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Latent Class Analysis Computing examples

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1 Latent Class Analysis Computing examples
Karen Bandeen-Roche October 28, 2016

2 Objectives For you to leave here knowing…
How to use the LCR SAS Macro for latent class analysis Brief introduction to poLCA in R How to interpret, report output How to create residuals and conduct model checking with them

3 Basics on using the software
Part I: Basics on using the software

4 SAS MACRO … Beginning of file— basic documentation
/* */ /* */ /* TITLE: LCR */ /* */ /* A SAS Macro for Latent Class Regression using PROC IML */ /* Requires SAS/IML */ /* Please send any suggestions or corrections to */ /* DESCRIPTION */ /* */ /* This program contains a macro for fitting LCA and LCR models and an example */ /* To fit a standard latent class model, only include an intercept in the model */ /* The macro uses the algorithm describe in */ /* Bandeen-Roche, K; Miglioretti, DL; Zeger, SL; Rathouz, P, */ /* "Latent variable regression for multiple discrete outcomes," */ /* JASA, In Press (1997) */ /* to fit latent class regression models. Beginning of file— basic documentation

5 SAS MACRO … This text creates output data sets!
create &outlib..beta from beta [colname='value' rowname=betaname]; append from beta [rowname=betaname]; close &outlib..beta; create &outlib..eta from eta [colname=etaname]; append from eta; close &outlib..eta; create &outlib..theta from h [colname=thetanam]; append from h; close &outlib..theta; expct = nrow(x)#bottom; create &outlib..expect from expct [colname='expected']; append from expct; close &outlib..expect; create &outlib..pi from pi [colname=pi2name rowname=varname]; append from pi [rowname=varname]; close &outlib..pi; create &outlib..var from var [colname=parm rowname=parm]; append from var [rowname=parm]; close &outlib..var; title; %mend lcr; This text creates output data sets! Posterior probabilities Expected cell counts Before anything else— need to run through here

6 Toy example (in software: immediately follows the macro)
BINARY INDICATORS data dataset; set a; if y1=. | y2=. | y3=. | y4=. | y5=. then delete; int=1; run; Create “intercept” Designed for complete data

7 SAS Macro Command line format
Name of your dataset Response variables Covariates (just intercept for LCA) Number of classes Initial parameters (“0” triggers self-initialization) Iterate to criterion precision

8 SAS Macro Output format
Top: initial estimates, # iterations Bottom: final estimates, fit criteria

9 SAS Macro Command line format
Example with initial estimates filled in rather than self-initialization “pi” = as we have defined it (conditional probabilities) “eta” = our “Pj” (latent class probabilities)

10 R function: poLCA > poLCA(formula = cbind(Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5) ~ 1, data = j2, nclass = 2) Conditional item response (column) probabilities, by outcome variable, for each class (row) $V1 Pr(1) Pr(2) class 1: class 2: $V2 class 1: class 2: $V3 class 1: class 2: $V4 Pr(1) Pr(2) class 1: class 2: $V5 class 1: class 2: Estimated class population shares

11 R function: poLCA ========================================================= Fit for 2 latent classes: number of observations: 100 number of estimated parameters: 11 residual degrees of freedom: 20 maximum log-likelihood: AIC(2): BIC(2): G^2(2): (Likelihood ratio/deviance statistic) X^2(2): (Chi-square goodness of fit)

12 Post-traumatic stress disorder
Part II: Application Post-traumatic stress disorder



15 Data set up (immediately following Macro)
Pull in pre-existing data A convenient way to code “patterns” Dataset to pass on to LCA

16 Pattern frequency listing
pscor=b1+10*b4+100*b5+1000*c *c *c *d *d *d3; No symptoms b1 only b4 only b1 & b4

17 LCA Macro “Call” Name of dataset Response variables (9 of them)
Number of classes Initial parameters “Canned” initialization & other starts yield same Am arranging for “low” symptom probability to be the “last” class (relevant for LCR)

18 Output Class Latent class probabilities Class 3 prevalence
1 2 3 Latent class probabilities Class 3 prevalence Class conditional probabilities Pr(B1=1|Class 3)

19 Classes reordered for reporting

20 Revisiting the Model for “Fit”
5 class model “None,” “PTSD” classes very stable AIC, BIC: both lower AIC, BIC LR test: Better LR test

21 Revisiting the Model for “Fit”
Five class model appears “better” Trustworthy? Data quite sparse! Seeing is believing—thus….

22 Checking Fit - Residuals
Standardized residuals (multinomial) In this case, residuals are actual cell counts vs. expected cell counts.

23 Expected counts: SAS Macro
Pull the expected values into a dataset. They’re labeled “expected”—rename them to avoid code-word problems Sort and tabulate to show the pattern, observed count, and expected count

24 Observed vs. Expected Comparison
Three class Five class Cut and paste into Excel: Stat transfer to Stata

25 Data structure in Stata
Obs Class Class

26 QQPlot of residuals, 5 vs 3 class
. gen resid3=n-tclass . gen resid5=n-fclass . qqplot resid5 resid3

27 QQPlot of standardized residuals, 5 vs 3 class
. gen sresid3 = resid3/sqrt(tclass*(1-tclass/1827)) . gen sresid5 = resid5/sqrt(fclass*(1-fclass/1827)) . qqplot sresid5 sresid3 Favors 5-class model

28 Listing–Largest |Standardized Residual| Differences
Negative difference favor 3-class model. Only a few large— these have small n. . gen sadiff = abs(sresid3)-abs(sresid5) . sort sadiff . list Pattern sadiff n tclass fclass sresid3 sresid5

29 Listing–Largest |Standardized Residual| Differences
. gen sadiff = abs(sresid3)-abs(sresid5) . sort sadiff . list Pattern sadiff n tclass fclass sresid3 sresid5 Both models underestimate the number having all symptoms Positive values favor 5-class model. A few large values have considerably large n (ex/ 110 = cues create distress, reactivity without re-experiencing).

30 Conclusion The latent class model fit suggests a nosology with subpopulations exhibiting “few” (just over half), “many” (~14%) and “re-experiencing plus a few other” symptoms. The conditional independence assumption may not be reasonable for these data

31 Objectives For you to leave here knowing…
How to use the LCR SAS Macro for latent class analysis Brief introduction to poLCA in R How to interpret, report output How to create residuals and conduct model checking with them

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