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Primary Alliance for Learning

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1 Primary Alliance for Learning
Greater Manchester Bright Futures SCITT Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) Primary Alliance for Learning

2 Importance of Early Years Education...
Brain development Early Intervention Proven links to earnings, health and crime Investment, not cost to system Brain development is most rapid in the early years of life. When the quality of stimulation, support and nurturance is deficient, child development is seriously affected. Children who receive assistance in their early years achieve more success at school. As adults they have higher employment and earnings, better health, and lower levels of welfare dependence and crime rates than those who don’t have these early opportunities. Efforts to improve early child development are an investment, not a cost. Available cost-benefit ratios of early intervention indicate that for every dollar spent on improving early child development, returns can be on average 4 to 5 times the amount invested, and in some cases, much higher. Source UNICEF

3 Differences and benefits compared to the Primary Education course
Work in nursery and reception Become highly specialised and remain in your area of expertise Management opportunities in PVI settings Tuition fees of up to £7k paid Higher bursaries than primary education courses Differences Specialist education of 0-5 only Different pay and conditions to QTS holders due to different demands (e.g many nurseries are open throughout school holidays) Not through UCAS- apply directly to us Early Years Teachers salary, according to the National Careers Service typically start at £18-23k. The working hours are different to a school with opening hours being longer so your working day can be early or late depending on shifts- this will be made clear on job adverts. Nursery World is a website that advertises many vacancies nationally so it a useful reference point to look at the sort of career opportunities out there. Just by having a quick scan through nursery manager vacancies, the average salary in the north west is around £30,000. As chains are becoming increasingly common, there are more and more area managers, and successful PVI owners can create a very lucrative business model. Whilst pay and conditions initially aren’t as good as Primary and Secondary QTS jobs, equally the potential for private enterprise and business ownership is possible in Early Years education.

4 Routes to EYTS Graduate Entry (GE) Graduate Employment Based (GEB)
Time 1 year full-time Experience You do not need to be currently working in Early Years Programme Two main placements in our partnership settings with regular training sessions Finance Eligible for bursary of up to £5000 Time 1 year part-time Experience You do need to be currently working in Early Years Programme 10 taught sessions, with majority of training ‘on the job’ Finance Employer and setting must be approved by the SCITT as there are strict requirements. They will receive £7000 to train you The differences between the two routes are basically dependant upon your current circumstances. Graduate Employment Based is for if you are a graduate employed in a nursery so you can continue to be employed as you train. Your employer will be granted a £7000 contribution and you will need to be released for training sessions. As you are an experienced Early Years practitioner already then there are fewer training sessions. The graduate entry route is for if you are new to Early Years, the only experience we need you to have is enough so you understand fully what you are getting involved with and you have developed a passion and enthusiasm for educating that age range. As this is a full time training course, you are not paid a salary- you will have more training sessions and enjoy different placements to build the breadth and depth of your knowledge. You may be eligible for a bursary of up to £5k depending upon your degree classification. Both routes have £7000 tuition fees which are paid by the government. Both routes are assessed to the same standard through a portfolio of evidence and observations.

5 How to apply Contact: for an electronic application form. There is no deadline as it is a rolling process however once the course is full, no more applications will be accepted. See guidance notes with the application form for further information- you can always phone us to ask as well. EYTS is not available on UCAS- it may be in the future however for now, all applications are made directly to providers

6 The selection process If your application meets our selection criteria you will be invited to an interview. The interview day will consist of a variety of tasks, including a formal interview that will give you the opportunity to demonstrate how you meet the criteria

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