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Coastlands Hotel – Durban, South Africa November 2016

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1 Coastlands Hotel – Durban, South Africa 22-24 November 2016
CSTL Sharing Meeting 2016 ESA Ministerial commitment implementation: Multi Sectoral Approach : Namibia Case study Emilie Haipinge NAMIBIA Coastlands Hotel – Durban, South Africa 22-24 November 2016

High HIV incidences and early unintended learner pregnancy rates as well as other limitations of young people’s SRHR remain core challenges in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA. To address these challenges a political commitment to achieve expanded and improved HIV prevention and SRH through life skills-based sexuality and HIV education and youth-friendly services was endorsed by Ministers of Education and Health from 20 ESA countries ( including Namibia) under the leadership of UNAIDS .

3 A description of the programme C0NT...
The commitment is a strategic tool to strengthen HIV prevention efforts and foster positive health outcomes by advocating for access to good quality, comprehensive sexuality education and sexual reproductive health and rights for young people in the ESA region This political commitment is accompanied by key time-bound actions and a monitoring framework which are agreed upon by the member states.

4 A description of the programme Cont...
In Namibia, the ESA commitment enhanced the partnership between Ministries of Education, Arts and Culture and Ministries of Health and Social Services and Ministry of Youth to jointly develop and deliver the Information, Education and Services needed to reverse the HIV&AIDS epidemic, promote healthy lifestyles through Comprehensive Sexuality Education as well as related Sexual Health services. Furthermore, the ESA commitment serves to strengthen the coordination and implementation of young people’s SRH/health related interventions both at national and regional levels in the country.

5 Achievements The coordination mechanism of young people’s interventions is established at National level. ESA subcommittee under the National School Health Task Force Coordination mechanisms have also been established at Regional levels and are at different functionality levels in different Regions. The coordination efforts have been strengthened in the regions through peer to peer exchange to support implementation where it is most needed. Ohangwena and Khomas Regions are the best practices in the coordination and implementation of the ESA commitment in Namibia

6 Achievements cont... Youth Health Task Forces (with TORs ) are established in two regions, namely: Khomas and Ohangwena Regions. YHTF comprises of different stakeholders whose work are on HIV and SRH for young people Youth serving and youth led organizations are part of the task forces in the 2 regions.

7 Achievements cont... Through a combination of resources (human, assets, materials and finances), effective and efficient interventions are made possible by the task forces, e.g. HIV-testing outreach campaigns teenage pregnancy campaigns, GBV campaigns, Increased use of services at youth-friendly clinics in the 2 regions Building up self esteem and enhancing knowledge of young people on HIV and STIs through participation in life skills classes by a local NGO (Star for Life

8 Achievements: Khomas Region
The Khomas Youth Health Task Force (KYHTF ) was launched in June 14, with 35 civil society member organizations and 5 Ministries such: MoEAC, MHSS, MGCW, MYS and MICT. Successfully hosted workshops, Classroom sessions on Sexual Comprehensive Education (CSE) Camp that took place between June and October. The number of learners reached is 5186. Successfully hosted Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision campaign (VMMC): The total number of youth 634 Learners aged were circumcised from June to October and 77 Life Skills Teachers were trained representing more than 60 schools, follow up was done and most of them started mobilizing learners on VMMC. Successfully engaged communities and School Boards on Community Engagement on issues of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and SRH issues. With the help of UNESCO a development partner, six training sessions were held in Khomas and the project reached approximately 150 parents and community members.

9 Achievements: Khomas Region cont…
Established Girls with pride Clubs and Gentlemen with value Clubs at 30 Schools to empower the girls and discourage girls to fall pregnant, and empower the boys to have courage to say NO to: the use and abuse of substances (alcohol & drugs), NO to be Teen fathers and NO to Schools drop out and reached 6000. Successful collaboration Motivational talks with Young entrepreneurs and Musicians at 20 schools to motivate Teachers and Learners, create awareness on CSE and distribute the IEC Materials Teachers and reached on this exercise Trained 105 Teachers and 20 KYHTF members on My Future is My Choice and Window of Hope Programme Reached out to 1500 Learners and 850 Teachers during the Health and Wellness Awareness Week in June 2016. Prevention of Teenage Pregnancy Awareness Campaign reached out to Learners (male and female) from June to October 2016.

Successfully hosted dialogue with approximately young people (in and out of school youths) on SRH. Conducted capacity building exercises for the Taskforce members A 60% increased of youth intake at NAPPA clinic.

11 KYHTF in Pictures Jan Mohr Secondary Gentlemen’s Club serious on say no to HIV, STD’s, Alcohol and drugs campaigns

12 KYHTF in Pictures Khomas Youth Health Task Force (KYHTF) Teenage pregnancy campaign and Girls with pride Club launch at Jan Jonker Afrikaner High School

13 Achievements: Ohangwena Region 2016 HIV Testing day

Teenage pregnancy, health education, alcohol and drugs campaign at Goreangab Junior Secondary School

15 KYHTF in Pictures Former Drug addict Mr. L. Van Wyk on Alcohol and Drugs & HIV awareness education Activity at Jan Mohr Secondary

Increase the number of Adolescents and Young people who demonstrate comprehensive HIV prevention knowledge levels. Advocate for Teachers and Community members in pre and in-service to be SRH empowered and equipped with skills about SRH and Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). Advocate and train for the increment of the number of Schools and Teacher training institutions that provide CSE . Raise funds for the Khomas Youth Health Task Force (KYHTF). Monitor progress and document lessons learned. Coordinate and organise joint events/campaigns for CSE awareness rising. Promote strong sense moral values amongst young people.

17 Ohangwena ongoing activities, interventions in 2016
Routine awareness campaigns on Teenage pregnancy Implementation of “man attractive” activities integrated with HCT (such as pool table and soccer competitions, etc.,)

18 National Level Challenges
Participation of some key Ministries in the ESA commitment is a challenge .. e.g. Ministry of Gender and Child welfare. Poor M&E framework for monitoring and reporting

19 Khomas Challenges Lack of community/corporate world/parental involvement and support. Urban nature of Khomas makes access to communities cumbersome (most people are at work during daytime) Urbanisation places extra burden on the activities of the Task Force. High rate of illiteracy in informal settlements makes successful interventions difficult Cultural and Religious bias as well as some Traditions hampers talking about Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) issues with young people by parents and community members

20 OYHTF Challenges facing young people
High Teenage pregnancies 310 cases recorded in 2016 alone 107 pregnancies in the first trimester, 203 in the second trimester Low participation of men in SRH activities. Insufficient youth friendly facilities (i.e. SRH Clinics, recreational facilities, etc.,).

21 Key Lessons Learnt Self-management/Self-organisation of Task Force Members is crucial for the successful Coordination and Implementation. Constant awareness raising and engaging community members in CSE and SRH (Sexually Reproductive Health) • High level of ownership needed • Self-reliance of all members necessary • Good documentation and monitoring of all activities is key

22 Comments and Questions from the Floor & Other Panellists.

23 Countries Kenya , South Africa, Uganda, Botswana, Tanzania, Malawi, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Democratic Republic Congo, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Namibia, Angola, Swaziland, Burundi, Lesotho, South Sudan Seychelles, Madagascar, Mauritius

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