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Alicia A. Stone PhD, RN, FNP Molloy College

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Presentation on theme: "Alicia A. Stone PhD, RN, FNP Molloy College"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alicia A. Stone PhD, RN, FNP Molloy College
Labor and Delivery Alicia A. Stone PhD, RN, FNP Molloy College 2/8/2018

2 “Pa….I think it’s time to go!”

3 What is Labor? Demonstrating progressive cervical changes, in the presence of regular, frequent, painful uterine contractions 2/8/2018

4 2/8/2018

5 Phases of Labor During First Stage
Latency (0 to 3 cm) Prodromal, early, preliminary 4- 24 hours Active (4 to 7 cm) 3 to 5 hours Transition (8 to 10 cm) ½ to 2 hours 2/8/2018

6 Physiologic Forces of Labor
Frequency of contractions Effectiveness of pushing 2/8/2018

7 2/8/2018

8 Uterine Contractions Palpation Timing Frequency Duration strength

9 Birth Passage Size of maternal pelvis Type of maternal pelvis
Ability of cervix to dilate Ability of vaginal canal to distend 2/8/2018


11 Dilation and Effacement

12 Fetal Head 2/8/2018

13 Fetal attitude Fetal lie 2/8/2018

14 2/8/2018

15 2/8/2018

16 2/8/2018

17 Passage Engagement Station Fetal position 2/8/2018

18 2/8/2018

19 Psychosocial considerations
Mental and physical preparation for childbirth Sociocultural values Previous experience Support Emotional status 2/8/2018

20 Admission to Labor Suite
History Contractions When they last ate Vital signs Ultrasound Examination 2/8/2018

21 Membranes Rupture 600 to 800 cc Color Odor Consistency Nitrazine Paper

22 Leopold’s Maneuvers 2/8/2018

23 External fetal monitoring
Two belts Uterine contractions Fetal heart monitoring benefits negatives 2/8/2018

24 Internal fetal monitoring

25 Fetal heart variability

26 Early decelerations Head compressions 2/8/2018

27 Late decelerations Uteroplacental insufficiency 2/8/2018

28 Variable decelerations
Cord Compression 2/8/2018

29 Maternal Responses to labor
Cardio, B/P Respiratory Renal, GI Immune/blood Pain causes 2/8/2018

30 Cardinal movements Descent Flexion Internal rotation Extension
Restitution External rotation Expulsion 2/8/2018

31 Fetus moving through the Pelvis

32 Placental delivery Contraction Globular uterus Cord lengthens
Rush of vaginal blood 2/8/2018

33 Causes of Pain in Labor Stage One Stretching of the cervix
during dilation & effacement Stage One What are the causes of pain during the first stage of labor? Uterine Anoxia Stretching of the uterine ligaments

34 Causes of Pain in Labor Stage Two Distention of the vagina and
Perineum Compression of the nerve ganglia in cervix & lower uterus Stage Two Pressure on urethra, bladder, rectum during fetal descent What are the causes of pain during the second stage of labor? Traction on and stretching of the perineum

35 Factors affecting Mothers Response to Pain in Labor
Preparation - Knowledge and confidence gained through childbirth classes Cultural influences on expression of pain Maternal fatigue, anxiety, sleep deprivation Previous experiences with pain Support What are factors that may influence a woman's response to pain?

36 Methods of Pain Relief Childbirth methods Nonpharmacological
Breathing Techniques Relaxation Techniques Touch Focusing attention on one object Effleurage What are methods of non-pharmacologic pain relief in providing general comfort?

37 Breathing Methods Basic principles Rhythmic chest Shallow chest
Comfortable position Chest breathing Focal point Verbal and non-verbal cues Cleansing breath Rhythmic chest Shallow chest Pant-blow Exhalation pushing 2/8/2018

38 Non-Pharmacological Listening to music; subdued lighting
Sensory Stimulation Listening to music; subdued lighting Imagery Applying heat and cold Massage (lower back); Counterpressure TENS Position Changes

39 Pain Management Narcotic Analgesics Timing Effect on labor
Common meds used Stadol Nubain 2/8/2018

40 Pain Relief in Labor Criteria for administering an analgesic:
Needs to be in active phase of labor If give in latent phase – it may slow labor If give in transition phase – can lead to neonatal respiratory depression

41 Regional Anesthesia Epidural Spinal Pudendal Side effects Hypotension
Bladder distention 2/8/2018

42 Nursing Care related to an epidural
Preparation Assess platelet count – must be normal Empty bladder Assess vital signs for baseline IV fluids Following Assess V/S – especially the B/P because the main side effect is hypotension Rotate position between right and left side-lying Assess bladder and catheterize as needed Assess for other side effects and intervene


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