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Another disorder Features and symptoms

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1 Another disorder Features and symptoms
OCD Another disorder Features and symptoms

2 What do you think OCD is?

3 What is OCD, Really?
Now that we have watched the clip discuss in pairs: What have you leant about OCD? How have your views changed regarding OCD?

4 OCD: An anxiety disorder which focuses on worry about things (obsessions) and reducing anxiety related to worry (compulsions) Using page 320 define: What is an obsession? What is a compulsions?

5 Features of OCD Fourth most common mental illness in Western counties.
According to OCD-UK OCD effects about 1.2% of the population, which suggests people are living with OCD in the UK at any given time. Sasson (1994) estimates that worldwide 2% of the population have OCD. Females are more frequent suffers as adults whilst males are commonly affected as children. Onset tends to be in teens. Cleaning, hoarding and taboo thoughts are common symptoms across cultures but there are some cultural variations.

6 Symptoms Using the document on the Learning Space called, 'Symptoms of OCD'' define the following symptoms: Checking Contamination Hoarding Rumination

7 Case studies Read through the case study and highlight the symptoms that relate to the characteristics we have covered (different colours)

8 Diagnosis Here in the UK, in addition to the ICD-10 and the DSM-IV, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) launched their own set of clinical guidelines for the identification, treatment and management of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder, for both children and adults, on the 23rd November I am going to divide you up into three groups. Each group will be assigned to one of the classification systems above. Your task is to research how OCD is diagnosed and prepare a PowerPoint slide on your topic. your slide to the class.

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