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Presentation on theme: "PETS AND PREVENTION OF STRAY DOGS:"— Presentation transcript:

ITALIAN LAWS APE – Itis Pininfarina

2 The law currently in force for the protection of pets and for the prevention of stray dogs is n. 281/ August 1991 Extract art. 1 General principles The state promotes and regulates the protection of pet animals, condemns the acts of cruelty against them, the mistreatment and abandonment, in order to facilitate proper co-existence between humans and animals and protect public health and the environment.

3 Extract art. 2 Treatment of dogs and other pet animals - Population control of dogs and cats by limiting births takes into account scientific, veterinary services at local health units. - Stray dogs found, captured or otherwise admitted to the shelters cannot be euthanized. - Dogs captured or living in shelters cannot be used for experiments. - Stray dogs caught, regularly tattooed (or microchipped), are to be returned to the owner or keeper. - Stray dogs caught but not tattooed must be tattooed; if not claimed within sixty days may be given to individuals who give guarantees of proper treatment or to protectionist associations, after prophylactic treatment against rabies, echinococcosis and other diseases. - Dogs can be euthanized by veterinarians only if seriously ill, proven to be dangerous or incurable. - Stray cats can be euthanized only if seriously ill or incurable. - Institutions and associations take care of feline colonies, to ensure their health and their conditions of survival.

4 Extract art. 3 Responsibilities of the Regions The regions with their own governing laws establish the Registry Office (for tattoes and microchips as symbol of registration and recognition) The regions determine the criteria for the municipal shelters and construction of shelters for the dogs. These structures must provide good living conditions for dogs and comply with hygiene rules and are subject to medical surveillance of the veterinary services of the local health units. Regions adopt a prevention programme to stray. The programme also provides measures related to: - initiatives to be carried out in schools in order to achieve a proper conscience of respect for animal life and its habitat; - refresher courses and training for the staff as well as volunteers who work with local health authorities and local authorities.

5 Penalties Art. 544-bis. - (Killing of animals). - Any person who kills animals with no reason is punished with imprisonment from three to eighteen months. Art. 544-ter. - (Animal abuse). – Any person who tortures an animal is punished with imprisonment from three months to one year or with a fine ranging from 3,000 to 15,000 €. The same penalty is applied to anyone who administers drugs to animals or any treatment that may endanger them. Art. 544-quater. - (Forbidden shows or events). – Any person who organizes or promotes shows or events which cause abuse or torture to animals are punished with imprisonment from four months to two years and a fine ranging from 3,000 to 15,000 €.

6 Art. 544-quinquies. - (Prohibition of animal fighting)
Art. 544-quinquies. - (Prohibition of animal fighting). – Any person who promotes, organizes or directs animals fights or competitions that can endanger their safety are punished with imprisonment from one to three years and a fine ranging from 50,000 to 160,000 €. Art (Abandonment of animals). – Any person who leaves pets or keep animals against their natural conditions is punished with imprisonment for one year or with a fine ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 €.

7 Pets Smuggling The text also introduces the criminal case of pets smuggling. This provision punishes with imprisonment from 3 months to one year, and a fine from to € anyone who introduces in Italy pets without health certificates and identification systems (individual passport, where required) The punishment is increased when animals are under the age of 8 weeks or come from areas subject to restrictive measures on Animal health.

8 Bibliography: Pictures: Page 8: personal picture ============================ Text revision and translation: 3CT Itis Pininfarina


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