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Language and Thinking Chapter 8.

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1 Language and Thinking Chapter 8

2 What is the connection between language and decision-making?
Warm Up What is the connection between language and decision-making?

3 Homework: Advertising Poster
Pretend that you are advertising a product On a small poster (paper size), show a visual advertisement (could be real or you could make it up) that uses words and pictures to demonstrate the methods, strategies, and decisions that Advertisers make to get people to buy their product Research different articles to help you Recall what the Guest Speaker had to say In 1-2 sentences, explain how these methods, strategies, and decisions made by advertisers impact the psychology of the consumer to get them to buy a product

4 Interpret the connection between language and decision-making
Learning Objectives Interpret the connection between language and decision-making Analyze different elements of language and reasoning Build connections to your life

5 Elements of Language Phonemes: Basic sounds of a language
Morphemes: Units of meaning in a language Syntax: The way in which the words are arranged to make phrases and sentences

6 Examples of Elements of Language
A. Phonemes: -The way I pronounce “coffee” -Difference between the “o” sound in dog and no Morphemes: -Pre= before -Use of “s” at the end of words to emphasize that the word is plural Syntax -Subject>Verb>Dinner (Linda cooked dinner)

7 Semantics and The Framing Effect
Semantics: The relationship between language and the things depicted in the language Example: “Right” and “Write” The Framing Effect: Refers to the way in which wording affects decision making

8 Check For Understanding
-Do you think Semantics makes ideas expressed through language more or less clear? -Have you seen the Framing Effect being used? Where was it used? How did it impact people? -How could language impact someone’s psychology?

9 Thank you for Smoking
How is he using Semantics? What role does it play in making his point? How is he using The Framing Effect? What role does it play in making his point How is he using language to impact people’s decisions? Do you agree with him? How does he use language to try to persuade you?

10 Bilingual Households What are the Pros and Cons of growing up in a Bilingual or Monolingual Household a. What type of household did you grow up in? b. How has this impacted your understanding of language(s)? c. How has this impacted your ability to learn in school? d. How has this impacted your relationship with the world around you?

11 Article on Bilingualism
• Read the article and then answer the questions below: 1. What are the five common misconceptions about growing up in Bilingual Household that this article mentions? 2. Why were immigrant parents originally made to drop their language of origin and adopt English? 3. How does the Nature vs. Nurture Controversy play a role in Bilingualism? 4. What would Albert Bandura say about what happens when people speak different languages around children 5. When is the best time to learn a language and when is it too late? 6. In 20 years from now, do you see Bilingualism as being important? Why or why not?

12 Decision Making and Judgement
Reasoning: The use of information to reach conclusion Premise: Idea or statement that provides basic information that allows us to draw conclusions Deductive Reasoning: The conclusion is true if the premises are true Inductive Reasoning: We arrive at conclusions through individual cases or particular facts Confirmation Bias: Seeking to prove or confirm a hypothesis rather than disprove it Overconfidence: Only looking at what you want to look at to make a decision

13 Example of Deductive Reasoning
San Francisco is in California A lot of Hippies live in San Francisco Therefore, a lot of Hippies live in California What are the premises here? What is the conclusion? Is this a good way to come to a conclusion? Why or why not?

14 Example of Inductive Reasoning
Spain and Portugal are near each other and have similar languages Sweden, Denmark, and Norway are near each other, and they all have similar languages Therefore, countries that are near each other have similar languages What are the premises here? What is the conclusion? Is this a good way to come to a conclusion? Why or why not? What is a better way to come to a conclusion? Deductive or Inductive Reasoning? Why do you think this?

15 Check for Understanding
Which form of reasoning do you think is better to use when making decisions: Deductive or Inductive Reasoning? Why do you think this? Have you ever seen a Confirmation Bias used before? Why and how was it used? List three examples of Overconfidence in your own life

16 Create your own Examples of Deductive and Inductive Reasoning
Write out an example of Deductive Reasoning and explain why this is Deductive Reasoning Write out an example of Inductive Reasoning and explain why this is an example of Inductive Reasoning

17 Exit Ticket What do you think are the three most important ways in which people can impact/influence decisions being made? Why do you think this?

18 Warm Up If I were to ask you to draw Biggie doing something, what kind of mental picture would be in your head? Explain what Biggie looks like in your mental picture in 2-3 sentences

19 Homework: 1-2 Page Writing Assignment
Think about a critical decision that you have to make in the next couple years: A. What is the process that you have to go through to make this decision? B. Decide what the Pros and Cons are of this decision and what information about the decision do you still need. C. What factors will play a role in you making this decision? D. What Biases/Beliefs will play a role in this decision? MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE CLEAR THESIS STATEMENT, Introduction, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusion

20 Interpret the three Units of Thought
Learning Objectives Interpret the three Units of Thought Analyze methods and steps to solve problems Build Connections to your life

21 Thinking Thinking: The mental activity that is involved in the understanding, processing, and communicating of information -Three units of thought Symbols: An object or act that stands for something else Concepts: Grouping of objects, events, or ideas that have similar characteristics Prototypes: Example of a concept which best exemplifies the concept

22 Check for Understanding
How was Thinking involved in the mental picture that you had of Biggie in the Warm Up? How were you using the Units of Thought to create this mental picture? Which Unit of Thought do you think was most useful in helping you to create this mental picture? What connections can you draw between the different Units of Thought? Identify an example of each Unit of Thought that you have in your life

23 Student Problems: One Paragraph
What is the connection between thinking and problem solving? In one paragraph, describe a recent problem that you faced and how you went about solving the problem. Then think about other ways in which you could have solved that problem

24 Algorithms and Heuristics
Algorithms: Specific Procedure that leads to the solution of a problem when performed correctly Heuristics: Rules that often, but not always, help us find the solution of a problem

25 Applying the Material: Hangman
How are Heuristics being used to figure out the word? What are other games/ways/times when you use Heuristics to solve problems? What is the difference between Heuristics and Algorithms?

26 Good Will Hunting
How are Algorithms being used here? Do Algorithms only apply to Mathematics? Could they apply to other subjects? If so, what examples can you think of? Create an example of an Algorithm for any problem in your life

27 Problem Solving Methods
Trial and Error: Try different things until you find one that works Difference Reduction: Identify the goal, where we are in relation to achieving the goal, and the direction we must go to move closer to it Means-End Analysis: Certain things we do will have certain results Working Backward: Identify the solution and figure out how to get to the solution Analogy: Similarity between two or more items, events, or situations

28 Check For Understanding
Rank the problem solving methods from most important to least important in terms of how helpful they are Did you use any of these steps when you solved the problem that you wrote about? If so, which ones? If not, which ones would have been helpful for you to use?

29 Problem Solving Worksheet
Answer the questions on the Problem Solving Worksheet and be sure to fill out what Problem Solving technique you used to solve this

30 What are the three Units of Thought?
Exit Ticket What are the three Units of Thought? What is the difference between a Heuristic and an Algorithm?

31 Warm Up Identify three of the Problem Solving techniques/methods that we discussed last class and give an example of how you have used them in your life

32 Homework: 1-2 Page Writing Assignment
Think about the a critical decision that you have to make in the next couple years: A. What is the process that you have to go through to make this decision? B. Decide what the Pros and Cons are of this decision and what information about the decision do you still need. C. What factors will play a role in you making this decision? D. What Biases/Beliefs will play a role in this decision? MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE CLEAR THESIS STATEMENT, Introduction, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusion

33 Learning Objectives Interpret the role of Insight and Incubation Effect in Thinking Analyze different Problem Solving methods Build connections to your life

34 Insight and Incubation-Brainstorming
When have you heard the word “Insight”? What do you think it means? How does Insight connect to Problem Solving? What is an “Incubator”? What do you think an “Incubator Effect” might mean?

35 Insight and Incubation
Insight: Sudden Understanding Incubation Effect: Arriving at the solution to a problem when we have not been consciously working on the problem

36 Freedom Writers
Do you think this is a better example of the Incubation Effect or Insight? What is being solved or understood here? What problem solving method do you think is most evident in these scenes?

37 Check for Understanding
Write down an example of a time in your life when you gained “insight” Write down an example of a time in your life when the “Incubation Effect” happened to you

38 Cooperative Learning: Problem Solving Methods-15 minutes
In Groups of 4-5, you will create some type of presentation to present to the class that demonstrates the use of a Problem Solving Methods to a common problem for teenagers Your group has the choice of creating a skit, writing a song, or making a visual poster to demonstrate the use of your Problem Solving Method Problem Solving Methods: Algorithms, Heuristics, Trial and Error, Difference Reduction, Means-End Analysis, Working Backward, Analogies Be sure to show how people gained Insight or engaged in the Incubation Effect from using the Problem Solving Method that your group had

39 Presentations-Remember Good Public Speaking Skills
Engaging Voice Good Pacing-Not too fast, Not too slow Look at your audience Be aware of body posture Make sure you have practiced what you will be saying Stay relaxed

40 Senoi Problem Solving Solution
Read the article about the Senoi people and how they solve problems in their society. Then answer the questions that follow

41 Discussion: Problem-Solving
What do you think is the biggest problem in our society that we can solve? How can we solve this problem? What new problem solving solutions can we come up with?

42 Thinking and Problem Solving Review Sheet
Fill out the Review sheet on Thinking, Language, and Problem Solving

43 Exit Ticket Which type of problem solving do you think is most relevant for your life? Why do you think this?

44 What problem did you write about for homework?
Warm Up What problem did you write about for homework? How did you solve the problem?

45 Quiz III Next Week: Thinking, Language, Problem Solving, Intelligence
Looking Ahead Quiz III Next Week: Thinking, Language, Problem Solving, Intelligence Semester I Final: Two weeks

46 Apply the ABCDEs of Problem Solving to a real life problem
Learning Objectives Apply the ABCDEs of Problem Solving to a real life problem Transition into Intelligence Analyze different forms of intelligence

47 The ABCDEs of Problem Solving
A: Assess the problem B: Brainstorm approaches to the problem C: Choose the approach that seems most likely to work D: Do it- try the most likely approach E: Evaluate the results

48 Applying the ABCDEs to Problem Solving to a national/international problem
What problem did you write about for homework Using this Problem Solving method, identify a problem that exists in or outside our country, and explain how you would go about solving the problem through each step Make sure you fully explain how you are applying each step in the ABCDEs to solve the problem

49 Transitioning: Intelligence
What connections can you make between learning, thinking, and problem solving to intelligence? What does it mean to be “intelligent”? How do you determine someone’s intelligence? Are there different types of intelligence? If so, what are they?

50 Intelligence Vocabulary
Intelligence: The abilities to learn from experience, to think rationally, and deal effectively with the environment Achievement: Knowledge and skills gained from experience

51 Check For Understanding
What is the main difference between intelligence and achievement? Do you think Socrates would have agreed with this definition of intelligence? Why do you think this? What problem solving method did Socrates create to become more intelligent? Do you think you could have achievement without intelligence? Do you think you could have intelligence without achievement?

52 1 Paragraph Writing Assignment
1 Paragraph on a goal that you achieved which you are most proud of Explain the process you went about in achieving this goal Identify how your intelligence either impacted this achievement or was impacted by this achievement Conclude your paragraph with what you seek next to achieve and explain the relationship between intelligence and this achievement

53 Differences in Intelligence: Savants in the Media
Savant: Someone who displays abilities and capacities far beyond what is considered “normal” What examples of Savants can you think of? Do you know any personally?

54 Different Forms of Intelligence
Autism: Disorder characterized by limited social and communication abilities Asperger Syndrome: Form of Autism in which people can usually function at higher levels, but still have difficulty socializing and communicating Mental Retardation: Having an IQ score lower than 70, as well as problems with daily functioning Gifted: Having an IQ score above 130, as well as possessing outstanding talent and capabilities to achieve at high levels

55 Check for Understanding
What is the difference between Autism and Asperger's Syndrome? What is the difference between someone who is Mentally Retarded and someone who is Gifted? What is the connection between Autism and Savants? Do you have any problems with these definitions? What did Sam have in the move I am Sam? How do you determine if someone has these different forms of intelligence? Do you think this is a good way to determine if someone should be classified under these labels?

56 IQ Tests IQ=Intelligence Quotient
To determine IQ: Mental Age/Chronological Age x 100 Based on this definition create your own IQ Test Write down ten questions that you think someone of your age should be able to answer correctly Have five other people take your quiz Determine who has the highest IQ of the people who took your quiz

57 My Example Age 5- Person is able to verbalize what country they live in Age 10- Person can say where in the country they live (states) Age 13- Person is able to label their country on a map Age 15- Person is able to retain a brief understanding of their country’s history Age 18- Person is able to connect their identity with their nation’s history

58 What problems do you see in terms of IQ testing?
Exit Ticket What problems do you see in terms of IQ testing?

59 How do you determine someone’s IQ?
Warm Up What is an IQ? How do you determine someone’s IQ? What problems did we see with IQ testing?

60 Homework Complete Study Guide by writing out all relevant notes and material for each term/concept

61 Learning Objectives Analyze the problems with classifying and labeling people Interpret the difference between reliability and validity Engage in Visual Learning

62 Quiz on Wednesday/Thursday
Looking Ahead Quiz on Wednesday/Thursday

63 Forrest Gump: Mentally Retarded or Gifted???
How do you determine if someone is mentally retarded or gifted? Do you agree with Forest’s mother? Should people below a certain IQ level have to go to a “special school”? Why do you think this? How would you classify Forest Gump’s Intelligence level? What do these clips tell you about classifying people’s intelligence?

64 Reliability and Validity
Reliability: The consistency of the results of a test- Tests should give similar results every time they are taken Validity: How well the test measures what it is supposed to measure

65 Check for Understanding
Are IQ tests reliable? Why or why not? Are IQ tests valid? Why or why not? If there is a test that doesn’t have reliability and validity, what problems would that cause? How could we make tests more reliable and valid?

66 Brainstorming Identify five factors that could impact the results of an IQ test other than reliability and validity

67 Finish Still Alice/Watch Temple Grandin
Fill out the question and answer sheet while you are watching the movies

68 Identify three questions that you have about the content of Quiz III
Warm Up Identify three questions that you have about the content of Quiz III Don’t answer your own questions

69 Homework Complete Study Guide by writing out all relevant notes and material for each term/concept

70 Enhance studying skills
Learning Objectives Enhance studying skills Synthesize Thinking, Language, and Intelligence Engage in Visual Learning

71 Kahoot.It THIS IS THE ONE TIME THAT YOU WILL BE ALLOWED TO USE YOUR CELL PHONES Login to Kahoot. It Enter your name Plug in the Pin Code that I will show you Winner= 10 points extra credit on quiz 2nd Place= 7 points extra credit 3rd place= 5 points extra credit

72 Jeopardy You will be given a word
You have to act it out- YOU CAN’T TALK OR MAKE NOISES If you guess someone else’s word correctly, then you can either be the next actor, or, you can choose who is the next person to go

73 Fill out the question and answer sheet for the movie
Temple Grandin Fill out the question and answer sheet for the movie

74 Warm Up Get ready to take quiz: Everything off your desk and have your notebooks ready for me to check Notebook check starts at Conditioning and goes until last class (IQ tests)

75 Learning Objectives Enhance quiz-taking skills Synthesize Thinking, Language, and Intelligence Engage in Visual Learning

76 Take Quiz

77 Temple Grandin Fill out the question and answer sheet while you are watching the movie

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