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Text for a Purpose Review
Year 1 - Term 2, Day 10 Text for a Purpose Review
(names and sounds of the letters)
Block 1: Opening Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will read the alphabet. What will we read? We will read _______. The alphabet is all the letters. Each letter has a name. Remember the Concept Skill Development & Guided Practice Teacher Note Refer to posted alphabet. Teacher and students read or sing the alphabet together. Chant the alphabet with sounds (A, /ah/, apple; B, /b/, ball; C, /k/, cat, etc.) or click on the link in the grey box for the alphabet with sounds. The students may say either the short or long vowel sounds. Consider asking students to provide both sounds when reviewing the vowels. Optional activities: Have students read or sing the alphabet to their partners. Have students whisper or use a squeaky voice when reading the alphabet. Have students use a monster voice or yell the alphabet. Select ten letters and review the letter sounds. Alternate between teacher and students five times. When using these activities, make sure to enunciate each letter distinctly so they don’t blend together. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery Alphabet Song (names only) Phonics Alphabet Song (names and sounds of the letters) Teacher points to a letter already taught and asks, “What is the name of this letter?” Students reply with, “The name of the letter is ____.” Then, teacher points to a letter already taught and asks, “What sound does this letter make?” Students reply with, “It makes the ____ sound.” Checking for Understanding
Today is ________________.
Block 1: Opening Daily Review You will need to type the date each day in the PowerPoint or write it on the board. As the program progresses, consider having students write or contribute to the daily message. Topic Suggestions: Teacher says; students repeat. Weather: “It is hot today.” Activities taught yesterday: “We learned the letter ____ yesterday.” Activities for today: “Today, we will write our names.” Teacher Note Use "Frere Jacques“ melody to sing: Today is _______. Today is _______. All day long, all day long. Yesterday was ______. Tomorrow will be _______. Oh what fun! Oh what fun! Activity: Daily Message Chant Today is ________________. Students, this is our daily message. It tells us the date. Please follow along as I read the sentence. “Today is ____________ (day of the week, day of the month, month of the year and year.)” Message What is today’s date? “Today is _______________.” Tell your partner the date. Checking for Understanding
Digraph ch & Trigraph tch
Block 1: Opening Click here to hear the sounds. Daily Review Digraph ck duck brick clock Digraph wh whale whistle wheat Digraph ch & Trigraph tch cheese chop wrench latch Digraph sh shop sheet fresh Review the digraphs ck, wh, sh, ch and the trigraph tch. Provide examples to students. Review the long vowel sounds and spelling. Remind the students that the long u has two sounds: long u and /oo/. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
call some let many going each by where what ask does who
Block 1: Opening Daily Review High-Frequency Words call some let many going each by where what ask does who Teacher selects five or more high-frequency words to review. Select the words based on student needs and time. Teacher first reads a High-Frequency Word. Students chorally read the High-Frequency Word. CFU options: 1. Teacher asks for non-volunteers to read the word he is pointing to aloud. 2. Teacher asks students to put their finger on the word ________. 3. Teacher asks students to whisper the word he is pointing to. 4. Teacher asks students to read the word she is pointing to in a squeaky voice. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
We will segment words. To segment is to separate the sounds in a word.
Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Segment words.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective What will we segment? We will ________ words. Declare the Objective We will segment words. Concept Development Which picture matches the segmented word /s/o/ck/? “_____matches the segmented word.” A B In your own words, what does it mean to segment? “To segment is to _________.” Checking for Understanding To segment is to separate the sounds in a word. Segmenting Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? shack /sh/ /a/ /ck /t/ /ea/ /m/ team /p/ /l/ /a/ /te/ plate
How many sounds in the word?
Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Segment words.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Skill Development & Guided Practice How many sounds in the word? 2 2 Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? bow - /b/ /ow/ - bow hay - /h/ /ay - hay Click to see the picture for the segmented word. Teacher points to picture and says, “Let’s count the sounds in /bow/.” Teacher touches shoulder and says /b/ and middle arm and says long o. An alternative strategy is to use fingers to represent each sound in the word. Teacher says, “How many sounds do we have? We have _____ sounds.” Say the word again /bow/. Teacher says, “Tell me all the sounds in /bow/.” Example: /b/, long o Students copy teacher during each step. Repeat five times alternating between teacher and students. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
How many sounds in the word?
Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Segment words.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Skill Development & Guided Practice How many sounds in the word? 4 4 Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? sketch - /s/ /k/ /e/ /tch/ - sketch ranch - /r/ /a/ /n/ /ch/ - ranch Click to see the picture for the segmented word. Teacher points to picture and says, “Let’s count the sounds in /sketch/.” Teacher uses fingers to represent each sound in the word. Teacher says, “How many sounds do we have? We have _____ sounds.” Say the word again /sketch/. Teacher says, “Tell me all the sounds in /sketch/.” Example: /s/ /k/ /short e/ /tch/ = sketch Students copy teacher during each step. Repeat five times alternating between teacher and students. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
How many sounds in the word?
Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Segment words.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Skill Development & Guided Practice How many sounds in the word? 4 3 Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? snack - /s/ /n/ /a/ /ck/ - snack white - /wh/ /i/ /te/ - white Click to see the picture for the segmented word. Teacher points to picture and says, “Let’s count the sounds in /snack/.” Teacher uses fingers to represent each sound in the word. Teacher says, “How many sounds do we have? We have _____ sounds.” Say the word again /snack/. Teacher says, “Tell me all the sounds in /snack/.” Example: /s/ /n/ /short a/ /ck/ = snack Students copy teacher during each step. Repeat five times alternating between teacher and students. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
(Lead the students in some stretches.)
Brain Break Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note Wheel of FUN Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Activity 1 (Select five movements to do in descending order. Example: 5 star jumps, 4 hops, 3 spins, touch your toes twice, 1 high-five to partner) Activity 2 Student Says (Select a student to lead the activity. This activity is the same as Simon Says except use student.) Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches.) Activity 4 Teacher’s Choice Activity 5 Freeze dance (Play some music and have students dance. When the music stops, so do the students.) Activity 6 Pretending (Have 5 students pick an animal or object. Students act out the animal or object. Example: dog, aeroplane, etc. )
? what track wheel check We will read words with digraphs.
Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Read words with digraphs.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective What will we read? We will read _______. Declare the Objective We will read words with digraphs. Concept Development Click here to hear the sounds. Digraphs are two letters that make one sound. The letters wh and ck are digraphs. The digraph wh is usually found at the beginning and end of a word. The digraph ck is usually found at the end of a word. Positional Frequency Digraph – wh Digraph – ck what wheel track check Checking for Understanding ? Say the wh sound. Say the ck sound. Is the /wh/ sound in this word? Yes/No Does this word have the ck digraph? Yes/No Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? chicks Skill Development & Guided Practice 1 This pattern of saying the letter name, sound and word should be repeated several times. Practise this pattern (name, sound and word) alternating between teacher and students five times. Repeat pattern with ck. Say the name of the letters -wh. Teacher points to the letters. (Teacher then students. Pair-Share and call on non-volunteers) Say the sound of the digraph. (Teacher then students; Pair-Share and call on non-volunteers) Say the name of the picture. Teacher points to the whale. (Teacher then students; Pair-Share and call on non-volunteers) (Example: wh, /hw/, whale) Teacher Note: Method of Delivery black
Does the word have a digraph?
Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Read words with digraphs.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Skill Development & Guided Practice Does the word have a digraph? flick whip trick kick Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Look at the word. Does the word have a digraph? (Remind students that the digraphs wh or ck are usually found at the beginning or end of a word. Teacher then students; Pair-Share, call on non-volunteers, and use yes/no whiteboards.) Say the sound. (Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Read the word. (Teacher uses smooth blending to read the word such as fffllliiick, whiiip, trrriiick, kiiick. Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Effective Feedback: If students answer incorrectly, or do not have a response, de-escalate by repeating the word and sound several times by onset and rime or segmenting. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery wh ck Digraphs
Does the word have a digraph?
Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Read words with digraphs.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Skill Development & Guided Practice Does the word have a digraph? whine wreck hike when Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Look at the word. Does the word have a digraph? (Remind students that the digraphs wh or ck are usually found at the beginning or end of a word. Teacher then students; Pair-Share, call on non-volunteers, and use yes/no whiteboards.) Say the sound. (Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Read the word. (Teacher uses smooth blending to read the word such as whiiinnne, wwwrrreeeck, hhhiiike, wheeennn. Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Effective Feedback: If students answer incorrectly, or do not have a response, de-escalate by repeating the word and sound several times by onset and rime or segmenting. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery wh ck Digraphs
1. The flock of sheep ate wheat for lunch.
Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Read words with digraphs.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Skill Development & Guided Practice 1. The flock of sheep ate wheat for lunch. 2. The duck quacked at the chick. 3. The white whale whips its tail. Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? wh ck Digraphs Look at the sentences. Read the sentence using the digraphs wh and ck to sound out the words. (Teacher reads and students track. Then, teacher and students read together. Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers to read a sentence.) Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Read words with digraphs.)
Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Skill Development & Guided Practice The Black Cat The black cat likes to sit on the dock. He licks his whiskers on the dock. The duck whistles and quacks when he sees the cat. The cat meows at the duck. The duck is scared. He swims to the back of the pond. Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Read The black cat. Read the story using the digraphs wh and ck sound to sound out the words. (Teacher reads and students track. Then, teacher and students read together. Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers to read a sentence.) Teacher Note: Method of Delivery wh ck Digraphs
We will write words with digraphs.
Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Write words with digraphs.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective We will write words with digraphs. What will we write? We will write _______. Declare the Objective Skill Development & Guided Practice Write words. 1 Trace the word. 2 Write the word on your own. 1 How did I/you trace the word? 2 How did I/you write the word? Checking for Understanding Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Handwriting Workbook p. 59 A verbal path for the letter is available in the appendix of the Handwriting Workbook. Teacher Note
We will spell words with digraphs.
Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Spell words with digraphs.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective What will we spell? We will spell _______. Declare the Objective We will spell words with digraphs. Spelling Workbook pp Refer to the spelling workbook for daily activity. Teacher Note Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question?
(Lead the students in some stretches.)
Brain Break Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note Wheel of FUN Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Activity 1 (Select five movements to do in descending order. Example: 5 star jumps, 4 hops, 3 spins, touch your toes twice, 1 high-five to partner) Activity 2 Student Says (Select a student to lead the activity. This activity is the same as Simon Says except use student.) Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches.) Activity 4 Teacher’s Choice Activity 5 Freeze dance (Play some music and have students dance. When the music stops, so do the students.) Activity 6 Pretending (Have 5 students pick an animal or object. Students act out the animal or object. Example: dog, aeroplane, etc. )
We will read high-frequency words.
Block 4: High-Frequency Words & Voc. Development Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will read high-frequency words. What will we read? We will read _______. Skill Development & Guided Practice A high-frequency word is used more than other words. Remember the Concept Teacher points to a word and says: Read this word ____. Point to a sentence and say: Read this sentence. Checking for Understanding High-Frequency words p. 15 Teacher and students read the high-frequency word, alternating between each other five times. Please feel free to orally add more sentences to emphasise the meaning of a high-frequency word. Teacher Note
We will read high-frequency words.
Block 4: High-Frequency Words & Voc. Development Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will read high-frequency words. What will we read? We will read _______. Skill Development & Guided Practice A high-frequency word is used more than other words. Remember the Concept Teacher points to a word and says: Read this word ____. Point to a sentence and say: Read this sentence. Checking for Understanding High-Frequency Sentences p. 31 Teacher and students read the high-frequency word, alternating between each other five times. Please feel free to orally add more sentences to emphasise the meaning of a high-frequency word. Teacher Note
Story & Lesson Vocabulary Mature means fully grown.
Block 4: High-Frequency Words & Voc. Development Story & Lesson Vocabulary Mature means fully grown. Define any difficult words from the story or lesson that will be read today. Teacher reads the word first, and then students read the word. Teacher provides or reads the definition of the word, while students track with their fingers. Then, students read the definition with the teacher. Consider providing gestures for students, if appropriate. Teacher Note
Open Time: Teacher’s Choice
Block 5: Performance & Rotational Activities Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Open Time: Teacher’s Choice Review concepts and skills taught from the previous weeks. Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question?
(Lead the students in some stretches.)
Brain Break Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note Wheel of FUN Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Activity 1 (Select five movements to do in descending order. Example: 5 star jumps, 4 hops, 3 spins, touch your toes twice, 1 high-five to partner) Activity 2 Student Says (Select a student to lead the activity. This activity is the same as Simon Says except use student.) Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches.) Activity 4 Teacher’s Choice Activity 5 Freeze dance (Play some music and have students dance. When the music stops, so do the students.) Activity 6 Pretending (Have 5 students pick an animal or object. Students act out the animal or object. Example: dog, aeroplane, etc. )
We will use the table of contents.
Block 6: CAP/ Reading Comprehension (Use table of contents.) Learning Objective A table of contents has parts of a book and matching page numbers. Remember the Concept We will use the table of contents. Periodic Review 1 Table of Contents Life Cycles Chapter 1: The Plant 2 Seed 5 Sprout 10 Mature1 Plant 15 Flowers 20 Fruit 25 Chapter 2: The Butterfly 30 Egg 35 Caterpillar 40 Pupa/Chrysalis 48 Butterfly 52 1. If you are reading page 30, what are you reading? A Butterfly B Caterpillar C Fruit D Sprout 2. On what page does Caterpillar begin? A page 48 B page 57 C page 40 D page 62 1 fully grown Definitions Extended Thinking Lorraine says Flowers are located on pages 20 to 24. Tim says Flowers is only on page 20. Who is correct? Explain your answer. Lorraine is correct. Flowers start on page 20 and end on page 24.
We will present a fact from the text.
Block 6: CAP/Reading Comprehension Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will present a fact from the text. What will we present? We will present________ Concept Development Use your strong voice. Name one thing you do to present. In your own words, what does present mean? “Present means _____________.” Checking for Understanding To present means to talk in front of people. To present: Tell a fact about something Stand up Speak clearly Use your strong voice Provide more examples of facts that are presented. Provide oral examples of speaking clearly and not speaking clearly. Refer to the Voice Levels Poster for “Strong Voice.” Use your strong voice and have students practise their strong voice with their partners. Teacher Note Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? The Aboriginal flag is black, yellow and red.
Tell a fact Stand up Speak Clearly Strong Voice Plants
Block 2: Classroom and Social Management Activity Plants 1. Plants have many parts. 2. Plants have leaves. 3. Plants have stems. 4. Plants have roots that grow underground. 5. Some plants can have flowers. 21 words Read the text. Model presenting one fact to the class. Pair-Share, call on five non-volunteers to repeat the fact you presented. Then, select five students to present one fact to the class. After each presentation, Pair-Share and call on five non-volunteers to repeat the fact. Remind the students to stand up, speak clearly and use their strong voice. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery
Reading Comprehension Strategies ACELY 1660, ACELY 1659
Block 6: CAP/Reading Comprehension Teacher Instructions: This slide appears throughout the week. Select one or two stories. We have provided a suggested list below, but feel free to select a different book. Prior to each story, review CAP, define unknown words and make predictions. After reading the story, have students respond orally to the questions provided or refer to the “Respond to Text” poster for Term 2. Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Reading Comprehension Strategies ACELY 1660, ACELY 1659 Suggested Story Choices Respond to Text Poster ACELT 1583 CAP Discuss the front cover, back cover, author, illustrator and title of the book before reading. Define difficult or unknown vocabulary words Picture Walk Discuss the pictures in the book, if available. Guide the students in a discussion of what could be going on based on the pictures. Have students make a prediction. Examine the cover illustration and read the title of the book. Using the title and illustration, ask students, “Can you predict what this book is about?” Pete the Sheep (2005) by Jackie French, Clarion Books The Secret World of Wombats (2005) by Jackie French, HarperCollins Publisher The Fascinating History of Your Lunch (2010) by Jackie French, HarperCollins Publisher Adventures with Chipper the Cheetah (2004) by Jan Latta, True to Life Books Roadwork (2011) by Sally Sutton and Brain Lovelock, Candlewick Extra list of books: Imaginative Text: Who is the character? What is the setting? Describe the plot. What is the problem? What is the solution? What did you like about the story? What did you dislike about the story? Informative Text: Name a fact from the text. What is the purpose of the text? (to entertain or to inform) What is the text about? Informational books: Butterflies by Harley, Diana & Yates Caterpillar and butterfly by Ambelin Kwaymullina Roadworks by Sutton, Sally & Lovelock Rocky Shores by Alison Ballance Teacher Note Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question?
(Lead the students in some stretches.)
Brain Break Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note Wheel of FUN Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Activity 1 (Select five movements to do in descending order. Example: 5 star jumps, 4 hops, 3 spins, touch your toes twice, 1 high-five to partner) Activity 2 Student Says (Select a student to lead the activity. This activity is the same as Simon Says except use student.) Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches.) Activity 4 Teacher’s Choice Activity 5 Freeze dance (Play some music and have students dance. When the music stops, so do the students.) Activity 6 Pretending (Have 5 students pick an animal or object. Students act out the animal or object. Example: dog, aeroplane, etc. )
He She Ben made some bread. she he My sister ate the bread.
Block 7: Grammar (Identify pronouns.) Learning Objective A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. Remember the Concept We will identify pronouns. she takes the place of a girl he takes the place of a boy Periodic Review 1 1 Ben made some bread. she he 2 My sister ate the bread. 3 Chris walked to school. ________ walked to school. 4 Mrs Taylor is a teacher. ________ is a teacher. He She Extended Thinking Write a sentence about yourself. Use your name. (Pair-Share; use whiteboards) Now replace your name with the correct pronoun. Answers will vary. Mr Smith is tall. He is tall.
Tell me something about the digraphs wh and ck.
Block 8: Closing Provide sentence frames, if appropriate. (Example, I learned _______.) Teacher Note Tell me something about the digraphs wh and ck. Retell me something from the text we read. Tell me something about a table of contents. Name one pronoun. Use the high-frequency words some, let and call in a sentence.
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