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Part 1: English Assessment

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0 ASSESSMENT 2 1 Term 4 Year Blueprint Text Question Numbers
Points Possible Phonemic Awareness ACELA Produce rhyming words. 1 CR 1 ACELA & Segment and blend words. 2a 2b ACELA Identify medial sounds. 3 ACELA Substitute sounds to make new words. 4 5 6 7 Phonics ACELA Read words with letter patterns. 8 9 10 High-Frequency Words and Vocabulary Development  ACELA Read high-frequency words. (sentences) 11 12 13 Reading Comprehension ACELY Write using a computer. 14 SR 1 ACELY Revise writing. Music Band 15a 15b SR 1 16 17 ACELA Identify ways text is organised. 18 SR 3 ACELY Identify the purpose of the text. Buzz 19 ACELT Describe the plot of a story. 20 SR1 21 ACELT Describe characters. 22 Grammar ACELA Identify simple sentences. 23 SR 2 24 ACELA Determine the purpose of a sentence. 25 Total (Part 1)  27 30 Phonics Assessment ACELA Identify letters that make more than one sound. Total (Part 2) Total 45 48 Term 4 ASSESSMENT 2 Year 1

1 Part 1: English Assessment
Teacher says, “Today, you will produce rhyming words. Rhyming words are words that have the same ending sound like bring and thing. Now, you will produce or make rhyming words.” Learning Objective: ACELA Produce rhyming words. 1 Point to the pictures and say, “Produce a word that rhymes with king and ring.” Students should answer with an –ing rhyming word. Answer is either correct or incorrect. Rhyming options are wing, sing, cling, fling etc.

2 Part 1: English Assessment
Teacher says, “Today you will segment and blend a word.” Point to the kite and say, “We will segment and blend the word kite. To blend is kiiite and to segment, k/i/te. Now, you will blend and segment a word.” Learning Objective: ACELA & Blend and segment words. 2a Point to the picture and say, “This is a knight. Segment the word knight.” Students should segment the word street: kn/igh/t. Answer is either correct or incorrect. 2b “Now, blend the word kn/igh/t. ” Students should blend the word kn/igh/t to (silent k)nnniiight or knight.

3 Part 1: English Assessment
Teacher says, “Today you will Identify medial sounds.” Point to crown and say, “This is a picture of the word crown. The medial sound in crown is /ow/. Now, you will identify medial sounds.” Learning Objective: ACELA Identify medial sounds. 3 Point to the pictures and say, “What is the medial sound in the word gown? Students should reply with: the ow sound. Answer is either correct or incorrect.

4 Part 1: English Assessment
Teacher says, “Today, you will make new words.” Point to the tie and say, “This is a picture of a tie. To make new words, we will change the beginning sound. We will change the /t/ in tie to /p/ to make the new word pie. Say the new word p ie = pie. Now, you will make new words.” Learning Objective: ACELA Substitute sounds to make new words. 4 Point to bike and say, “Say this word. Now change the /b/ sound in bike to /h/ to make a new word.” Say the new word. Note: Repeat the /h/ sound ,if necessary. Students should say hike. Answer is either correct or incorrect. Learning Objective: ACELA Substitute sounds to make new words. 5 Point to coat and say, “Say this word. Now change the /k/ sound in coat to /b/ to make a new word.” Say the new word. Note: Repeat the /b/ sound, if necessary. Students should say boat. Answer is either correct or incorrect.

5 Part 1: English Assessment
Teacher says, “Today, you will make new words.” Point to the cat and say, “This is a picture of a cat. To make new words, we will change the ending sound. We will change the /t/ in cat to /l/ to make the new word call. Say the new word ca ll = call. Now, you will make new words.” Learning Objective: ACELA Substitute sounds to make new words. 6 Point to crab and say, “Say this word. Now change the /b/ sound in crab to /ck/ to make a new word.” Say the new word. Note: Repeat the /ck/ sound ,if necessary. Students should say crack. Answer is either correct or incorrect. Learning Objective: ACELA Substitute sounds to make new words. 7 Point to ball and say, “Say this word. Now change the /l/ sound in ball to /th/ to make a new word.” Say the new word. Note: Repeat the /th/ sound, if necessary. Students should say bath. Answer is either correct or incorrect.

6 Part 1: English Assessment
Teacher says, “Today, you will read sentences with different letter sounds and letter patterns.” 8. Max is planting green beans. 9. Have you seen the cows in town? 10. The boy drove the cart to the farm. Learning Objective: ACELA Read words with letter patterns. 8 Point to the sentence and say, “Read this sentence.” Answer is either correct or incorrect. This sentence reviews long vowel sounds. 9 Answer is either correct or incorrect. This sentence reviews letter patterns. 10 Answer is either correct or incorrect. This sentence reviews r-controlled patterns.

7 Part 1: English Assessment
11. He went the right way. Learning Objective: ACELA Read high-frequency words (sentences). 11 Point to the sentence and say, “Read this sentence.” Answer is either correct or incorrect. 12 13 12. Olivia only eats hot pizza. 13. Emily is good at reading.

8 This does not save the file.  file; save as
Teacher says, “Nora is going to write about a topic. She is going to write using a computer. Before she starts writing, she needs to save the document.” Learning Objective: ACELY Write using a computer. 14 Teacher asks, “What should Nora do to save the document? Click on ‘file; save as’? Or should she click on ‘file; open’?” Note: Student can give response orally or point to the picture. Responses Analysis of Responses file; open This does not save the file.  file; save as Correct Answer – This will save the file.

9 Part 1: English Assessment
Teacher says, “Nora wrote about music bands. Today, you will revise her writing. I will read what she wrote, and you will track with me. Then, you will answer some questions about revising writing.” Read the text Music Band to the students before asking questions 15a-15b and read the answer choices. Record student’s response on record sheet. Music Band 1. A band uses instruments to make music. 2. Some bands use many instruments. 3. Other bands use a few instruments. 4. Some bands also use their voices. 5. Music bands wear hats. Text Statistics Text Title: Music Band Word Count: 33 words Learning Objective: ACELY Revise writing 15a Teacher asks, “What sentence does not belong to the topic? Sentence 2 or sentence 5?” Responses Analysis of Responses  sentence 2 This sentence belongs with the topic.  sentence 5 Correct Answer – This sentence does not belong with the topic. Learning Objective: ACELY Revise writing 15b How do you know? Students receive 1 point for saying “Sentence 5 does not belong to the topic because it is not talking about using instruments to make music. 15. What sentence does not belong to the topic? Sentence 2 Some bands use many instruments. Sentence 5 Music bands wear hats. How do you know?

10 Part 1: English Assessment
Teacher says, “Nora wrote about music bands. Today, you will revise her writing. I will read what she wrote and you will track with me. Then, you will answer some questions about revising writing.” Music Band 1. A band uses instruments to make music. 2. Some bands use many instruments. 3. Other bands use a few instruments. 4. Some bands also use their voices. 5. Music bands wear hats. Text Statistics Text Title: Music Band Word Count: 33 words Learning Objective: ACELY Revise writing 16 What sentence could be added to the topic after sentence 1? Responses Analysis of Responses a. Not every band uses the same kind of instruments. Correct Answer – This sentence belongs with the topic. b. Some guitars have six strings. This sentenced does not belong with the topic. Learning Objective: ACELY Revise writing 17 Which sentence can be added to the text Music Band? Responses Analysis of Responses a. There are many kinds of music to listen to. This sentenced does not belong with the topic. b. There are many kinds of music bands that use instruments. Correct Answer – This sentence belongs with the topic. 16. What sentence could be added to the topic after sentence 1? a. Not every band uses the same kind of instruments. b. Some guitars have six strings. 17. Which sentence can be added to the text Music Band? a. There are many kinds of music to listen to. b. There are many kinds of music bands that use instruments.

11 Part 1: English Assessment
Teacher says, “Today, you will be identifying the ways a text is organised. Remember a text is organised using different features, such as: table of contents, page numbers, headings and images. Now, you will identify the ways a text is organised.” Introduction Storms are made up of different weather. In a storm, there can be rain, lightning, thunder and wind. Storms can be scary, but once you learn what they are made up of, they can be a little less scary. Learning Objective: ACELA Identify ways text is organised. 18 Teacher asks, ”What are the features that are used to organise the text?” a. Table of Contents b. Headers c. Page numbers d. Images Students receive 1 point for each correct response. 1 point for a. table of contents. 1 point for b. headers. 1 point for c. page numbers. 2 18. What are the features that are used to organise the text? Table of Contents Headers Page numbers d. Images

12 to inform to entertain to persuade
Read the text Buzz to the students before asking questions and read the answer choices. Record student’s response on record sheet. Buzz Buzz is a bee. He collects honey for the queen bee. One day, Buzz starts to make a honey cake for the queen bee. But, he is out of honey. Buzz ate all of his honey. “How am I going to make the cake with no honey?” asked Buzz. Buzz’s friend Fuzz says, “You can have my honey.” Buzz makes a yummy cake. Text Statistics Text Title: Buzz Word Count: 64 words Learning Objective: ACELY Identify the purpose of the text 19 Teacher asks, “What is the purpose of the text?” Responses Analysis of Responses a. to inform This is not the purpose of the text b. to entertain Correct Answer – This is the purpose of the text. c. to persuade This is not the purpose of the text. 19. What is the purpose of the text? to inform to entertain to persuade Learning Objective: ACELT Describe the plot of a story 20 Teacher asks, “What is the problem?” Responses Analysis of Responses a. Buzz collects honey. This is what Buzz does. It is not the problem b. Buzz does not have honey. Correct Answer –This is the problem. c. Buzz’s friend gives him the honey. This is the solution, not the problem. 20. What is the problem? a. Buzz collects honey. b. Buzz does not have honey. c. Buzz’s friend gives him the honey.

13 b. Buzz starts to make a cake. c. Buzz’s friend gave him honey.
Read the text Buzz again to the students. Ask questions and read the answer choices. Record student’s response on record sheet. Buzz Buzz is a bee. He collects honey for the queen bee. One day, Buzz starts to make a honey cake for the queen bee. But, he is out of honey. Buzz ate all of his honey. “How am I going to make the cake with no honey?” asked Buzz. Buzz’s friend Fuzz says, “You can have my honey.” Buzz makes a yummy cake. Text Statistics Text Title: Buzz Word Count: 64 words Learning Objective: ACELT Describe the plot of a story. 21 Teacher says, “What is the solution?” Responses Analysis of Responses a. Buzz has no honey. This is the problem. b. Buzz starts to make a cake. This is before the problem. c. Buzz’s friend gave him honey. Correct Answer–This is the solution. 21. What is the solution? a. Buzz has no honey. b. Buzz starts to make a cake. c. Buzz’s friend gave him honey. Learning Objective: ACELT Describe characters. 22 Teacher says, “Describe Buzz’s Friend Fuzz?” Responses Analysis of Responses a. helpful Correct Answer –This describes Fuzz. b. mean This does not describe Fuzz. Fuzz does not act mean. c. sad This does not describe Fuzz. Fuzz is not sad. 22. Describe Buzz’s friend Fuzz? a. helpful. b. mean. c. sad.

14 What are the simple sentences? a. The bee. b. Buzz bakes.
Learning Objective: ACELA Identify simple sentences. 23 Teacher asks, “What are the simple sentences?” Note: Students can earn up to two points for this question. Students receive 1 point for b. Buzz bakes. Students receive 1 for c. The rabbit runs. 23. What are the simple sentences? a. The bee. b. Buzz bakes. c. The rabbit runs. d. Run fast. Learning Objective: ACELA Identify simple sentences. 24 Teacher points to the sentence “The bee.” and asks, “What is missing from the simple sentence?” Responses Analysis of Responses subject The bee is the subject verb Correct Answer – The simple sentence is missing the action. 24. What is missing from the simple sentence? The bee. Subject Verb Learning Objective: ACELA Determine the purpose of a sentence. 25 Teacher points to question 25 and asks, “What is the purpose of the sentence?” Responses Analysis of Responses a. to give information This ends with a period. b. to ask a question Correct Answer –This ends with a question mark.? c. to show strong feelings This ends with an exclamation mark.! 25. What is the purpose of the sentence? How will Buzz make a honey cake with no honey? a. to give information b. to ask a question c. to show strong feelings

15 Note: This test assesses letter patterns taught up to term 4.
Learning Objective: ACELA Identify letters that make more than one sound. (R-controlled pattern) Point to the row of r-controlled words and say, ”These words have different r-controlled patterns.” Point to each word and say, “Read this word?” Pause for student to read word. Then ask, “What r-controlled pattern is in this word?” If students can say the r-controlled sound within 10 seconds, write a “+” on the record table. If the student says the r-controlled pattern incorrectly, or if student does not know the r-controlled pattern, record a “-” on the record table. Learning Objective: ACELA Read words with consonant blends. Point to the row of consonant blends and say, ”These words have different consonant blends.” Point to each consonant blend and ask, “What consonant blend is in this word?” If students can say what consonant blend is in the word within 10 seconds, write a “+” on the record table. If the student says the consonant blend incorrectly, or if student does not know the consonant blend, record a “-” on the record table. Learning Objective: ACELA Identify short vowels. ACELA Identify long vowels. A Point to letter pattern oo and say, “What sound does the short oo (Say the names of letters not sound) make?” Answer is either correct or incorrect. Correct – short/oo/ incorrect – long/oo/ B Point to letter pattern oo and say, “What sound does the long oo (Say the names of letters not sound) make?” Answer is either correct or incorrect. Correct – long/oo/ Incorrect- short /oo/ Learning Objective: ACELA Read words with digraphs and trigraphs; ACELA Identify letters that make more than one sound. Point to the letter pattern row and say, “These are letter patterns.” Point to each letter pattern and say, “What sound does this letter pattern make?” If students can name the sound within 5 seconds, write a “+” on the record table. If the student says the sound of the letter pattern incorrectly, or if student does not know the sound, record a “-” on the record table. Note: This test assesses letter patterns taught up to term 4.


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