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University of Vermont Medical Group

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1 University of Vermont Medical Group
Group on Faculty Practice Denver, Colorado Paul Taheri MD, MBA President and CEO University of Vermont Medical Group

2 Disclosure Nothing to disclose

3 Overview of Our Goals for Today
Re-focus our day into more of a working session Focus on key issues you can take back home and try “Monday morning” Focus on governance Focus on problem solving and solution generation Ask you for your engagement and perspective Write up the proceedings of the meeting for peer review publication

4 Breakdown of the Day Highlight our GFP survey – Mary Wheatley and Hershel Alexander (30 min) Focus on Governance from key institutions (9:00-11:15): Mark Kelley MD – CEO of Henry Ford Medical Group David Bjorkman MD – Executive Medical Director University of Utah Medical Group Nicholas Benson MD, MBA – Vice Dean, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University

5 Reactor Panel – (11:15 – noon)
Bryan Becker MD and Brian Rasmus Assistant Vice President, Health Affairs, University of Illinois College of Medicine COO, Director of University of Illinois College of Medicine Medical Practice Plan The goal is to clarify and stimulate discussion, but most importantly be provocative. Let’s get it out on the table to discuss Networking Lunch and Business Meeting (12:00-1:30)

6 Afternoon Darrell Kirch MD – AAMC President and CEO (1:30-2:00)
His take on the evolution of the role of the FPP 4 distinct breakout groups (2:00 – 3:00) #1) Investing in ourselves thru a better understanding of our data #2) Exploring the role of Department chairs #3) Defining integration #4) How to develop transparency and trust between MD’s and administrators Group report outs with reactor panel (3:00-4:00) A few brief closing comments from Taheri

7 Topics for Discussion #1 Data #2 Chairs #3 Integration #4 Trust and Transparency

8 The Risks for This Type of Day
Your level of participation. The more the merrier. Ask questions, provide feedback, and then engage in our workgroups This is a modest deviation from our traditional model of all day lectures. But the rewards should be high. What we put in we will get out

9 What Would Success Look Like?
Full day of engagement Some legitimate problem solving from our workgroups. Such as defining how we should deploy/report our data survey to optimally benefit our members, defining physician integration, and others… Our ability to write up our findings for “Academic Medicine”

10 Why Governance Our steering committee meets monthly via telephone and a few thematic issues continuously arise: Money and governance Decided to explore the governance issue in some detail. To best achieve that goal, we developed a few guiding principles for our presenters and then asked them to share their institutional perspectives on governance.

11 Some Basic Perspectives on Governance
What about your governance structure supports or impedes decision making? How is your system set up Board membership, voting rights, committee structure, what real decisions has your board made in the past year? Who determines raises, sets salaries, does the clinical practice fund the other “missions” How does this structure impact chair/faculty recruitments, what is the role of the chair in the operations/finances of the overall practice plan Any anything else the presenter feels helps us understand their organization.

12 I am confident that you are in for a very strong day.
Summary I am confident that you are in for a very strong day. I want to thank the AAMC team: Ivy, Will, and Susan All of our presenters All of you for participating So let’s get started and have some fun.

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