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Cognition: Chapter 7 Memory

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Presentation on theme: "Cognition: Chapter 7 Memory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognition: Chapter 7 Memory

2 Cognition The way in which information is processed and manipulated in remembering, thinking, and knowing. Includes: Memory, Thinking, and Language

3 Processes in Memory Three step process…
Encoding: processing information into the memory Storage: retaining memories over time Retrieval: getting information out of memory

4 Biology of Memory Hippocampus in the limbic system
processes memories of information informational memory Amygdala processes memories of emotions emotional memory Cerebellum in the hindbrain processes memories of movements muscle memory

5 Encoding Pay Attention!
The first step in getting information into memory is to pay attention to it. Attention involves focusing awareness on a narrowed range of stimuli or events. To pay attention one must focus. Attention is likened to a screen that filters out most stimuli, while allowing a select few to get by. Research to determine whether this filtering process occurs early or later in the information processing sequence has found that both may be at play. focus

6 Attention Selective attention: the process of focusing on a specific aspect of experience while ignoring others. redundant…attention IS selective Divided attention: concentrating on more than one activity at the same time. Multitasking Sustained attention: the ability to maintain attention to a selected stimulus for a prolonged period of time. Vigilance

7 Types of Processing Automatic
information is processed effortlessly into memory things we process automatically Space, Time, & Frequency Effortful placing new information into memory requires work Rehearsal is necessary For example: memorizing a billion AP Psychology terms 

8 Levels of Processing Studied by Craik & Lockhart

9 Types of Encoding

10 Types of Encoding

11 Ways to Improve Encoding
Elaboration Self-referent Imagery Dual-code hypothesis Mnemonics

12 Elaboration The formation of a number of different connections around a stimulus at any given level of memory encoding. Webbing For example: car Structural - The word car is spelled c-a-r. Phonemic - The word car rhymes with far. Semantic - The word car means a four-wheeled vehicle that can transport people from point A to point B.

13 Self-Referent Relating material to your own experience
Make it personal For example: car Self-referent - My mom’s car is a 2012 silver Honda. I know it is a car because it has four wheels, an engine, air bags, brakes, and helps my mom get to work everyday.

14 Imagery Mental pictures
When you picture an image in your mind that represents a word Powerful aid for effortful processing For example: car

15 Mnemonics Memory techniques Method of Loci (Memory Palace)
Taking an imaginary mental walk Link Method Mental picture of how things are connected to one another Keyword Method Combining the creation of substitute words with visualization Acronyms A word formed from the first letters of each word in a phrase

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