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Asset Management Plans

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1 Asset Management Plans
IHEA Professional Development Day – 19 May 2017 Warren Corlett, FIEAust CPEng Manager, Asset Management Department of Health and Human Services

2 Asset management plans - context
Government Vision Service Strategy Asset Strategy Asset Management Plan 50+ year vision shaping Departmental/ portfolio objectives 10+ year service directions 10 + year asset and non-asset solutions 3-5 year rolling service delivery and reporting needs scenarios decisions actions

3 Medical equipment asset management framework
Victorian Department of Treasury & Finance Department of Health & Human Services - MEAMF Asset management lifecycle

4 Basic asset management plans (BAMPs)
common basis and consistent means for dialogue between health service and the department on replacement qualification, prioritisation, criticality and timing provision of BAMPs is a performance reporting requirement need to demonstrate financial and asset accountability including investment against asset management plans asset registers continue to be important for health service basic asset management plan information

5 BAMPs & specific-purpose capital grants
Plans are: essential for whole-of-life planning & management all replacements made under a grant is to be in-scope and consistent with health service asset management plans in: health service identified individual allocations highest critical risk items prioritisations service delivery optimisation, rationalisation or changes using innovation any grant funding set aside must also be in-line with lodged plans grant expenditure is to be reported against lodged plans at financial year end

6 Plan development and asset management maturity
degree of understanding third + generation plan consistently gaining best value second generation plan making better decisions on assets first generation plan getting the basics right time & experience

7 Development progression aspirations
Excellent Clear direction with agreed scenarios on replacements Corporately driven/monitored & whole-of service integrated Competent Evidence-based view of where health service plans to go Structure strategically & corporately driven Understand Refined view on where health service wants to go forming, structure starting to be strategically driven Aware Shared view on direction forming Strategy starting to emerge, plan comprehensive & cohesive Unaware No substantive direction No well structured strategy driving asset planning for replacements

8 Continuous improvement
progression Excellent Competent Understand Aware Unaware degree of difficulty

9 What integrity, confidence and transparency is demonstrated?
Higher confidence more effort improve & better apply evidence tools Excellent tight governance plan, implementation & measurement effective Competent planning capability evident More certainty Understand Less certainty react to requests Aware placate department Unaware Lower confidence

10 Asset management – where are your BAMPs
Best Practice Asset Management Excellent decision-support at all organisational levels overlay less easily quantified criteria simulation & sensitivity-testing of future strategies increased reliance on knowledge elements Competent management of the data resource as an asset Improved Asset Management planning horizon extends to 3-5 years asset condition & risk major decision-making inputs Understand asset performance incorporated into decision-making known & acceptable quality of data inputs corporate governed asset lifecycle decisions emphasis on data integration and robust information Aware Basic Asset Management short or no planning horizon few criteria used to support decisions (often proxy variables) Unaware data used often incomplete or of unknown quality = low confidence data not information used as inputs to decision-making

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