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Nursery Summer 2 ( ) Topic: Under the Sea

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1 Nursery Summer 2 (2016-2017) Topic: Under the Sea
Dear Families, This term our topic is Under the sea We will be learning about creatures in the sea and our book corner will become a seaside. We will be reading many texts linked with the sea and learning songs about the sea. We will also be preparing for our transition to reception. Homework: Read with parents everyday for 10 minutes Practise singing songs and reciting numbers to 20 and ABC song Nursery Summer 2 ( ) Topic: Under the Sea Educational visits We are going to try and arrange a family picnic Our value this term is: Gratitude We will learn about gratitude and stories linked with gratitude. We will celebrate our learning and that we have achieved during the year and sharing our learning with our friends Physical Education (PE) and Yoga: We have PE and Yoga once a week. Please make sure your child has the correct PE kit as shown on our school website and that all kit is clearly labeled. Please ensure your child does not wear any jewellery when they have PE- thank you!

2 Computing: Personal, Social and Emotional development:
. Personal, Social and Emotional development: Communication and Language development: We are learning to: Use words specific to our topic, such as names of sea creatures and role play stories linked with fish. Our role play areas will include : The yellow submarine, a beach and an ice cream van. We are learning to follow instructions and sequence stories . We will answer questions about what we have read. Understanding the World development:  We will think about the life cycle of a butterfly and linking this to the text ,The Hungry Caterpillar. We will explore mini beast habitats. We will also learn about planting seeds and caring for plants. We are learning to: Children will be supported to make a smooth transition to reception, by spending time in reception and getting to know their teachers. We will also go on a trip with both classes so the AM and PM classes get to know each other as they will all be mixed in reception. This is so they can make some friends and develop their confidence. Maths development: We are learning to: Number: Counting and sorting shells in various ways, and being able to talk about it. Shape space and measure: Think about the shapes and sizes of sea creatures. Draw using different shapes and sizes. Describe and problem solve number of teeth and fins. Literacy development: We are learning to: Reading Use the pictures in the book to tell a story. Look at non fiction texts about sea creatures. To say what happens at the beginning, middle and end of a story. Making shopping lists for the ice-cream van (role play area) Writing prices and specials. Practise writing our letters and names.   Drawing and labeling sea creatures. Text:The Rainbow fish Expressive Arts and design development: We are learning to: Use different materials to create a collage of the Rainbow Fish. Create a beach scene play area Make play dough sea creatures Computing:

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