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Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation

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Presentation on theme: "Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
Early Life of Martin Luther Father a mine owner Luther to study law Hans and Margarete Luther

2 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
I. Early Life of Martin Luther Struck by lighting Became a monk.

3 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
II. Search for Salvation A. Plagued by: Sense of sin and guilt Fear of death and hell

4 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
 II. Search for Salvation A. Entered monastery to earn salvation Salvation by good works

5 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
 II. Search for Salvation [ ] A. Entered monastery to earn salvation Salvation by the venerating relics

6 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
 II. Search for Salvation Entered a monastery to earn salvation Salvation by the sacraments

7 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
 II. Search for Salvation [ ] A. Entered a monastery to earn salvation Salvation by mysticism

8 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
 II. Search for Salvation A. Entered monastery to earn salvation Salvation by Bible study Christ is our savior, not just our judge. God's righteousness is not earned, but is given to us by God. Man is saved by grace through faith alone.

9 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
 III. Break with Rome [ ] A. Debate over Indulgences Abuse of Indulgences

10 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
III.  Break with Rome A. Debate over Indulgences Luther's protest: Ninety-five Theses Economic exploitation Cannot forgive sin Encourages sin

11 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
III. Break with Rome A. Debate over Indulgences Ninety-five Theses cause uproar against Rome.

12 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
III.  Break with Rome B. Debate over authority John Eck cited the authority of popes and councils. Luther accepted the authority only of the Scriptures. Eck accused Luther of “heresy”.

13 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation the priesthood of all believers
III.  Break with Rome C. Luther takes his case to the people Address to the Nobility of the German Nation the priesthood of all believers

14 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation doctrine of the sacraments
III.  Break with Rome C. Luther takes his case to the people The Babylonian Captivity of the Church doctrine of the sacraments Baptism Holy Communion

15 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
III.  Break with Rome C. Luther takes his case to the people The Freedom of a Christian Man doctrine of good works Seven Works of Mercy “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me.” (Matt.25:35-36 ESV) #7 Burial of the dead.

16 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
III.  Break with Rome C. Luther takes his case to the people Sermon on Good Works Doctrine of Vocation

17 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
III.  Break with Rome D. Luther's Trial Luther condemned as a heretic

18 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
III.  Break with Rome D. Luther's Trial Diet of Worms - Luther convicted

19 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
III.  Break with Rome D. Luther's Trial Wartburg Castle Translation of New Testament into German

20 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
IV. Birth of a New Church A. Religious Revolt People putting Luther’s doctrines into practice

21 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
IV. Birth of a New Church A. Religious Revolt Extremists preaching radical doctrines provoked the people to violence Luther forced to return and restore order

22 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
IV. Birth of a New Church A. Religious Revolt Peasant’s Rebellion Oppression and reformation incited peasants to revolt. Luther's Response: Negotiation Suppression Luther lost support.

23 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
IV. Birth of a New Church B. Characteristics of the Lutheran Church Worship Continuity with Medieval worship "If it is not forbidden by scripture, then it is permissible."

24 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
IV. Birth of a New Church B. Characteristics of Lutheran Church Worship Two things central: Preaching Congregational singing

25 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
IV. Birth of a New Church B. Characteristics of the Lutheran Church Education Needed to read the Bible and understand the sermons. Set up universal primary education system.

26 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
IV. Birth of a New Church B. Characteristics of the Lutheran Church State-Church relations Theory: church & state equal partners. Practice: state dominates the Church. Fredrick the Wise, Luther’s Protector.

27 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
IV. Birth of a New Church B. Characteristics of the Lutheran Church Ecumenical Relations – Luther tried to maintain unity Marburg Colloquy Diet of Augsburg

28 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
V. Luther in Old Age Rigid, bitter, unstable Antisemitism

29 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
VI. After Luther's Death A. Spread of Lutheranism

30 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
V. After Luther's Death B. War in Germany

31 Topic #2: Lutheran Reformation
V. After Luther's Death Doctrinal strife Authors of the Formula of Concord

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