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Linnaeus-Palme Application for the period and

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1 Linnaeus-Palme Application for the period 2016- 2017 and 2016- 2018
Contract period: June September 30, 2017 June September 30, 2018 (Dates to be confirmed)

2 General information about the Linnaeus-Palme programme
Funding- by SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Programme founded- May 2000 Partner countries- all countries defined as developing countries by the OECD- DAC (Development Assistance Committee) Funds- are granted for one or two academic years at a time (2-year applications possible if the project previously has been awarded funding for two years). Funding may be granted for up to 8 years. Responsible for the project- the Swedish departments in collaboration with the overseas departments makes the project application. The Swedish department is awarding scholarships and grants; documenting, evaluating and producing a project report Application assessment- each application is individually assessed- read UHR's prioritization criteria (Emil's presentation)

3 General information about the Linnaeus-Palme programme
Linnaeus-Palme- a programme for teaching staff and students at university (undergraduate and graduate levels) It shall stimulate long-term bilateral collaborations- at departmental level based on the mutual benefit created between higher education institutions in Sweden and developing countries The aim- is to raise the quality of higher education by integrating global perspectives into the learning process to better meet global challenges Participation- in the programme is expected to impact on an individual and departmental level (global issues, global perspectives, enlarged network) Each project- is assumed to have specific academic aims for its collaboration Mutuality- is central. Partners participate in equal collaboration that leads to mutual benefits, even if the resources may be different

4 Linnaeus-Palme projects at Linnaeus University granted funds for the academic year 2015-2016/17
Ongoing projects at Linnaeus: Number of projects in total- 24 Number of projects that have been ongoing 1-8 years- 15 Number of projects that were granted funds for the first time- 9

5 Linnaeus-Palme projects at Linnaeus University granted funds for the academic year 2015-2016/17
Approved projects in the following regions and countries: Africa Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia Asia China, India, Vietnam Europe and Central Asia Albania, Georgia, Ukraine Latin America Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru

6 Two programme parts within the Linnaeus-Palme programme
Linnaeus-Palme Planning Year 1- Planning trips Application period: October-November Decision: December Implementation period: January 1- December 31, 2016

7 Two programme parts within the Linnaeus-Palme programme
Linnaeus-Palme Partnership Teacher exchange (incl. language training), Student exchange, Evaluation trips, Additional funding for disabled participants, Project grant Application period: October-November Decision: March Implementation period: June 1, September 30, 2017 alt. 2018 It is possible to apply for funding from both programme parts at the same time.

8 Criteria and prioritisation principles, when assessing applications for Linnaeus-Palme
Project applications are assessed by: The quality of the application Whether the project has been granted funding in the past: history, to what degree the project has been implemented and the quality of the report Dissemination of the programme: geographically and subject-related. Applications from countries/subjects with few or no projects have priority over countries/subjects with many projects Applications from universities/educational centres not represented in Linnaeus-Palme or with few ongoing collaborations have priority in favour of equivalent applications from universities/educational centres with many ongoing projects.

9 Application documents found on www. programkontoret
Application documents found on at the end of September Projektansökan Linnaeus-Palme (electronic) Riktlinjer/ Guidelines Linnaeus-Palme Application (Swedish and English) Nyheter/ News Kriterier och prioriteringsgrunder vid bedömning av ansökan/ Criteria and priorities for review of application Möjliga samarbetsländer/ Possible cooperation countries Exempel på yttrande från partneruniversitet/Letter of support from partner

10 Deadline for application
Internal deadline for the project application at Linnaeus University Friday October 30 at (TBD) The university frame application made by the Office of External Relations, signed by the Rector New on-line application from autumn 2015, entire application is digital Two steps for the programme coordinator; 1) print for frame application and 2) submit to UHR with digital frame application attached Details on the application process available by the end of September at:

11 After the application Decision from UHR in December (planning) and March/April 2016 (partnerships) The allocated funding is specified in UHR decision and in the contract signed between UHR and each individual project. Payment is made when the signed contract has reached UHR. Projects granted a two year contract will receive a second payment when the interim report has been approved (deadline for the interim reports is May 30) Final report- Projects Approximately November 15, 2017 Projects Approximately November 15, 2018

12 Contact information All information about the programme Linnaeus-Palme is available at the following web page: Contact UHR: Contact at the Office of External Relations:

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