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An Earthquake.

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Presentation on theme: "An Earthquake."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Earthquake

2 Pre-reading Discussion
What kind of natural disasters (自然灾害) have you known?

3 Natural disasters typhoon

4 Natural disasters flood

5 Natural disasters drought

6 Natural disasters forest fire

7 volcano Tornado Tsunami (海啸)

8 Tangshan earthquake and
San Francisco earthquake

9 5:13 a.m. April 18th,1906, San Francisco

10 Today’s San Francisco a big city, many tall buildings, large population

11 July 28th, 1976 M8.2 earthquake Tangshan,

12 Today’s Tangshan a beautiful city, beautiful gardens, broad roads, tall buildings.

13 It is always calm before a storm !
(暴风雨前夕总是平静的 )

14 What can you learn from this sentence?

15 1.Look at the pictures and describe what you see.
2.What do you think may happen before an earthquake?

16 What do you think may happen before an earthquake?


18 Find out the warning signs
before an earthquake

19 Signs before the earthquake:
The water in the wells ____and____. And some deep ______could be seen in the well walls. A______ gas came out the cracks. rose fell cracks smelly

20 Signs before the earthquake: B
Mice ran out the fields___________ places to hide. Fish _________out of bowls and ponds. looking for jumped

21 Signs before the earthquake: C
The chickens and even pigs were______ nervous _____eat. The dog was________ loudly again and again. too to barking

22 Signs before the earthquake:
D bright People could see _______lights in the sky.

23 Discussion: Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Why?

24 Possible items for you to take personal washing things
bottle of water candles (蜡烛) money identity card (身份证) bowls and chopsticks important papers food and sweets personal washing things umbrella book torch (手电筒) clothes fruits pen & paper shoes knife scissors (剪刀) radio blanket mobile phone map computer pictures of family medicine

25 Discussion What shall we do if an earthquake happens? nervous
Don’t be _______ and keep calm. Don’t try to ________ the classroom. Protect your head by putting your bag________. Squat (蹲)or sit down_______. Leave the classroom _____the earthquake. run out of on your head under the desk after

26 Discussion How to protect yourself during an earthquake?

27 Ways on self-rescue drop onto the ground keep away from _____________
the power lines

28 keep away from the signs
_____________ the buildings

29 Homework 1. Finish exercise 1 and 3 on P27

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