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Co-Instructors: Dr. Sapna Cheryan and Dr. Joyce Yen

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1 PEERs Seminar: Leadership Development to Promote Equity in Engineering Relationships
Co-Instructors: Dr. Sapna Cheryan and Dr. Joyce Yen Teaching Assistants: Coleen Carrigan and Benjamin Drury

2 What is ? 2008 Grant from the National Science Foundation. NSF Program called I-Cubed: Innovation through Institutional Integration Project Goal: Improve the experiences of underrepresented undergraduate students in the College of Engineering, resulting in increased participation of women, minorities, and people with disabilities in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Created PEERs: Promoting Equity in Engineering Relationships A Program for-students, by students

3 Week 1 Outline PEERs Grant Overview Class Overview and Syllabus Review
Group Activity on Diversity and Engineering

4 Class Overview Different from standard engineering class
Explore issues that you discuss with your friends Active and engaging class time Mix of classroom activities Discussion Online demos Videos Presentations Panels

5 What will YOU gain from PEERS?
Communication skills Leadership skills Unique perspective on diversity in engineering New peer group outside of your primary discipline Exposure to cutting edge research relevant to your personal and academic life Opportunity to interact with faculty and CoE leaders

6 I3 Program Partners at UW
Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and Technology (DO-IT) ADVANCE Center for Institutional Change Northwest Engineering Talent Expansion Program (NW-ETEP) Center for Engineering Learning and Teaching (CELT)

7 PEERs Interventions 3 Student-Center Interventions
Peer-to-peer workforce of students One-credit seminar Presentations and panel discussions 5 Engineering Interventions Capacity-Building Institute Campus-climate survey Education of faculty and department chairs Education of staff of existing diversity programs Community of Practice (let us know if you want to opt into this listserv)

8 Student-Centered Interventions
Identify and develop a cadre of students leaders who will help us improve CoE and engage peers and professors to create positive change toward a more inclusive engineering environment.  Provide student leaders with information and resources to make the case for and initiate progress toward a more inclusive engineering environment Students who complete the PEERs seminar will be eligible to apply for paid internships as PEERs Leaders

9 PEERs Seminar Goals Explore implicit and explicit barriers to creating a welcoming climate for all in engineering and identify strategies to reduce and remove barriers Examine how diversity fits into and benefits engineering Develop materials to educate others (students, faculty, and staff) about lessons from this class Explore how leaders make a difference and how to be a leader with respect to PEERs goals Develop yourself as citizen engineers and critical thinkers

10 Round of Introductions
Name Department Why does this course interest you?

11 Class Assignments and Structure
Class time will be a mixture of lecture, small group activities, discussion, and guest speakers Weekly Work Minute paper (in class) to reflect on next week’s topic Readings Weekly assignments to be submitted on Catalyst by 11:59 pm Wednesday before class Expert Jigsaw Model Become resident expert on a topic and will teach home group about the topic

12 Final Group Project 10 minute group presentation aimed at student audience (your peers) Reviews insights from the seminar and strategies and arguments you would make to others for creating a more inclusive environment in engineering Must include 2 of the 3 expert jigsaw topics Consolidate class material into something that will live beyond this class Demonstrates what you’ve learned Chance to put YOUR perspective on these topics

13 Final Presentations Open to the public
Scheduled Time: Friday, December 18, 2:30 – 4:20 pm Will change time only if ALL students can attend alternate time Other possible options 11 am – 1 pm on 12/11 3 – 5 pm on 12/11 10 – 12 am on 12/14 3-5 pm on 12 /15 Complete sign up sheet with your availability

14 Class Expectations Peer evaluation of participation in and contributions to small group work chance to get feedback on your leadership, group work, and presentation skills Chance to practice your feedback giving skills Compile and distribute individual evaluation (cut and paste) Completion of Assignments (most via Catalyst) Participation in large group discussions and activities Bring your perspective to the conversation Bring an open, non-judgmental mind to the discussions

15 Weekly WebQ Summarize the reading by highlighting what you think would be useful for others to know the week’s reading. How do/don’t this week’s readings relate to your life and your experiences? What surprised you or was unexpected about the readings? Optional: Submit a discussion question

16 Discussion Ground Rules
What are ground rules? what we, as individuals, need to ensure a safe environment to discuss difficult and controversial issues Discussion Ground Rules Listen actively -- respect others when they are talking Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing ("I" instead of "they," "we," and "you") Participate to the fullest of your ability -- community growth depends on the inclusion of every individual voice Help self and peers to become more self-reflective CONFIDENTIALITY What other ground rules should we have? Ground rules – related to meta-cognition Expect people to ask about where questions come from. When inquire why a question is asked, looking for where the perspectives come from (e.g. movies, tv, internet, personal experiences, etc.) What experiences gave rise to this perspective or this question about someone else’s remarks. What is the origin of a statement? Listen actively -- respect others when they are talking. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing ("I" instead of "they," "we," and "you"). Practice timely attendance. Do not be afraid to respectfully challenge one another by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks -- focus on ideas. Participate to the fullest of your ability -- community growth depends on the inclusion of every individual voice. Instead of invalidating somebody else's story with your own spin on their experience, share your own story and experience. The goal is not to agree -- it is about hearing and exploring divergent perspectives. Be conscious of body language and nonverbal responses -- they can be as disrespectful as words. From (google search) GROUND RULES FOR CONTROVERSIAL DISCUSSION Allow others to question your position. Use the discussion as a “learning” time. Keep your mouth shut. Listen. Have a sincere interest in what the other is saying. Respect each others’ opinion: Realize that others will have different realities; ask questions to demonstrate you’re open/receptive. Avoid sarcasm. Body language: not rolling eyes, crossing arms. Admit that you’re getting defensive. Maintain eye contact. Nod that you’re tracking what’s being said. Avoid personalizing the attack. Research the topic further. Speak in the first person. Stick to the subject. Realize you’re only a small part of the world. HOW TO HOLD A FRUITLESS DISCUSSION Dominating the discussion. Not listening: thinking about your comeback, looking around, changing the subject. Avoiding “black and white” dichotomy. Getting off track. Losing eye contact, receptive body language. Stereotyping. Interrupting. Changing voice or tone. Waiting so you can say something back. (Or interrupting, arguing, becoming defensive/angry.) Avoiding “sound bites” / clichés – ideas that have been tossed around a lot. Speaking in slang/using obscenities/dismissing (“whatever”..) Be willing to disclose personal experiences related to racism, classism, sexism, and homophobia Honor confidentiality of personal disclosures Allow for awkward and embarrassing comments and experiences No covert or overt put-downs Encourage open discussion, but will not tolerate harmful language Intention versus consequences Learn to sit with ambiguity

17 Group Activity Individually: Take 2 minutes to answer the question on your handout Group: (6 minutes) Assemble with others with the same color handout as you Discuss and share your responses to the handout question Record responses (person with the birthday closest to today’s date records) Report out: 2 minutes per group (person with birthday farthest from today’s date reports out) Argue for diversity in engineering. How does engineering benefit from diversity? Argue against diversity in engineering. Why would some people resist efforts to diversify engineering? Approximately 15 minute activity

18 Diversity in Engineering
Your responses to arguments for diversity Your responses to arguments against diversity Arguments against diversity From Telling Stories about Engineering: Group Dynamics and Resistance to Diversity “Why is it necessary to permit entry to these ‘others’? If they belonged here wit us, wouldn’t they be here already?” Diversity as a threat – threat to the integrity of the group Circling the wagons Us-versus-them mentality Idealize the group as it is, not as it might be in some point in the future “We don’t have a special lounge (or program or scholarship) for whites (or men), so why should they get one?” (These group members are unable to see how all of the institutional structures and spaces they occupy are already their own – this is invisible and unremarkable to them as the air they breathe. They are unable to see how those structures and spaces exclude and disadvantage out-group members, because they themselves are so very comfortable and welcome within them. Response to “why special programs for women” should be that women and URM men do not need special help to be good engineers, but they do benefit from assistance in dealing with engineering culture. Thus the special programs are not for them so much as they are for engineering.

19 Minute Paper How diverse do you find the fields of engineering? What patterns have you noticed, and what, if anything, do you think could be improved?

20 Week 2 assignments Potential discussion ground rule via Catalyst WebQ
Optional Can be done at any time Venue for addressing issues that arise Readings Summarize readings via Catalyst WebQ survey (see syllabus or class website for link)

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