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The True Grit of Self Care when Facing Secondary Trauma

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1 The True Grit of Self Care when Facing Secondary Trauma
Annie Lange, LMSW, ACSW

2 Rachel Remen, Kitchen Table Wisdom
The expectation that we can be immersed in suffering and loss daily and not be touched by it is as realistic as expecting to be able to walk through water and not get wet.” Rachel Remen, Kitchen Table Wisdom

3 Trauma Exposure Response:
A transformation that takes place within us as a result of being exposed to the suffering of other living beings or the planet. Impacting Mind, Body, Spirit. Lipsky (2009)

4 What is Trauma Stewardship?

5 Trauma Exposure Response Is Universal

6 Warning Signs of Trauma ExposureResponse:Burnout
Feeling helpless and hopeless A sense that one can never do enough Hyper-vigilance Diminished creativity Inability to embrace complexity Minimizing Chronic exhaustion / physical ailments Inability to listen / deliberate avoidance

7 Trauma Exposure Response (cont):
16 Warning Signs of Trauma Exposure Response (cont): Dissociative moments Sense of persecution Guilt Fear Anger and cynicism Inability to empathize / numbing Addictions Grandiosity: an inflated sense of importance related to your work Lipsky (2009)

8 Practice of Trauma Stewardship requires high levels of
Critical self awareness. Lipsky (2009)

9 Mindfulness “Paying attention in a particular way, on purpose in the present moment, non-judgmentally. Jon Kabat-Zinn

10 MindfulnessExercise

11 Steps in Trauma/Burnout Stewardship:
Acknowledge effects of trauma exposure and burnout within Self Make room for your own internal process Make space to heal Determine what you need to continue on your chosen path Lipsky (2009)

12 Nothing has to change in the world for us to transform our own
life experiences Lipsky (2009)

13 Writing Exercise: How do you support, deny or displace effects of trauma exposure? How is this working/not working for your deepest honest self? How is this working/not working for your CASA families and children? Lipsky (2009)

14 “There is liberation in reality.”
~Branford Marsalis, jazz saxophonist

15 Two Purposes of Mindfulness
Free us from the tendency to overthink, ruminate or worry Free us from the tendency to avoid, suppress, or push away Teasdale, Williams, Segal, (2014)


17 What we focus on changes the brain.
How can we activate the parasympathetic nervous center?

18 “The Work” Is it true? Can you absolutely know that it is true?
How do you react to what happens when you believe it is true? Who would you be without that thought? Byron Katie, (2002)

19 Increased contact with inner self increases our ability for self-healing.

20 Self Compassion Break

21 Centering Practice:Self Care
What is my intention for the day? What can I put down and not carry into the next day? Designate a Day of Rest Lipsky (2009)

22 * encouragement * accountability *
The single most powerful protection against trauma is a good support network. * encouragement * accountability * 22

23 Communal play provides an experience of connection and attunement that can help heal.

24 Finding Balance: Engage with our lives outside of work
Negotiate a sane work schedule Move energy through Practice self care

25 Four Dimensions of Health
Physical Emotional ♦ Intellectual Spiritual

26 Naming something to be GRATFUL for at all times!!!
Gratitude Practice Naming something to be GRATFUL for at all times!!!

27 To your Greatness!! Annie Lange BSN, LMSW, ACSW Clinical Social Worker
Nurtured Heart Approach Advanced Trainer

28 Bibliography Neff,K. (2011) Self-Compassion. New York, NY: Harper Collins. Lipsky, van Dernoot, Laura. (2009) Trauma Stewardship. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. Goldstein, Elisha. (2012) The Now Effect. New York, NY: Atria. Katie, Bryon. (2002) Loving What Is. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press. Van Der Kolk, B. (2014) The Body Keeps The Score. New York,NY: Penguin Books Teasdale, John, Williams, Mark and Segal, Zindel (2014) The Mindful Way Workbook. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

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