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Presentation on theme: "CLEANING AND CUTTING OF CAST METAL / FORGE"— Presentation transcript:


2 Purpose Of Inspection Coran :
Looks after grade, quality and the good of product coran must be guaranteed by way of dissociating failing product Emphasis of expense of given the in advance defect product Engineering retouching, according to data gotten from inspection and experiment, so that quality and perfectible making engineering Teknologi dan Rekayasa

3 (Non Destructive Test) Pemeriksaan cacat luar Pemeriksaan cacat dalam
Pemeriksaan Coran NDT (Non Destructive Test) Pemeriksaan cacat luar Pemeriksaan cacat dalam Metallography DT (Destructive TesT) Pengujian sifat mekanik Teknologi dan Rekayasa

4 A. Inspection of External Defect
s invalidism is not at part of core of metal. Often happened at steel that has passed heat treatment process where happened strain in a real height or the happening of orthogonal transformation process of uneven sewer structures ( non qilibrium) Teknologi dan Rekayasa

5 Example Of Inspection of External Defect At Pipe:
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

6 External Inspection With Die Penetrant
Inspection of external defect with die penetrant is way of inspection of easiest defect and quickly, although still require visual accuracy to determine its(the position and invalidism Teknologi dan Rekayasa

7 Element of Material die penetrant
Cleaner Developer Penetrant Teknologi dan Rekayasa

8 Cleaner is functioning cleaner fluid to clean impurity from equiamplitude surface of work substance
Penetrant namely element of fluid having smooth crystal so that if it is sprayed equiamplitude surface of pervasive work substance into car aperture Developer that is forcing fluid releases fluid penetran from within equiamplitude surface car aperture of work substance Teknologi dan Rekayasa

9 Step Of Inspection Die Penetrant
Arranges in layers equiamplitude surface of work substance with fluid penetran, lets it is a few moments that the penetran layer soaks into car aperture. After drought rest of penetran is cleaned with cloth Teknologi dan Rekayasa

10 Step Of Inspection Die Penetrant
Lets it is a few moments. with lighting of ultraviolet [light/ray] Secretory penetran from car aperture would seems to be equiamplitude surface of like shown to drawing 3 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

11 Checks for Internal defects
B. Defect Inspection In Checks for Internal defects Sinar X Spectro magnetic Ultrasonic Teknologi dan Rekayasa

12 Sinar X X-ray called as also [light/ray] rontgen,
Inspection carefully so can show form and position of defect in is including invalidism outside backside or under equiamplitude surface. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

13 Spectro Magnetic In principle usage of this method in defect inspection in is flow force magnetic to get through work substance. This obtainable magnetic Force from metal that is in permanent has magnetic force or magnet which is made with electrical source of power depended form of substance which will be investigated Teknologi dan Rekayasa

14 Mode Of Action Spectro Magnetic
Magnetic field orbit will flow through work substance from direction of pole which at the oposite The magnetic force would always is concentration of in each its(the pole, where is tip of magnetic metal Teknologi dan Rekayasa

15 Happened defect or car in cutting magnet dislocation stress field line would be pole magnetic which is new So if it is spread particle from metal magnetic, hence the particle will gather at division where there is car Teknologi dan Rekayasa

16 Ultrasonic Defect inspection in with Ultra Sonic is processing defect inspection in which more accurate and safe, need to be paid attention that defect inspection with X-ray has dangerous influence causing its(the process is must be done in room isolates to avoid danger of radiation Teknologi dan Rekayasa

17 Inspection Basis Principle In With Utrasonic
Transmits high frequency noise into work substance with director so-called probe This noise will come into work substance ( test piece) so piercing equiamplitude surface wall of work substance is backside [by] Teknologi dan Rekayasa

18 Result will be presented in the form of curve at tube catode
Speed difference of noise from source of noise because pursued by equiamplitude surface of substance worked hence will generate transitter sound wave so-called Transmiter-echo Result will be presented in the form of curve at tube catode Teknologi dan Rekayasa

19 Metallography ialah suatu cara pemeriksaan pada
microstructur dari bahan logam untuk mengetahui keadaan struktur bahan tersebut dalam hubungannya dengan sifat bahan tersebut sebelum atau sesudah proses perlakuan panas Teknologi dan Rekayasa

20 Inspection Steps of Metallography
Draws up specimen from material type which will be investigated its(the Struktur, material enabling cut of the size more or less Ø 20 x 15 mm smoothed down and refined to be finite free of incision ex- chopping Process hereinafter is etching namely abrasion by using chemical solubility as according to material type which will be investigated Teknologi dan Rekayasa

21 Dries specimen with hot weather blowing
Metal cleaning from etch material which has reacted during determined in process of etch Dries specimen with hot weather blowing Metallography-microscope and accessories of pemotret to obtain documentation result of inspection analysis by comparing structural colours at the material composition with standard angle blocks colours Teknologi dan Rekayasa

22 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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