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Associate Prof. Dr. Timo Minssen University of Copenhagen

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1 Associate Prof. Dr. Timo Minssen University of Copenhagen
Basic course: Danish Legal Research Education Programme Danish Parliament Christiansborg, Copenhagen Challenges & opportunities in international networking and collaboration Associate Prof. Dr. Timo Minssen University of Copenhagen

2 Agenda I. My background and network
II. Ten tips for fruitful (interdisciplinary) networking in an international setting.

3 My network: Education & Visiting Scholarships
Graduation, University of Göttingen, Germany. Master of European Affairs & Suffolk (US) Summer School, Lund University, Sweden. "Referendariat", Department of Public Prosecution & District Court, Lübeck, Germany. M.I.C.L. - Master of International and Comparative Law, Uppsala University, Sweden. LL.Lic. & LL.D., Lund University, Sweden European Patent Office & Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition (Germany). Visiting Scholar with course responsibility, Chicago-Kent College of Law (US). 2013/14 Guest Scholar at Harvard Law School (US). 2014 Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Oxford (UK).


5 1. Never confuse networking with old boys networks

6 2. Don't focus only on the highest level contacts

7 3. Do not leave your contacts up to chance; set yourself clear and realistic targets & make use of a heavy weight promoter (your supervisor?)

8 4. Be synergistic & define your own and common goals

9 5. Learning by doing: Be active

10 6. Embrace the concept of giving and taking

11 ´7. Give your network partners and yourself time to get to know each other

12 8. Work on your communicative and social skills

13 9. Establish & govern structural bonds- Get married

14 10. Recognise when things are not working well & do something about it or- get divorced

15 Thank you for your attention
Research homepage with further links: Blog: Course for students in EU Pharma Law, IPR & Life Science: Course for professionals in Pharma Law & Policy:


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