether either; if example:
Michelle didn’t know whether she passed or failed.

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