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On Campus Internship Work Plan Creation

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Presentation on theme: "On Campus Internship Work Plan Creation"— Presentation transcript:

1 On Campus Internship Work Plan Creation
Working with a sponsor company to utilize the project definition and deliverables of an On Campus Internship to develop a work plan

2 Have You Created the Engagement Letter?
Have you completed the discussion with the company sponsor about the decisions they will make or the actions they will take following your project? Have you crystalized the project description? Have you created an initial draft of the engagement letter? Has it been reviewed by your Mentor? Have you uploaded it on “My Projects” for review and sent me an letting me know if was uploaded? Have you sent the engagement letter to the company sponsor?

3 What is a Work Plan A listing of the tasks necessary to meet the project description and deliverables in a critical path approach. It is the road map to a successful project What kind of document represent a work plan Task List associated with each deliverable Action Register Gant Chart

4 Developing a Work Plan What does the sponsor already have to support the deliverables? What budget/resources are available to support the team developing the deliverables? What information is required to develop deliverables to make the sponsor’s decision? What level of certainty in the information is required? What critical assumptions can be made without further validation? Therefore what analysis tools will be required?

5 Developing a Work Plan cont.
What data is required to perform the required analysis? Where will you get the data and what is already available from the sponsor? What data can be found from secondary sources? What primary data collection is required? What is your work plan to get primary and secondary data? What is your timeline to gather data, perform analysis, develop conclusions & recommendations and communicate the deliverables? Who will be responsible for each required activity? When will each activity be completed?

6 Task List associated with each deliverable
Deliverables A B C D Analysis plan for Deliverable A 1 2 3 Data plan for Analysis Plan A Analysis plan for Deliverable B Data plan for Analysis Plan B

7 Action Register Action Register Team Organization Responsible Person
Support people Start Date End Date Current Status Completed Date Assign roles Establish meeting times Establish reporting times Project Organization Project Orientation meeting Preliminary deliverables defined Preliminary work plan Initial Engagement Letter Kickoff meeting with sponsor Schedule mid term & final presentation Finalize engagement letter Turn in signed engagement letter Work Plan Data gather plans #1 Data gather plans #2 Data gather plans #3 Analysis Plans #1 Analysis Plans #2 Analysis Plans #3 Mid Term Report Develop report update Prepare presentation Deliver presentation Technical Report Define sections of the report Assign authors to each section Key conclusions and recommendations

8 Gant Chart

9 Develop Your Work Plan Deliverables Manager works with team to identify key deliverables Project manager works with the team to develop the work plan: Task List Action Register Gant Chart Utilize Project Planning Software as needed Excel – forms available in Tools and Templates at “My Projects” @Task online program Harvard Project or Microsoft Project Other systems as the team chooses Upload Work Plan document at “My Projects”

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