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Legend Springs Student Support Services

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Presentation on theme: "Legend Springs Student Support Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Legend Springs Student Support Services
Curriculum Night Salazar, welcome everyone, find out if we have any new to Legend families. Additional welcome, hope it is beneficial…

2 Welcome, Meet the team! Mrs. Bennett- Special Education Strategist (formerly Intervention Specialist) Dr. Craig- Teacher on Assignment Ms. David-Speech and Language Therapist Ms. DeSimone- Long term substitute Mrs. Hageman- Psychologist Mr. Killman- 2nd/3rd grade Ms. Patel- Occupational Therapist Mrs. Salazar- 4th and 6th grades Mrs. Schulze- 4th/5th/6th grade & READ 180 Ms. Tyler- Kindergarten/1st Tyler-Each of us introduce ourselves, share a brief educational piece (years at Legend, years teaching, etc.) Those not present share when they are on campus, etc. All communication needs, like , are on the website.

3 Team Member Availability
Mrs. Bennett- Special Education Strategist (formerly Intervention Specialist) -Full days Thursday and Friday -Alternating Tuesday Dr. Craig- Teacher on Assignment Full days Tuesday and Thursday Alternating Fridays Mrs. Hageman- Psychologist Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday Killman-Each of us introduce ourselves, share a brief educational piece (years at Legend, years teaching, etc.) Those not present share when they are on campus, etc. Patel on campus two days each week Hageman on campus Monday, Thursday, Friday Lehrman Tuesday, Thursday, every other Wednesday All communication needs, like , are on the website.

4 *Our AMAZING paraprofessionals*
3 Paraprofessionals! Ms. Chloe, Mrs. Jackson, and Mrs. Smith What does a paraprofessional do? Support students with transitioning, guidance on academics, data collection and behavior interventions What does a paraprofessional NOT do? Create lessons, provide direct instruction, create or manage IEPs (Individual Education Plans), FBAs (Funcitional Behavior Assessments), or BIPs (Behavior Intervention Plans) Our Paraprofessionals are amazing support staff and we couldn’t do this without them, but they are not service coordinators. Schulze-Each of us introduce ourselves, share a brief educational piece (years at Legend, years teaching, etc.) Those not present share when they are on campus, etc. Patel on campus two days each week Hageman on campus Monday, Thursday, Friday All communication needs, like , are on the website.

5 Agenda Communication: Program, Goals, Progress
Differentiated Curriculum Classroom Management (Learning Centers) Social/Emotional Support Parent Conferences Community Support/Special Activities Amy-Allow parents to read this themselves (1 minute)

6 Communication: Program, Goals, Progress
-Monthly Blog with posts from team members - /Call service coordinator any time - Meeting/Conference requests - Quarterly progress notes go home with student report cards Salazar -any questions, concerns, questions about curriculum, homework, social/emotional well-being can be sought out through your child’s individual service coordinator - every any concerns with services, goals, general education concerns reach out to your service coordinator for support to schedule a meeting -federal law states IEP goals must be updated quarterly for student growth. Those are sent home in report card folders at the end of every quarter.

7 Differentiated Curriculum Words Their Way Reading Street Schulze- IXL-math and language arts students can work at ability levels not just grade levels- Salazar/Schulze Engage New York general education math with differentiation lessons included within the program- Salazar My sidewalks reading intervention that resembles Reading street, students can work at ability levels- Killman/Tyler Read 180 and Systems 44- Mrs. Schulze Edmark- decoding reading program used as intervention to improve basic reading skills- Clare

8 Social/Emotional Support
-Campus wide Top 20 program - E.Q Ambassadors (Emotional Quotient) -Campus wide SPOT ONs David-Share the video link. 3 minutes, Danna Evans explaining EQ

9 Leisure Lab with Ms. David
Leopard’s Lair is an exclusive new learning opportunity at Legend Springs Elementary School. The group meets once weekly during the recess period for students in the sixth grade*. Making good eye contact that is comfortable for you Practicing ways to initiate a chat with one other person or a small group Taking turns, playing games/competitions fairly and using good sportsmanship Engaging in games and interactive lessons to improve your “social smarts” Cracking the “secret code” of understanding other people’s faces, eye movements, and tones of voice David

10 Classroom Management -Individualized per student
-Intrinsic/extrinsic motivation (tickets, dollars, iPad time) -SPOT ONs -Character Counts -Super Hero Card - Class Dojo (6th grade) / - Behavior Cards (4th/5th) -We also try and follow general education class systems Killman/Tyler

11 October 24th-28th Conferences Schedule:
Availability by Coordinator will be sent out closer to October SalazarConferences are available with all service providers as needed. We can meet with you individually or go to the general education time. Whatever is preferred.

12 Community Support/Special Activities
-Walk for Autism Sunday October 23, 2016 -End of Year Celebration- May Volunteer Training dates (We need you!) August 19 11:00 a.m. August 31 (5:30 p.m.), October 13 (5:30 p.m.) -Any ideas or events around the city, please share with coordinators Salazar Walk for Autism, see Salazar information on link above, also will be posted on website, things throughout the community in various months are also shared out on the website Q&A Forum hard questions things unsure of, etc. End of year celebration- with all of the other school parties through the year we have one at the end to enjoy some refreshments, and spend some time celebrating the successes of the year.

13 Questions? Please keep questions general… *Specific questions about your child, we ask that you please inquire with the service coordinator. KillmanConfidentiality purpose please keep child specific questions between you and your service coordinator. General questions, please feel free

14 Thank You! This presentation will be on our website...
Tyler- Thank you for your time. We are all here for one purpose, to educate and support your children. Thank you for that opportunity.

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