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Active and passive voice in easy manner

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1 Active and passive voice in easy manner
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2 Rule 1 : Active से Passive बनाते समय object को subject और subject को object के स्थान पर ले आते हैं तथा object के पहले प्रायः by लगा देते हैं । जैसे - Active : Rima writes a letter. Passive : A letter is written by Rima. First Sentence में Rima, subject है और letter, object है लेकिन दूसरे वाक्य में letter को subject तथा Rima को 'by' preposition का object बना दिया है । 

3 Rule 2 : दिए हुए verb, का Past Participle बनाकर उसके पहले उसी Tense का verb 'to be' (am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being) का रूप लगा दिया जाता है , जैसा की निम्न तालिका में दिया गया है : Tense Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous Present am  is  are am being  is being  are being has been  have been Not Possible Past was  were was being  were being had been Future will be  shall be will have been  shall have been

4 Some More Examples : 1. Active : They believe me
Some More Examples : 1. Active : They believe me. Passive : I am believed by them. 2. Active : He is praising me. Passive : I am being praised by him. Present Tense Active Passive Simple He kills a snake A snake is killed by him. Continuous He is killing a snake. A snake is being killed by him. Perfect He has killed a snake. A snake has been killed by him. Past Tense He killed a snake. A snake was killed by him. He was killing a snake. A snake was being killed by him. He had killed a snake. A snake had been killed by him. Future Tense He will kill a snake. A snake will be killed by him. He will have killed a snake. A snake will have been killed by him.

5 Some More Examples : 1. Active : They believe me
Some More Examples : 1. Active : They believe me. Passive : I am believed by them. 2. Active : He is praising me. Passive : I am being praised by him.

6 4. Active : He will help you. Passive : You will be helped by him
4. Active : He will help you. Passive : You will be helped by him. Note 1 : Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous तथा Future Continuous की passive voice नहीं बनती है । Note 2 : केवल Transitive Verbs की ही passive voice बन सकती है Intransitive Verbs की नहीं । Intransitive verbs का object न होने से passive voice नहीं बनती है ।  Note 3 : कुछ verbs के बाद passive voice में 'by' preposition के स्थान पर अन्य prepositions का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे -  (a) Surprised, astonished, disappointed, distressed, displeased तथा alarmed के बाद passive voice में 'at' का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे Active : Your intelligence surprised me. Passive : I was surprised at your intelligence. 2. Active : His success astonished us. Passive : We were astonished at his success. 3. Active : His defeat distressed me. Passive : I was distressed at his defeat. 4. Active : This news alarmed his father. Passive : His father was alarmed at this news.

7 (b) Known तथा obliged के बाद 'passive voice' में 'to' का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे Active : Everybody knows Gandhiji. Passive : Gandhiji is known to everybody. 2. Active : He will oblige me. Passive : I shall be obliged to him. (c) Pleased, satisfied, disgusted, charmed, thronged तथा lined के बाद 'passive voice' में 'with' का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे Active : My behaviour pleased him. Passive : He was pleased with my behaviour. 2. Active :Your work satisfies the officers. Passive : The officers are satisfied with your work. 3. Active : Her sweet song charmed the listeners.  Passive : The listeners were charmed with her sweet song. 4. Active :The passenger lined the booking window. Passive : The booking window was lined with the passengers. (d) Contained तथा interested के बाद 'passive voice' में 'in' का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे - 1. Active :This box contains many beautiful things. Passive : Many beautiful things are contained in this box. 2. Active :This book interests me. Passive : I am interested in this book.

8 Note 4 : कुछ Intransitive verbs के साथ prepositions का प्रयोग होता है । Prepositions के साथ मिलकर ये verbs Transitive verbs का काम करती है । Passive voice में preposition verb के साथ रहता है । जैसे Active : The girls laughed at me. Passive : I was laughed at by the girls. 2. Active : He looks after my children. Passive : My children are looked after by him. Note 5 : जिन Verbs के दो objects होते है , Passive voice में बदलते समय उनमे से कोई एक subject हो जाता है तथा दूसरा अपने ही स्थान पर object बना रहता है । जैसे -  1. Active : I taught him English. Passive : He was taught English by me.                        Or                  English was taught to him by me.                        Or                  English was taught him by me.    Note 6 : कभी-कभी Passive voice में काम करने वाले doer का प्रयोग नहीं होता, क्योकि वह important नहीं होता । जैसे -  1. Active : Someone has stolen my pen. Passive : My pen has been stolen. 2. Active : People speak English all over the world. Passive : English is spoken all over the world. :

9 Active To Passive Voice : Interrogative Sentences
Interrogative Sentences के voice में परिवर्तन : इसकी passive voice भी Interrogative (प्रशनवाचक) में बनाते है । पहले Interrogative का Assertive (साधारण) वाक्य बनाओ । फिर उसे voice के नियमानुसार passive में बदल दो और फिर उसको Interrogative वाक्य में बदलो ।  Example : Active Interrogative : Did he killed her ? Active Assertive : He killed her. Passive Assertive : She was killed by him. Passive Interrogative : Was she killed by him ? इस तरह Active Interrogative : Did he killed her ? का Passive Interrogative : Was she killed by him ? हुआ ।  1. जहाँ पर do/does/did का प्रयोग होता है उनमें Object के Number और Verb (क्रिया) के Tense के अनुसार am/is/are/was/were आदि का प्रयोग करते है ।  Examples : a) Active : When does Alok help me ? Passive : When am I helped by him ? b) Active : Do you need your father help ? Passive : Are your father help needed by you ?

10 2. जहाँ do/does/did का प्रयोग नहीं होता वहाँ अन्य Auxiliary Verbs प्रयोग होते है ।  Examples : a) Active : Will you write a book ? Passive : Will a book be written by you ? b) Active : When will you write a book ? Passive : When will a book be written by you ? c) Active : Is the policeman catching the thief ? Passive : Is the thief being caught by the policeman ? d) Active : May I see it ? Passive : May it be seen by me ? 3. जो Interrogative Sentence, Who से start होते हैं उनका passive voice, By whom से start करके बनाते हैं ।  Examples : a) Active : Who taught you grammar ? Passive : By whom was grammar taught to you? b) Active : Who stole the chair ? Passive : By whom was the chair stolen ? c) Active : Who can help me ? Passive : By whom can I be helped ?

11 3. Imperative Sentences में Please की passive voice बनाने के लिए 'You are requested to' का प्रयोग करते है । और यदि वाक्य में सुझाव या सलाह दी गयी हो तो passive voice में 'You are advised to'का प्रयोग करते है ।  Examples : a) Active : Please help the needy. Passive : You are requested to help the needy. b) Active : Please examine this question. Passive : you are requested to examine this question. c) Active : Obey the rules of the road. Passive : You are advised to obey the rules of the road. d) Active : Tell him to leave the room at once. Passive : You are advised to leave the room at once. Active To Passive Voice : Some Special Cases कुछ special प्रकार के वाक्यों की voice में परिवर्तन : Rule 1. जब Active voice में verb का object एक शब्द या phrase न होकर एक clause होता है तो Passive voice बनाते समय verb के subject के लिए It का प्रयोग करते है ।  Active : They say that famine has spread everywhere.  Passive : It is said that famine has spread everywhere. 

12 3. Imperative Sentences में Please की passive voice बनाने के लिए 'You are requested to' का प्रयोग करते है । और यदि वाक्य में सुझाव या सलाह दी गयी हो तो passive voice में 'You are advised to'का प्रयोग करते है ।  Examples : a) Active : Please help the needy. Passive : You are requested to help the needy. b) Active : Please examine this question. Passive : you are requested to examine this question. c) Active : Obey the rules of the road. Passive : You are advised to obey the rules of the road. d) Active : Tell him to leave the room at once. Passive : You are advised to leave the room at once. Active To Passive Voice : Some Special Cases कुछ special प्रकार के वाक्यों की voice में परिवर्तन : Rule 1. जब Active voice में verb का object एक शब्द या phrase न होकर एक clause होता है तो Passive voice बनाते समय verb के subject के लिए It का प्रयोग करते है ।  Active : They say that famine has spread everywhere.  Passive : It is said that famine has spread everywhere. 

13 Imperative Sentences (आज्ञा सूचक वाक्य) के voice में परिवर्तन : 1
Imperative Sentences (आज्ञा सूचक वाक्य) के voice में परिवर्तन : 1. Imperative Sentences को passive में बदलने के लिए Let का प्रयोग वाक्य के प्रारम्भ में करते है और उसके बाद Object + be + Past Participle(third form of verb) का प्रयोग करते है ।  Examples : a) Active : Give me a book. Passive : Let a book be given to me. b) Active : Post this letter. Passive : Let this letter be posted. c) Active : Open the door. Passive : Let the door be opened. Or The door should be opened. 2. यदि Imperative Sentence Negative हो तो सहायक क्रिया 'Do' को हटा देते है ।  Examples : a) Active : Do not abuse others. Passive : Let others not be abused. b) Active : Do not insult the beggar. Passive : Let the beggar not be insulted.

14 Rule 2. Active voice में is/am/are/was/were + to + verb वाले वाक्यों की Passive voice में  is/am/are/was/were के बाद to be लगाते है तथा verb का past participle(third form of verb) प्रयोग करते है ।  Active : She is to help me. Passive : I am to be helped by her. Rule 3. Active voice में has/have + to + verb वाले वाक्यों की Passive voice में  has/have के बाद to be लगाते है तथा verb का past participle प्रयोग करते है ।  Active : We have to find her. Passive : She has to be found by us. Rule 4. Active voice में can/could/may/might/will/shall/must/should/would वालो की Passive voice निम्न प्रकार से बनाते है ।  Active : The rich should not hate the poor. Passive : The poor should not be hatred by the rich. Active : I can help her. Passive : She can be helped by me.  Active To Passive Voice : Some Special Cases

15 कुछ special प्रकार के वाक्यों की voice में परिवर्तन : Rule 1
कुछ special प्रकार के वाक्यों की voice में परिवर्तन : Rule 1. जब Active voice में verb का object एक शब्द या phrase न होकर एक clause होता है तो Passive voice बनाते समय verb के subject के लिए It का प्रयोग करते है ।  Active : They say that famine has spread everywhere.  Passive : It is said that famine has spread everywhere.  Rule 2. Active voice में is/am/are/was/were + to + verb वाले वाक्यों की Passive voice में  is/am/are/was/were के बाद to be लगाते है तथा verb का past participle(third form of verb) प्रयोग करते है ।  Active : She is to help me. Passive : I am to be helped by her. Rule 3. Active voice में has/have + to + verb वाले वाक्यों की Passive voice में  has/have के बाद to be लगाते है तथा verb का past participle प्रयोग करते है ।  Active : We have to find her. Passive : She has to be found by us. Rule 4. Active voice में can/could/may/might/will/shall/must/should/would वालो की Passive voice निम्न प्रकार से बनाते है ।  Active : The rich should not hate the poor. Passive : The poor should not be hatred by the rich. Active : I can help her. Passive : She can be helped by me. 

16 Thank you for watching.. only for study purpose.

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