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Visual Irony.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Irony."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Irony

2 Irony is… a situation in which there is an incongruity between the literal and the implied meaning Ironic statements (verbal irony)[2] are statements that imply a meaning in opposition to their literal meaning EXAMPLE: "The day was as normal as a group of seals with wings riding around on unicycles, assuming that you lived someplace where that was very normal."

3 Visual Irony Usually, it is the use of two or more images which do not belong together. They are paired in order to create laughter or to make a funny statement EXAMPLE: broccoli where the fries should be. We all know that fries are bad for you, so it is ironic that the broccoli is in place of the McDonalds french fies










13 Pun A pun is a play on words
form of word play which suggests two or more meanings, by exploiting multiple meanings of words Example: a “butterfly” is a stick of butter with wings Catfish, brainstorm, chick magnet, time flies, raining cats and dogs, corndog, boxing ring, frog in your throat, eggplant, nun chucks, kiwi, dog house, and more!

14 TV Dinner

15 Deviled Eggs

16 Chicken Fried Steak

17 Dust Bunnies

18 “It doesn’t grow on trees”

19 Use a saying or a pun and make it real!
A FORK in the Road

20 Sayings… Chip on your shoulder
A house divided against itself cannot stand A leopard can’t change his spots A picture paints a thousand words A taste of your own medicine Adding fuel to the fire Its all Greek to me Backseat driver

21 More Sayings… Beating around the bush Bite your tongue Catch a bubble
Barking up the wrong tree Break a leg To crack someone up Curiosity killed the cat

22 For more ideas… Check out:

23 Assignment Create a picture using visual irony. You may use one of the sayings provided or you may come up with your own ironic situation. Use at least 3 reference pictures from the computer. These will be turned in with your final project and are a part of your grade. You may use graphite or colored pencil. During the project you will write a short summary of your image, how it is ironic and why you chose it…. Yay!

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