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East & Southeast Asia (27.3 & 30.3)

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1 East & Southeast Asia (27.3 & 30.3)
Culture & Lifestyles East & Southeast Asia (27.3 & 30.3)

2 Language Major languages: Lang families:
Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese, Korean Han Chinese Mandarin is official lang., Cantonese 2nd Ideograms instead of letters (stand alone or combination = diff. meaning. ~6,000 for everyday use) *Pitch and tone are impt. Lang families: Malayo-Polynesian, Sino-Tibetan, Mon-Khmer (100s of diff. languages) Blends with migrant/colonizing nations Philippines= Filipino, English, & Spanish Vietnam= Vietnamese, Chinese, French, Eng.

3 Language Japan’s has been more isolated than Korea’s
Ties to Korea & Mong. Both writing systems based on Chinese (kanji- 2,000 for everyday use) Trade also has impact Singapore= Chinese, Tamil, Malay, English English often lang. of business/daily life

4 Religion Buddhism, Christianity, Islam all here
Some also prac. local religion (Shintoism, Shamanism in Japan) Confucianism & Daoism are philosophies practiced like religions Nearly all of world’s religions found here Buddhism & Islam are top Roman Catholic, Hinduism, Confucianism & Daoism as well Vietnam blends rel. together to make their own

5 Religion Religion discouraged by communist govn’ts
Persecute Buddhist monks/lamas Oppression on Buddhist population Exiled Dalai Lama People must worship/ hold on to faiths almost in secret With fall of USSR, Mongolia moved to democracy, now worships freely

6 Religion Confucianism: 551-479 BC
Confucius lived during social upheaval frustrated with govn’t Created social & ethical philosophy All relationships involve defined roles & mutual obligations Valued order, continuity, social cohesion above personal gain Education is key in position in society (wisdom & desire for learning define ideal leaders)

7 Religion Confucianism cont’d Ethical/ Virtue based
Ruler accountable for ppl (drought, war) Loses Mandate of Heaven Respect elders, loyalty to govn’t, keep one’s place in society Inner part: treat each other with love, respect, and consideration for the needs of all

8 Religion Taoism (Daoism): 604-531 BC Founded by Laozi*
means “The Way” Oneness w/ humanity & nature Values simplicity, spontaneity, tranquility Against competition & possession Best govn’t was the least govn’t Yin/Yang: balance of opposing forces yin- feminine, passive, moon, water, clouds yang- masculine, active, sun, fire, dragons

9 Religion Shamanism: Shintoism: (form of Shamanism)
Faith in leaders with powers to heal the sick and speak with spirits Lessened with Confucianism, still practiced in SK, Tibet, N. China Shintoism: (form of Shamanism) Japan’s former state religion Polytheistic, animism (nature spirits- kami) Emphasis on this world, not preparing for after-life Many shrines, collection of rituals to connect human life with nature

10 The Arts Greatly inspired by religions
Wat in Phnom Penh Greatly inspired by religions Communists tried to erase, but was revived Poetry- harmony of humans w/ nature The Tale of Genji (Japan) Haikus (Japan) Adapted from Indian & Chinese styles, and religions See both pagodas and Indian wats Major urban areas too Golden Triangle (KLCC)

11 The Arts Music typically of wind, string, and percussion instruments
Kabuki vs. Noh drama Calligraphy Origami Fine china (dishes) Pagodas- Curved tile roofs shakuhachi

12 The Arts Lacquerware & batik
Time & dedication Arjunavivaha is modified from Mahabarata (fits SE Asia) Legong is dance of Bali to reenact Ramayana Leng Trot= rain dance in Cambodia Kuala Lumpur (KLCC)

13 The Arts Foot binding: 900s to early 1900s
Desire to have small, slender feet Golden Lotus (size), Lotus Gait (style of walk) Many outlawed it (Communists, Manchus) End up being a sore spot b/w Han & Manchu Almost 100% of wealthy had it done (at young age) Can cause infections, gangrene; but some can still walk, work, even dance

14 Living Conditions Late 1900s brought economic recovery
Taiwan, Japan*, S. Korea best off (still have gaps b/w classes) Japan saw downturn in late 90s huge layoffs, bankrupt companies ppl scared to spend bad for housing industry Less focus on job security for wkrs, more on profit China has one lowest GDPs (esp. in rural areas) Deng Xiaoping began allowing free enterprise, foreign investment flooded into SEZs

15 SEZs in China

16 Living Conditions Lots of $ spent on education
Free elementary for most Very high lit. rates in (J, SK, T, & NK) China’s Cult. Rev. slowed growth SK and Taiwan push educ. more than most Singapore’s GDP comparable to US Others are much lower Lit. rates are rising, but vary in each country (Thailand is 95, Laos 57)

17 Living Conditions Life exp. around 70-74
Communist govn’ts pay for health care No longer promised in China (widening gap) Mixture of Western & Eastern meds (herbal, acupuncture) Health care varies widely (Singapore 78, Laos 52) Rapid urban growth (high-rises, housing projects) Still many live in sm. villages longhouses

18 Living Conditions Diet: raise themselves, many spices/sauces added
Curry, coconut milk Chinlon (Myan.), silat (Indo.), kickboxing (Thai.) Lunar New Year’s too Vietnam = Tet Diet: lots of staples (rice, wheat), vegetables, and fish Beef, chicken, dairy just now becoming popular Martial arts, table tennis, gymnastics, swimming (Olympics) Various New Year’s (lunar, not solar)

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