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Degree Tracking System (DTS) to improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of ODL System – A case study of AIOU Hatib Shabbir, Kamran Mir and Shakeel Ahmed.

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Presentation on theme: "Degree Tracking System (DTS) to improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of ODL System – A case study of AIOU Hatib Shabbir, Kamran Mir and Shakeel Ahmed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Degree Tracking System (DTS) to improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of ODL System – A case study of AIOU Hatib Shabbir, Kamran Mir and Shakeel Ahmed Khan Allama Iqbal Open University, Pakistan KAMRAN MIR IN-CHARGE SOFTWARE SECTION / ASST. SYSTEM PROGRAMMER Presenter: ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD

2 Presentation Outline Self and AIOU Introduction
Introduction to Degree Tracking System Literature Review Objective System Architecture Reports & Analytics Conclusion

3 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
1. Self Introduction Asst. System Programmer at AIOU PhD (Computer Science) Scholar, AIOU MS (Computer Science ), AIOU MS (Remote Sensing & GIS), NUST BS (Computer Science), AIOU

4 1. Self Introduction – Research Areas
Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System 1. Self Introduction – Research Areas Mobile Assessment in ODL SMS (Short Messaging Service) GIS in Distance Education SDSS for ODL Management ICT support in Distance Education 4

5 1. Introduction to AIOU Among the 17 Mega Universities of the World
First Distance Education University in South Asia Among the 17 Mega Universities of the World 1.3 Million students enrollment per annum More than 40 regional campuses nationwide and overseas Education from basic to doctoral level programs More than 2000 courses are offered in each semester

6 AIOU Regional Network

7 2. Introduction to Student Support System
Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System 2. Introduction to Student Support System AIOU providing education to masses 1.3 million students / year 58% belong to rural areas Degree Tracking Services Application received SMS & (By hand and by post) Objection raised SMS & Online tracking facility (by roll number & Tracking Number) Degree issuance SMS & (degree number & dispatch date)

8 2. Sources of Degree Tracking
Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System 2. Sources of Degree Tracking

9 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
3. Literature Review There are six critical e-learning success factors as perceived by students Pedagogical Technological Evaluation Resource support Interface design AND Administrative (Puri, 2012)

10 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
3. Literature Review By merging Open Distance Learning (ODL) methods with modern information technologies like internet and World Wide Web (WWW), might contribute to overcome the challenges faced by ODL systems these days and also help meet the future needs of the students (Ford et al. 1996). Research shows that the two important factors: the graphical user interface (GUI) and the end users expertise and motivation are the key factors to make any software system successful (Reeves 1992). Web based ODL systems are more successful and result oriented than traditional systems (Barker & King 1993). The well planned and managed ODL systems are economically viable than traditional systems (RUMBLE, G. 1997).

11 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
4. Objective “To design and develop an online degree tracking system which will automate the whole manual/semi-automated procedure from degree application to degree issuance”

12 5. System Architecture / Three Tier Model
Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System 5. System Architecture / Three Tier Model Client Tier Middle Tier Data Sources AIOU Staff HESK Opensource Internet Internet REST Student Mobile Network SMS Server

13 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
5. Database E-R

14 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
6. Comparison Old System Dy. Num Objection Dy. Num Objection Degree Issuance Section Step 4 Record Section Step 2 a. Entry Verification Section Step 3 a. Entry b. Dy.Num a. Dy.Num Entry Objection Student step1 Document Submission

15 6. Comparison Current System (DTS)
Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System 6. Comparison Current System (DTS) Degree Issuance Section Step 4 Record Section Step 2 a. Entry Verification Section Step 3 b. Tracking ID Objection (SMS) Objection (SMS) Objection (SMS) Student Step 1 Degree & Registry Num (SMS)

16 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
Record Section Old Practice Each person deals with specific programs. After taking documents from students, they are given to that specific person who has to enter all the data manually. DTS Practice No duplication of data One time entry Assigning the task to relevant person using a centralized system Less work and fast response

17 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
Verification Section Old Practice After entering the data record section prepares the record card of that student on which they enter the courses of that program and forwards the case to the verification section where they verify the result and write numbers of each course on record card and enter the data again into their system. DTS Practice The student record card is prepared automatically if all the programs and courses are saved once and for each degree case verification section don’t have to enter student record again and again.

18 Degree Issuance Section
Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System Degree Issuance Section Old Practice After verification the record is being sent to degree issuance section where they enter the record again with the degree number which they issue along with the postal registry number. Current Practice (DTS) Staff would only enter the degree number and postal registry number which would be notified to the student through and SMS.

19 Observations / Objections:
Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System Observations / Objections: Old Practice During the process if any section has any observation on degree case, the case is sent back to the record section with the observation to be communicated with student. DTS Practice All the observations are present in the system. Respective section just select the observation and the student is notified with it automatically via SMS and

20 Interface for Students
Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System Interface for Students

21 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
Reports and Analytics

22 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
Daily Report

23 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
Monthly Report

24 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
User’s Report

25 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
Category wise Report

26 Design and Development of an Online Degree Tracking System
Conclusion DTS has improved the whole process from degree application to degree issuance This has speed up the whole process due to less data entry work and fast communication with student via SMS and s This will increase the student satisfaction and ultimately increasing Efficiency and Effectiveness of ODL System


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