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E – SAFETY Being safe online

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Presentation on theme: "E – SAFETY Being safe online"— Presentation transcript:

1 E – SAFETY Being safe online
Teaching session

2 Learning outcomes Look how we can use digital technology safely by spotting potential dangers and risks online Learn about Cyber-bullying and the consequences of ‘Sexting’ Think of a ‘Safe person’ to talk to, if you have any concerns about your safety online


4 Digital Technology Texting Camera phone Internet Bluetooth / WIFI Applications s Instant Messaging Social media sites Webcam / Skype Facebook SnapChat Instagram Twitter WhatsApp

5 Having fun and being safe online
We must remember that sharing messages, photos, and playing games with our friends online is not always fun. People can seem or act like your ‘friends’ and then turn out to be strangers, or someone trying to hurt you We need to have a ‘Safe person’ that we can go to, if we feel worried or uncomfortable about anything. Q: Who would be your safe person?

6 Pick 5 people you would go to with your worries
Safe Person Activity Pick 5 people you would go to with your worries

7 Risks and Dangers Online
People may ‘Add’ or ‘Request’ to be your friend on Facebook or Instagram If you feel uncomfortable about someone, you DO NOT have to accept their friend request Only share information or photos with your ‘REAL’ friends or family You can change ‘Privacy’ settings to only share things with your friends & family You may have ‘Mutual friends’, but that doesn’t mean that they are your friends too!

8 Risks and Dangers Online
The internet is full of photos and videos which are aimed for adults only. You may come across images or video clips which make you feel uncomfortable or worried. People may also try to show you these types of images or make you act out certain things through webcam or video Lets meet Alex and Sam Click on the picture below

9 Risks and Dangers Online
Some people might ask you to share photos on private forums or in messages. This might make you feel uncomfortable and unsafe. They might be one of your friends or someone from your family. DELETE or UNFRIEND REMEMBER - Tell someone if this happens

10 Risks and Dangers Online
PRIVACY SETTINGS If some one is trying to contact you on Face book and you feel worried or uncomfortable with it, you can go to PRIVACY SETTINGS BLOCKING – and block them from contacting you or seeing your profile information.

11 Risks and Dangers Online
Think who can see your posts, before you post! Make sure you only share with friends/family

12 Risks and Dangers Online
Some People may try and get you to send photos or get involved with ‘Sexting’ “You are gorgeous” They may seem friendly and harmless at first, and it might feel nice to have lots of attention from them. “Oh go on, one photo won’t hurt will it?...” “Send me a picture of your bra” “Everyone’s doing it” “It can be our little secret” “I promise I wont show anyone else” People may start to turn nasty if you say NO to sending photos or videos you feel uncomfortable sending to them. They may even send threats or blackmail you if you don’t do what they ask It is important not to panic, tell an adult or your safe person

13 Risks and Dangers Online
Some people may act like they are your friends They might ask questions to get your personal information. They may even pretend to like the same things you like. It is really important not to share your personal details with anyone you don’t know. Personal Information

What is Cyber Bullying? Cyber-bullying - is bullying behaviour which happens on online Cyber-bullying can include: Spreading untrue rumours about someone, Harassing people online, Sharing nasty or embarrassing images or videos of them. Q: HOW WOULD THIS MAKE YOU FEEL? Sad Alone Isolated Excluded Embarrassed Depressed Unhappy Humiliated Worthless Low

15 Cyber Bullying TELL SOMEONE!

DO’s DON’T’s Make sure you tell an Adult if you feel worried or uncomfortable about anything Don’t share any personal information about you, your family or anyone else Trust your feelings, if someone or something doesn’t seem right, it’s probably not! Get involved with cyber-bullying games – they can have serious consequences Change your privacy settings, make sure you share things with friends and family only Share photos that make you feel uncomfortable or that you wouldn’t want anyone to see Think before you share things, even if they seem like they are your friends Feel pressured to give information, or share photos, even if people threaten you Have fun and use internet safely Sit there in silence, speak up if something is wrong

17 We can help stop Cyber-bullying by telling an Adult
Learning outcomes We can all enjoy being online, but know how to spot the dangers We can help stop Cyber-bullying by telling an Adult If you don't feel comfortable with something or someone, Delete, Block and Report them to an adult! Remember - ‘Privacy’ settings on social media sites can be changed you can share things with just friends or family. No one should be asking you to send photos, especially if they make you feel uncomfortable Don’t give your personal details or your friends details to anyone you do not know or trust!

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