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Sustainable development Smallholder Farmers Fight

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1 Sustainable development Smallholder Farmers Fight
Growing Trees Outside Forest towards Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Smallholder Farmers Fight Climate Change

2 What is TIST ? TIST – Sustainable Green Program, created to connect subsistence farmers with global carbon markets, to create a new ‘Virtual Cash Crop’ and help reverse deforestation, degradation, drought and famine Two components of TIST Sustainable Development GhG Over 80,000 farmers doing carbon sequesteration and sustainable development activities TIST 4 countries so far – Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, India Proven success in Restoring Landscapes, Conserving Biodiversity, and Climate Change Adaptation Mitigation Expansion through GhG Credit

3 Reforestation Transforming the dry landscape back to forest.
Planting multiple species of indigenous trees species 80,909 subsistence farmers of 11,757 Small Groups have planted over 17 million trees in 17 years. The TIST trees covers several thousands hectares of land in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and India Indigenous tree species provide home for other smaller flora and fauna species to thrive together, island of biodiversity is developed

4 Conservation Farming (Resource saving agriculture)
Along with growing trees, TIST also trains and encourages the farmers to do conservation farming. TIST helps the Small Groups to identify the best inter-cropping according to the species of trees Trees and conservative farming reduces erosion, stabilizing and enriching the soil, and providing shade, they provide other benefits including edible fruits and nuts, medicines, windbreaks, firewood, and timber. These are good practice towards Global Warming Mitigation and Adaptation.

5 TIST Community Development : Small Groups
TIST Small Groups have 6 to 12 members that are from 2 to 6 different families Small Groups meet with their members once every week All Small Groups of a village meet under one roof (or tree) once in every month Empowerment: Small Groups choose change by identifying and sharing Best Practices TIST Provides, basic education, digital literacy, training for women TIST strives to break down social barriers to unite in small groups. Different caste/community farmers have united in small groups to work together for better future Best practices are relating to tree planting, nursery preparation, farm conservation, water and soil management, bank schemes & finance management, etc.

6 Trees to Carbon to Money
Tree data is used to calculate carbon stored in the trees Groups plant trees Quantification with palm and GPS Palm data uploads into TIST server 3rd party auditors confirm methods and results. Small Groups Activity Small Groups Node Palm entry of group report and node report Farmers are paid an advance on carbon in their trees. Farmers receive 70% of profits Certified carbon offsets are issued and sold.

7 Long Term GHG Income for Small Groups
Quantification data is basis for tree payments and to calculate Carbon Sequestration The carbon sequestered by the tree growth creates a new ‘virtual’ cash crop for the subsistence farmers who gain all the direct benefits of growing trees and also receive quarterly cash stipends based on the GhG benefits created by their efforts. Through TIST farmers get diverse benefits from trees and conservation farming GHG payment , an additional income like Provident Fund and Fixed Deposit to the subsistence farmers. Over USD $1.7 million has been paid as tree incentive (carbon money) to farmers since 1999.

8 TIST Utilizes Experts & Promotes Awareness
Small Groups obtain training and guidance from local forestry, horticulture & agricultural experts and local farmers with good knowledge and skills train other farmers TIST promotes environmental awareness by training school and college students through field visits to TIST sites Local schools and college students, corporate associates are getting awareness about environment protection and the need to empower farmers community by visiting TIST program implemented places.

9 Connecting Urban with Rural for better future
TIST connects corporate companies with farmers for Improving tree cover Improving crop cultivation Empowering farmers with Training Basic education Digital literacy Encouraging city dwellers to share their time and energy for better, clean and green environment Farmers are benefitted by learning best practices from the urbanites about cleanliness, sanitation, team work.

10 Monitoring of Carbon (CDM & non-CDM) with Cutting Edge Technology
TIST trained farmers use GPS, palm computers and digital cameras to quantify tree growth Battery based system designed to work in isolated locations Near real-time grove level data with GPS coordinates and pictures sent to the TIST website via the Internet Farmers being trained as quantifiers achieves hi-technology transfer to remote rural areas Know your trees without spending time, money and fuel, just by mouse click as we update via internet and not via autos and roads.

11 Carbon Tonnes TIST has successfully validated and verified 14 VCS PDs
All 14 are certified under the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCB). 13 are CCB Gold for exceptional community benefits TIST had had 25 successful VCS verifications TIST has created 1,003,246 tonnes of verified credits to date TIST is in the midst of verifying another 1 million tonnes that will be ready for issuance in 2017 TIST has sold 835,000 tonnes

12 Awards and Rewards TIST monitoring system using Handhelds and Smartphones is recognized by The Computer World Honors Program in the category of Environment, Energy and Agriculture TIST Global: Winner Best Offsetting Project by Environment Finance, 2013 and 2015, runner-up in 2014 Winner William K. Reilly Awards for Environmental Leadership, 2017 Winner Best Project Developer, Forestry and Land-Use, Environmental Finance, 2015 TIST India: Winner Best Planting work outside forest, by Tamil Nadu Forest Department, 2011 TIST India employees awarded by Forest Department TIST India Small Groups members awarded by Forest Department

13 2011 2012 2016 Grove Track Grove on Satellite map 2013 Grove Detail Longitude E Latitude N Area 0.464 Acre Trees 421 Teak Age 7 Years 2014

14 TIST Tree Planting India Private Limited
THANK YOU TIST Tree Planting India Private Limited Flat A, Plot No.69, 26th Street, Sankara Nagar, Pammal, Chennai Phone: / Mobile: Mail: Visit us at

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