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Presentation on theme: "IV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS UAIPIT 2012"— Presentation transcript:

Three proposals of IP & IT information in Internet: EPO IP Calendar, UAIPIT and Technology Transfer Office of the University of Alicante Iván Rodríguez Roselló - UA TTO

2 Universities have 3 missions:
Research. Academia: Training – Courses Technology Transfer

3 Management Research Service and
Who is the person responsible of the transfer (to companies) in Universities? Researchers. Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs). SGITT-OTRI Management Research Service and Technology Transfer

4 Very interesting but, where is IP here?
University Researchers Professors Results Knowledge IP Tech Transfer Companies / 3rd Parties Spin Out Articles Software PhD Thesis Books Databases Research Results Etc.

5 Knowledge and IP is the core of the process:
IP&K Info Technology Portfolio Patent Information Patent “Training” Technology Info R&D Results Patent Strategy “Clients” Internal: Researchers, Professors External: Companies, 3rd Parties

6 What kind of information we give:
Internal: Researchers, Professors IP Protection Promotion Basic Concepts on IP Protection Patent Protection Management Technology Offer Drafting External: Companies, 3rd Parties Technology Portfolio Patent Information Collaboration with University possibilities Assessment IP TT Office Promo IP

7 OTRI OGPI GI TTO Structure SGITT-OTRI - Relationship with companies
- Contracts and agreements - IP Management - Creation TBCs - Scientific Communication - VTTO - SEIMED OGPI - R&D&I International Projects - International Projects of University Management GI - R&D Public Projects and Grants - Economic Management of the Research - R&D&I Information System TTO Structure

8 Our “Intellectual” Material:
200 Research Groups. 15 University Institutes. 262 Research Projects with public Institutions. 462 Research Projects with the Industry. 62 Doctoral Thesis. 539 Articles published in different journals. 100 Books published More than 100 patents in our technology portfolio

9 TRANSFER ACTION PLAN Technology Map - Technology Offers TOs Technology Promotion Plan. Technological Diagnosis. Search of Public Funding– Complete Management Projects

10 Technology Offer / Technology Map
Interviews / Visits to Research Groups Matching capacities and/or outcomes with Industry Sectors /Science Areas Elaboration of Technology Map

11 Search engine

12 Information about the Research Group:
WEB Available Infrastructures Contact Research Annual Reports Researchers Research Output Lines of Research Classification UNESCO Capacities – Offers Classification CNAE Outcomes – Offers Projects

13 Technology Map / Technology Offer

14 Technology Offer: (OT Spanish / English)

15 Technology Offer: (OT Spanish / English)
Title Summary Innovative Aspects Technical Description Current State of Development IP Rights Application Markets Cooperation Sought

16 patented technologies
Technology Portfolio: (TOs Spanish / English) Collection of products, services or processes developed by the researchers of the University of Alicante. Most of his technology offers are patented technologies Application Sectors: Food and agriculture and Fishing Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics and Ophtalmology Water Resources Biodiversity and landscape Informatics, Lenguage and Communication Chemical Technologies Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Engineering, Robotics and Automatic control Textile Shoe industry Toys Transport and Automotive Construction and Architecture Wood furniture Stone and Marble Pollution and Environmental Impact Material marine Studies  Geological geophysical Studies Medicine and Health

17 Objectives: Technology Transfer
Cooperative R&D: (It can lead to a patent) Licenses Spin Off (Includes licensing to the new company)

18 Objective: Time VS Costs!!
ES EP Validation M30/31 PCT App Exam Pub. App Nat Phases

19 Technology Promotion Tools
Technology Transfer Platforms & Marketplaces Active Promotion Dipinnova Brokerage Events SEIMED – EEN Network Fairs Innoget, Yet2, … Direct Contacts Ninesigma Multipliers (Chambers of Commerce, City council, LDAs) Etc. UA Symposiums Technology Brokers

20 Technology Promotion Tools

21 Technology Promotion Tools
Own Dissemination Tools Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIN University Website DVD / Video Press Releases Research Search Engine Technology Portfolio TTO

22 Technological Diagnosis
Visits to Companies. Objective: Finding needs / technological demands. Carried out by members of the TTO, sometimes with Researchers. In cooperation with entities like Chambers of Commerce, City Councils, Devolment Agencies, etc.

23 Tech Transfer Strategy
In case we find a partner… Assessment IP TT Office Promo IP More TT Activities Tech Transfer Strategy Negotiation / Spin Off Agreement Drafting Revenue Management IP Info

24 Intellectual and Industry
Transfer Model KNOWLEDGE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER INNOVATION Spin-off Technology Based Companies Research Groups University Institutes SGITT-OTRI Intellectual and Industry Property Office Research Technical Services Joint Units Laboratories R&D&i Contact with the company area Innovation Unit

25 University Institutes
Know How – R&D TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Private Projects / Art. 83 Funded Public Projects Research Groups University Institutes SGITT-OTRI Research Technical Services SSTTI Connection University-Company Marketing UA Companies

26 Thank you!! Iván Rodríguez Roselló
SGITT-OTRI- Servicio de Gestión de la Investigación y la Transferencia de la Tecnología Universidad de Alicante Telefono:


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