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STATEMENT OF EFA GOAL: 5 Eliminate gender disparities in Primary & Secondary education by 2005, and Achieving gender equality in education by 2015 With.

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Presentation on theme: "STATEMENT OF EFA GOAL: 5 Eliminate gender disparities in Primary & Secondary education by 2005, and Achieving gender equality in education by 2015 With."— Presentation transcript:

1 STATEMENT OF EFA GOAL: 5 Eliminate gender disparities in Primary & Secondary education by 2005, and Achieving gender equality in education by 2015 With a focus on ensuring girls’ full & equal access to & achievement in basic education of good quality.

Policy already drafted. National Action Plan prepared (formulated in year now being revised) (for identified women’s issues, According to international conventions)

3 WHAT IS BEING DONE… National Committee on Women appointed to monitor the action plan. Rights of girl-child, identified as one area in the National action plan.

4 Coordination mechanisms:
WHAT IS BEING DONE… Coordination mechanisms: Education Ministry- identified as a gender focal point by Child development & Women’s empowerment Ministry. Education Ministry identifies Women’s empowerment Ministry as a member of EFA steering committee.

5 WHAT IS BEING DONE… Coordination mechanisms (Contd.)
A gender focal point appointed in every ministry 240 officers already appointed-per AGA division

6 WHAT IS BEING DONE… Legislation:
Security provided through legislation. (Women & children desk at police stations-already 40 established) Domestic violence, bill passed (to safe-guard children from psycho-social trauma)

7 WHAT IS BEING DONE… Resource mobilization:
Funds allocated to grass root level through ESDFP Capacity building programmes: Implemented through MOE, NIE & Provinces

8 KEY ISSUES Gender issues to be addressed:
High drop-out rate for boys at secondary education level. Less participation of girls in technical education field (Only 17% Stereotype courses in tertiary education. High unemployment-rate, among educated girls. (Less job opportunities) Teacher behaviour different towards girls & boys

9 KEY ISSUES… GAPS Gender disaggregated data
Decision makers, less gender sensitive No proper monitoring, related to gender bias issues in the curricula.

10 KEY ISSUES… GAPS…(CONTD.) Adult literacy rate less for women.
(92.5 % general, 89% for women) Less education opportunities for girls due to security reasons.

11 Current Plans Census format is to be revised to include all relevant data that lead to identification of gender related issues. Gender biased sentences & illustrations removed from textbooks.

12 RECOMMENDATIONS Participation of NGOs:
Take assistance of NGOs to collect data. (Human resources & financial resources)

13 RECOMMENDATIONS… Ways to improve EFA coordination, implementation, monitoring and assessment: Active regular participation of members of the EFA National-steering committee. Separate unit should be established at MOE for EFA with technical expertise.

14 Recommendations Indicators have to be developed to measure changes in behaviour qualitatively & quantitatively Identify ways that have to be taken to remove biasness towards gender, from text books Awareness should be created among parents to change their attitudes. Utilize existing survey data to make necessary decisions

15 Support expected from international agencies:
Advisory services Funding Technical Assistance Capacity building

16 Analysis production work plan
Analysis of Gender Related Drop-out Rates at Secondary Level Group: Gender Assessment Tasks Expected Outputs Activities Start-End dates Required resource and expertise inputs/technical support or assistance, cost Responsible Unit/ persons 1. Analysis team organization Analysis Team ·  Identification of member ship & leadership ·  Draft TOR 1st May- 7th May  Technical Team  National Coordinator EFA 2. Define assessment scope and coverage Secondary level drop-outs island- wide (Male & Female) ·  Survey at Educational Divisional Levels (by gender) 2nd week May Technical Team + Experts + Donors  Head of the Team 3. Design of data collection instruments ·  Secondary data ·  Primary data ·  Collection of Secondary data from existing sources ·  Prepare data collection instruments June  Statisticians + Format developers  Team Leader 4. Design of analysis and reports ·  Analytical formats ·  Report Outline ·  Define formats & report outline ·  Design formats & report outline July 1st two weeks Technical Team + Experts 5. Capacity Building Improved instruments Quality outputs Programme awareness ·  Technical awareness on designing ·  Awareness of data collection May - July 6. Data Collection & processing Survey data Database Tables and groups ·  Collecting data from schools ·  Processing data July - October  Divisional Directors / ISAs / Statisticians Divisional Director+ Team Leader 7. Data and policy analysis and report production Analytical reports: Relevant Policies ·  Analyzing data ·  Preparing the report Nove- December Team Leader

17 Group Members Mrs. Wasantha Samaraweera Mrs Priyatha Nanayakkara
Mr. Ranjith Ariyadasa Mrs. Shirani Yatawara

18 Thank You

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