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Deborah Jiang Kristy S. Hwang Yvette Bordelon Liana G. Apostolova

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1 Deborah Jiang Kristy S. Hwang Yvette Bordelon Liana G. Apostolova
Cortical Atrophy and Gene Expression in Parkinson’s Disease with Mild Cognitive Impairment American Geriatrics Society 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting Deborah Jiang Kristy S. Hwang Yvette Bordelon Liana G. Apostolova

2 Disclosures This research was funded by the
Medical Student Training in Aging Research Program (MSTAR) National Institute on Aging (T35AG026736, R01 AG040770, P50 AG16570) John A. Hartford Foundation MetLife Foundation Lillian R. Gleitsman Foundation Lincy Foundation Easton Consortium for Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery and Biomarker Development

3 Parkinson’s Disease One million cases US Four million worldwide
Increasing incidence with age Majority idiopathic Familial cases, disease-associated genes Clinical scales vs. biomarkers

4 Parkinson’s Disease Neurodegenerative disease Substantia nigra
Lewy bodies with alpha-synuclein accumulation Motor symptoms Cognitive decline common non-motor change

5 Background 6-fold increased risk for developing dementia (PDD) relative to elderly controls Significant gray matter atrophy found in PDD Mild cognitive impairment (PDMCI) as transition stage

6 Objective To compare cortical atrophy in PDCN (PD cognitively normal) and PDMCI groups Exploratory analysis of association of peripheral blood gene expression with cortical atrophy

7 Study Design Longitudinal project Final enrollment 40
Currently enrolled 22 Preliminary analysis Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease CN OR MCI defined by Petersen criteria No evidence of general medical condition that may influence cognitive performance

8 Image Processing Coronal Fl3D T1 MPRAGE: TR 28, TE 4.5, FOV 22 cm, matrix 256x192, slice/gap 1.5/0 mm Linear registration and scaling of the individual MRI scans to the ICBM 53 template using a 9 parameter linear transformation Image nonuniformity correction using regularized tricubic B spline approach

9 Cortical Image Processing
Alignment to ICBM53 space Skullstripping

10 Cortical Image Processing
3D hemispheric reconstruction and sulci tracing Cortical flattening, sulcal averaging, cortical warping

11 Cortical Image Processing
3D parametric mesh hemispheric model Mapping cortical thickness values to 3D mesh models

12 Gene Expression Peripheral blood RNA extracted with Paxgene tubes
Amplified, labeled, and hybridized onto Illumina Human RefSeq-8 BeadChip arrays, querying the expression of ~22,000 RefSeq curated transcripts followed by quality control, and quantile normalization with R and Bioconductor packages 29 selected genes

13 Statistical Analysis Used linear regression to investigate in 3D
Cortical thickness between PDCN and PDMCI groups Association between cortical thickness and peripheral blood gene expression levels Further correction for multiple comparison was done with permutation testing at a threshold of p<0.01

14 Demographics Data Variable (SD) PDCN n=5 PDMCI N=17
p-value, chi2, ANOVA Age, yr 75.4 (6.6) 71.5 (8.6) 0.37 Gender, M:F 2:3 11:6 0.44 Education, yr 17.4 (0.9) 16.6 (2.4) 0.32 MMSE 27.4 (3.4) 27.4 (2.5) 0.99

15 Results

16 Results Significant Not significant
Atrophy of left entorhinal cortex in PDMCI Memory-related PDMCI symptoms Not significant PDMCI atrophy in occipital lobes bilaterally Right frontal area Match deficits in visual processing and executive functions

17 Results

18 Summary FOXL1 mRNA levels correlated with GREATER cortical thickness (p=0.021 R) Transcription factor Role in regulating Wnt/β-catenin pathway OXER1 levels correlated with DECREASED cortical thickness (p= L, p= R) Oxoeicosanoid receptor Role in inflammatory signaling pathways

19 Future Rerun statistical analysis as enrollment continues
Once enrollment completed, look at longitudinal changes in cortical atrophy and gene expression Include additional genes to current 29

20 Acknowledgements Dr. Liana Apostolova Kristy Hwang
MSTAR program at UCLA Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research

21 Deborah Jiang
Contact Deborah Jiang

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