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Climate Change Policy in Victoria

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1 Climate Change Policy in Victoria
Greenhouse Alliances Conference 12 May 2017

2 Climate change policy in Victoria
New Climate Change Act 2017 Victoria’s Climate Change Framework TAKE2 pledges Victoria’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan Act Amendments based on Independent Review recommendations Commences operation on 1 Nov 2017 Long term target + interim targets + GHG reporting Climate Change Strategy Climate Science reports and Adaptation Action Plans Framework Long-term plan to 2050 for a net-zero emissions, climate-resilient Victoria 15-20% emissions reduction target by 2020 for Victoria 30% reduction from 2015 level in government emissions by 2020 Take2 community, government and business pledges to reduce emissions Over 30 local governments have already pledged

3 Victoria’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2017-2020
Sets the direction of adaptation policy in Victoria for the next 4 years Led by Climate Change Policy branch of DELWP, coordinating across the department and government Setting the direction of adaptation policy in Victoria for the next 4 years. Recognises and builds on existing adaptation work undertaken by Government, identifies new initiatives. Requirement under Section 16 of Climate Change Act 2010 Sets up transition to new legislative framework, e.g. pilot AAPs Led by Climate Change Policy branch of DELWP, however it is a whole-of-government plan. Released 8 February 2017 Available to download at

4 Adaptation Plan at a glance
The Adaptation Plan is based on a vision and 6 goals which drive the actions in the Plan, and will guide government decisions and investment in adaptation over the life of the AP. Some of the flagship actions are highlighted on this slide, reflecting the breadth of issues that are tackled by a whole-of-government plan. The Plan can be considered in three parts: Part 1: Managing risks to the government’s own assets and services Getting the government’s own house in order Embedding climate change in government decision-making Part 2: Helping the community to understand and manage the risks of climate change Providing quality and accessible information – including downscaled climate change data, economic vulnerability assessment Rebuilding a partnership with local government, building capacity in local governments Regional approach – best practice, working in Regional Partnership boundaries to integrate regional priorities for adaptation into regional development Part 3: Embedding adaptation in policy areas an sectors of the economy Actions in the plan cover health and human services, emergency management, the natural environment, agriculture, water and the built environment Pilot AAPs are a bridge to the new legislative framework for adaptation under the Climate Change Act Testing this model in the health and human services, water cycle and agriculture sectors will provide valuable lessons for developing AAPs in 2020. We will also be preparing other sectors (natural environment, built environment, transport) to develop mandatory AAPs.

5 Local Government and the Adaptation Plan
Recognising local government leadership Rejuvenating a productive partnership with local government Adaptation Community of Practice Training and guidance Collaborating with Greenhouse Alliances Review of land-use planning policies Forums on insurance and liability for land-use planning decisions in the context of climate change Supporting local governments with better information, connecting adaptation action in regions and sectors Local governments are well-placed to address the localised impacts of climate change LG is a critical partner for state government in adaptation, and a critical conduit to the community The responsibilities of LG for adaptation are diverse, ranging from emergency management to health services to infrastructure to environmental management. LG also operates in a resource-constrained environment State government has a role to play supporting local government with adaptation – helping to coordinate between councils, address issues that cross municipal borders, addressing barriers to action for local govt (eg regulatory) and building capacity Range of initiatives in Adaptation Plan to strengthen our working relationship and bolster LG action on adaptation.

6 An Adaptation Community of Practice
How well is climate change embedded in Council governance? What can local governments learn from each other? What are the existing forums to build upon? What are the new networks local governments need? What kind of training and guidance do local governments need for adaptation? Importantly at OFFICER level - the Community of Practice will be built along side these discussions to ensure we are continuing to build and have a collaborative working relationship at officer level 1st step – Understanding what is needed to effectively integrate climate change in local government governance and planning, ascertaining a baseline of where climate change is integrated in LG governance already. This is the starting point for a community of practice. This will inform the rest of our work – targeted needs, training and guidance. We want it to evolve through engagement – first in May – and address required LG needs; utilise peer-to peer learning to build council capacity; SG to play the “backbone” agency role in this. Targeted training and guidance - We have already heard about some critical needs for training and guidance. Keen to understand the detail of this and develop the right kinds of products to support LG. The Community of Practice will provide a forum for peer learning, and also provide the opportunity to identify and test training and guidance needs as a community. You can see that these three initiatives work together/flow into one another– are quite integrated in terms of outcome. We want things to become established, become BAU, and then be iterative and work on needs ongoing.

7 Brochure: Climate Change Risks for Local Government
Engagement: Community of Practice and targeted training and guidance, planned August/September 2017 Brochure: feedback on mid-2016 local government engagement on the development of the Adaptation Plan Brochure: Climate Change Risks for Local Government Feedback Brochure available which summarised how your perspectives and input from the workshops we held in 2016 with local government officers to develop the Adaptation Plan is available. Climate Change Risks for Local Government Brochure for communication with Councillors who are not engaged on climate change adaptation Engagement to work together on Community of Practice + targeted training and guidance – August – September 2017.

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