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Registration Process 2017/2018 School Year

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1 Registration Process 2017/2018 School Year
Uintah High Registration Process 2017/2018 School Year

2 Who’s Who at Uintah? A-De – Mrs. Phillips Di-J – Mrs. Trogstad
K-Mc – Mrs. Merrell Me-R – Mrs. Buckalew S-Z – Mrs. Evans Remind them of the Web site and the information about scholarships, etc. even Juniors can apply for many scholarships.

3 Who’s Who at Uintah? Pathway and Internship Coordinator – Mr. Aycock
Registrar – Mrs. Robyn White Secretary – Mrs. Laura Bowden Remind them of the Web site and the information about scholarships, etc. even Juniors can apply for many scholarships.

4 What’s available in the UHS Career Center
Counseling Career Information Financial Aide Information/Resources Trade/Technical, College and University information Explain groups, where the information on post-secondary schools are, CHOICES Also mention that group referral forms are available.

5 26. 0 Credits are needed to Graduate Beware of failing any classes
26.0 Credits are needed to Graduate Beware of failing any classes! If you fail classes, you lose electives.

6 Uintah High Graduation Requirements
English 4 credits Math 3 credits Science 3 credits Social Studies 3 credits PE credits Health 0.5 credit Arts 1.5 credits Career & Technology Education 1 credit Digital Literacy 0.5 credit Financial Literacy 0.5 credit Electives 7.5 credits TOTAL credits

7 Graduation Checklist

8 Civics Test All students must pass a Civics Test with a 70% or better to graduate from high school. Students may retake the test multiple times until they pass. Check with your social studies teacher for more details.

9 University Requirements
Universities require 3 years of Core Math and Science classes. Universities strongly recommend 2 years of a foreign language. University of Utah will require 2 years of a foreign language in 2007 which may affect some of these students if they are planning to serve missions, work, transfer, etc. before going to the “U”

10 What classes do not count towards the 26.0 Credits?
Release Time: LDS and Christian Student Aide Student Aide and Peer Tutor are options for Juniors & Seniors only

11 Pathways CTE Career Pathways allow you to acquire technical skills training and take classes that give you an idea about careers. Earn a pathway by taking 6 classes and/or an internship Pathways help you see what electives are related. Areas include agriculture, information technology, business and marketing, family and consumer, graphic and commercial art, health sciences, engineering, and skilled trades.

12 UBATC Classes UBATC offers a variety of classes that can be counted towards certifications. Some of these certifications can be used towards college credit and stackable degrees. If you are interested in the medical field, oil field, business, computers, welding, cabinetry, etc. then you will want to take advantage of the courses offered through UBATC. Must have good attendance to take a UBATC Class (no more than 6 absences in previous tri) Medical Terminology - you must have 3.0 GPA.

13 Concurrent Enrollment - USU
Available during junior and senior years 3.0 minimum high school GPA USU minimum 2.0 GPA USU grade will appear on high school and college transcript. Explain what probation is and suspension means no USU classes for 1 full year!

14 Driver’s Education Students may take the class in school
Or they may take it on-line; sign up by ing Mr. Labrum – Online class fee of $60 (no credit) MUST HAVE LEARNERS PERMIT PRIOR TO CLASS $200 FEE for driving instruction at Uintah High School for all class options Tri by December 15th Tri 2 – 16 by April 1st Tri 3 – 16 by September 1st

15 Registration Process Choose classes you want and need
Take classes that match your interests, personality type and talents. Take classes that will prepare you for life after high school. Remember, what you choose now is what you will take next year! Choose wisely, what they choose is what they will take next year!!!

16 Classes that require Tryouts/Applications
Complete the Class Approval Form if you desire any of the optional classes listed in that section of the registration form.

17 Class Approval Form

18 You will be able to make changes to your schedule before this school year ends, before the new school year begins, and before each trimester. YOU make the changes on line through ASPIRE. Instructions are available on the Uintah High and Uintah District web pages. Messages will also be sent home by phone, , text, and announcements will be made at school, on facebook pages, and on the big screen in the Commons. PAY ATTENTION!

19 Remember Classes fill up quickly!
If you don’t take care of it, the Counselors will make your schedule. Any change made to a schedule by a counselor at any time costs $10. If you don’t request 15 classes, we will choose for you.

20 Disclaimer If you are on an IEP, your Special Ed Case Manager will be registering you.

21 NCAA Requirements In order to play Division 1 sports, you must register on-line with the NCAA Clearinghouse at This membership verifies that a student meets NCAA academic standards. A student must also complete 16 Core credits from 9th grade thru 12th grade in the areas of English, Math, Science, Social Studies & World Languages. STAY IN CONTACT WITH YOUR COUNSELOR. MAKE SURE YOU ARE NCAA ELIGIBLE!! It is important that they register with the NCAA Clearing house. Explain who is required to register and what that means in terms of collegiate athletics.

22 Registration Process 10th Grade Classes
English A & B– 2 classes – 1.0 cr. Math II A & B– 2 classes – 1.0 cr. World History – 0.5 credit Science A & B –2 classes – 1.0 cr. Health – 0.5 credit PE – Fitness for Life – 0.5 credit Art, Drivers Ed., or CTE– 0.5 credit Electives 3 alternates


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