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2016 Performance Evaluation & Planning (PEP) Update

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Performance Evaluation & Planning (PEP) Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Performance Evaluation & Planning (PEP) Update
Employee & Organizational Development

2 2016 Process Update Last year, employees in more than 40 departments piloted a new form / process for staff performance evaluation discussions Based on positive feedback, the new form / process will be used university-wide effective this performance evaluation season (evaluation of 2016’s performance done in 2016 / 2017)

3 Why Make a Change? UNM employee feedback, supported by industry research, shows that performance evaluations can: Create anxiety – for both managers and employees Be time-consuming and cumbersome Focus only on the past year’s performance Be difficult to rate subjectivity

4 What’s Changing? You’ll see: A shortened form A cleaner look and feel
Improved rating options & overall scores Clearer job responsibility categories An emphasis on planning future goals An emphasis on addressing unsuccessful or exceptionally successful areas Change to self-evaluation expectation * No longer required EXCEPT for US-UNM eligible employees and if required by an individual’s manager

5 Why Do We Even Do Performance Evaluations? To:
Increase the quality of employee and manager feedback / discussions Encourage a participatory conversation around performance and goals Align with university and corporate best practices

6 Does The New Process Work?
Pilot feedback shows that: 78% of managers found the changes made it easier to rate employee performance Only 3% found that the PEP was more difficult than previously 86% experienced a reduction in time needed to complete the PEP process <1% of managers found that discussing and establishing upcoming year goals had a negative effect on the process

7 Does The New Process Work?
Direct comments from pilot participants: ‘Discussing the employee’s future goals was the most constructive part of the process ‘ ‘Employee evaluation seemed less like something to dread and more like an opportunity’ ‘Greatly improved process that relies on direct interaction and communication’ ‘We focused on the things that needed discussing more quickly’

8 PEP: The New Form Form Sections Focus on Previous Year’s Performance
Demographic Information Comments & Overall Job Responsibility Rating Evaluation of Goals Focus on Upcoming Year’s Goals Future Goal Planning Acknowledgements Employee and Supervisor Comments Signatures

9 Eval of Job Responsibilities
PEP Pilot: The New Form Demographics Evaluation type Eval of Job Responsibilities

10 PEP Pilot: The New Form Job Resp. Comments Prior Yr. Goal Evaluation
Coming Year Goal Planning

11 Evaluation Acknowledgement
PEP: The New Form Evaluation Acknowledgement Comments Signatures

12 Timeline November December January February March 1st
Voluntary/required self-assessments begin December Voluntary/required self-assessment forms completed Preparation for performance evaluation begins January Supervisor/manager begins completing form(s) Supervisor/manager schedules review meetings February Supervisor/manager completes review process and submits signed forms to HR March 1st Performance forms due to HR by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, March 1, 2017

13 Best Practices Engage in regular one-on-one meetings
Meet with each direct report Give these meetings top priority Listen more than you speak Be specific and timely Use specific language and examples Focus on what’s happened / is new since your last meeting Get the whole picture - ask your direct report’s clients and peers for feedback Focus on actionable next steps

14 Questions or Feedback? Visit:
Contact: Your HR Agent and/or Client Services Consultant EOD Dept. / /

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