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Aromatherapy By Alana disty.

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1 Aromatherapy By Alana disty

2 Origin of Aromatherapy
The origin of Aromatherapy can be followed back to 3000 B.C when it was used by the Egyptians. The Egyptians used incense and other herbs to honor their gods. They also believed that the oils and herbs had a preserving power, so they used it to embalm dead Kings. Aromatherapy spread from Egypt to other countries including Israel, China, India, and the Mediterranean. Aromatherapy got it’s name in the 1920’s by a French chemist

3 Purpose of Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is used to modify someone's mood, psychological mind-set, or their physical health. More specifically, it is believed to help relieve stress and anxiety, enhance immune systems, and ease muscle pain. Some conditions Aromatherapy can be used for include agitation, anxiety, pain/headaches, and insomnia.

4 Method of Aromatherapy
During an Aromatherapy treatment, oils can be applied topically or inhaled. Some professionals can give essential oils by mouth. Oils can be breathed in from a cloth or through steam inhalations, vaporizers, or sprays. Aromatherapy can be preformed by a professional or at home. Reason for illness/treatment Aromatherapy can be used for many different reasons. Some of the most popular are to improve mood, increase energy, headache relief, ease nausea, and stress relief.

5 Does Aromatherapy Really Work?
Studies have found that people with depression needed less medications after Aromatherapy treatment. Also, citrus oils were used at dentists offices and patients showed decreased anxiety. This shows that Aromatherapy may be able to help improve people’s state of mind. While Aromatherapy may improve mood, the evidence for physical healing is lacking. A study was conducted that showed lemon oil did improve moods however, oils failed to change pain ratings or wound healing.

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