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East Rockingham High School Update

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1 East Rockingham High School Update

2 Anticipated Student Numbers for 2010-2011
Class of 2014 (Freshmen) Class of 2013 (Soph) Class of 2012 (Juniors) Class of 2011 (Seniors) 167 191 163 154 Total Students: 675 However, with the option for seniors to grandfather, our first year numbers will most likely range between students. The school year will bring us up to student range.

3 ERHS Staffing Bi-monthly meetings on Wednesdays at Spotswood (3:30-4:30) with Dr. Guynn, Dr. Muraskin, and Mr. Baylor Personal approach (communication/message) Staffing plans based on: Student enrollment (January 4 – Decisions are due) Course registration results Intent form process Interview Window

4 Projected Staffing: 33.22 FTE’s to be employed
Principal Assistant Principal 1.00 Activities Director 1.00 Athletic Trainer Guidance Art Teacher School Nurse (RN) 1.00 Content Area Teacher 9.00 Alternative Ed teachers 0.54 Band Teacher Chorus French Teacher ICT Teacher Technology Ed Teacher 1.00 Agriculture Ed Teacher 0.80 Bus Drivers Bookkeeper HS SIS Clerk Secretaries Custodians Maintenance Staff 2.00

5 Intent Form Process and Schedule
High and Middle School Faculty Meetings to occur in late November 2009 Intent forms to be distributed mid-December 2009 (ERHS Administration to be named in early-January) Intent forms to HR Office by mid-January 2010 Development and distribution of “Intent Form Summary of Requests” to principals by late-January 2010 Interviews begin early-February 2010

6 Interview Schedule (Staff Recommendation Timeline)
By December 31, 2009: Assistant Principals (1 or 2) By January 31, 2010: Athletic Director Librarian By February 28, 2010: Bookkeeper By March 31, 2010: Athletic Trainer Content Area Teachers Guidance Counselors Agriculture Education Teacher Alternative Education Teachers Art Teacher Band Teacher Business Education Teacher Choral Teacher ELL Teacher FACS Teacher March 31, 2010 (continued) Foreign Language Teachers Health/P.E. Teacher ICT Teacher Marketing Teacher School Nurse RN Special Education Teachers Speech Language Pathologist Student Assistance Counselor Technology Education Teachers HS SIS Clerk Head Custodian Coaches By May 31, 2010: Custodial Staff Secretaries By June 30, 2010: Special Education Teacher Assistants By July 31, 2010: Bus Drivers

7 Construction Outdoor Improvements
Bus loop is separate from parent/student driveway

8 Construction Outdoor Improvements
Track and field facility was engineered for safety and convenience 3500-seat outdoor stadium

9 Construction Outdoor Improvements
Downstairs art rooms and biology lab allow for outdoor access

10 Construction Indoor Facility 1200 Student Capability
650 Seat Auditorium 212,812 square feet

11 Construction Indoor Facility 1500 Seat Gymnasium 83 Classrooms

12 Architect’s Rendition


14 ERHS Course Offerings Academic course offerings will be the same as all RCPS high schools Offerings include required and elective courses Art, music, career and technical courses, physical education, special education, foreign languages, etc. will be offered Student registration of classes determines total offerings Based on enrollment, RCPS can offer: Virtual classes Video conferencing Teachers teaching ODD days at one school and EVEN at another Massanutten Regional Governor’s School, Massanutten Technical Center and Dayton Learning Center will be options The Program of Studies can be found online at the RCPS website

15 Textbooks/Teacher Materials
Most textbooks will be supplied from present SHS inventory Limited amount of additional teacher and student textbooks will be purchased Funding is provided through the textbook budget

16 Library An “OPENING DAY COLLECTION of BOOKS” of fiction, non-fiction and reference books will supply the East Rockingham High School Library The cost of this library will be approximately $200,000

17 East Rockingham High School Non-Personnel Costs
Technology $29,000 $548,000 Fine Arts $89,000 Instruction $49,000 $356,500 Athletics/Band $565,000 $150,000 Library $200,000 Buses $240,000 Administration $50,000 $5,000 Total $893,000 $1,328,500 Grand Total $2,281,500.00

18 Technology The school will have 321 computers placed in 76 classrooms, offices, the library, and 7 computer labs High speed connection to the internet shared with River Bend Elementary School Each classroom will have a Smartboard, document camera and DVD/VHS player which play through the ceiling mounted projector The press box has a connection to the ERHS computer network

19 School Transportation
Middle/High Schools students will travel together Anticipate all buses in the ERHS attendance area presently serving Spotswood will serve ERHS Three new buses are planned to be added to the ERHS fleet Massanutten Regional Governor’s School transportation will begin at ERHS, proceed to Spotswood, then proceed to Governor’s School The Massanutten Technical Center will begin at ERHS, proceed to Spotswood then on to MTC

20 Special Education Special education services will be provided to identified students as in all RCPS schools Present projections include: - 3 programs for students with Learning Disabilities - 1 program for students with Emotional Disabilities - 1 possible program for students with Intellectual Disabilities Related services will be available as needed

21 ERHS-SHS Transition August: September:
Initial meeting & collaboration plan Mr. Baylor and Dr. Muraskin address SHS faculty September: Bi-monthly meetings began from 3:30-4:30 pm at SHS to answer questions WordPress Blog posted on-line Dr. Guynn joined bi-monthly meetings at Spotswood to discuss personnel Senior declaration deadline is announced for January 4, 2010 SHS-ERHS suggestion box placed in SHS large commons

22 ERHS-SHS Transition October: November:
Bi-monthly meetings continued regarding personnel issues November: Meeting with future ERHS parents at SHS. Meeting with ERHS rising seniors School Board Presentation Meeting with high school and middle school faculties to discuss personnel issues Registration for SHS & ERHS begins at SHS

23 ERHS-SHS Transition Mid December: Staff Intent letters sent out from Central Office Mid December: Rising seniors given an opportunity to tour ERHS January 4: Deadline for ERHS Seniors to declare preference for Mid January: Intent letters back to Central Office January - March: Interview Staff February 28: Student Registration Ends August 2010: School Starts Aug. 27th

24 Together: We make a difference

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