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Presentation on theme: "PHP LANGUAGE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION SET-5"— Presentation transcript:


2 1. PHP doesn't support ----- image format.

3 2. Identify the false statement about PHP.
It perform system functions It can handle forms Access cookies variables All are true

4 3. We can embed PHP code in HTML form by ------tags.
<?... ?> <?PHP... ?> <script language=“” php></script> We can use all of these

5 4. The purpose of php.ini file is ------.
Initialize PHP code It is a configuration file it is used to import PHP libraries None of these

6 5. What do you mean by having PHP as whitespace insensitive?
PHP count spaces PHP ignore spaces but count tabs PHP ignore anything which is invisible None of these

7 Partially case sensitive
6. PHP is a Case sensitive Case insensitive Partially case sensitive None of these

8 7. Which of the following statement is false about PHP variables.
All variables start with $ sign There is no global variable in PHP A variable consider its most recent value There is no need to declare a variable before assignment

9 8. Which of the following is correct about NULL in PHP.
NULL has only one value NULL is a special type Syntax for NULL is $my_var = NULL; All are true

10 9. What does the following variable do? $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']
It provide access to uploaded file It make a temporary file It make a temporary registry None of these

11 10.The ereg() function searches a string --------
Specified by string Specified by string for a string Specified by string for a string specified by a pattern None of these

12 11. The abs() function return ------.
Quotient of the two divided numbers Absolute value of given number Check if a is prime or not Check even or odd number

13 12. Syntax for abs() function is ------.
Int abs(mixed $number) Number abs($number) Number abs(mixed $number) abs($number)

14 13. What will following PHP function return ? (ceil(3.3))
4 3.3 3.4

15 14. Which will be the output of following PHP function. (floor(7.333))
8 7.334

16 15. What does output the following function produce. (sqrt(4));
2 16 64

17 16. The decbin() function converts
Decimal numbers into binary Binary numbers into decimals Binary into hexadecimal Hexadecimal into binary

18 17. Which of the following function is used to connect to MYSQL database now a day.
Mysql_connect() Mysqli_connect() PDO::_construct Both B and C

19 18.Which of the following PHP function is used to create a MYSQL database.
PDO::__query() ysqli_query() mysql_create_db() Both A and B

20 19.The function mysql_query() is deprecated since -------.
PHP 4.3 PHP 4.0 PHP 5.0 PHP 5.5

21 20.mysqli_query() function is used to -------.
Add record in a table Delete record from a table Update record in a table All of these

22 21. PHP allows us to encode and decode JSON by the help of and ---------function/s.
json_encode() json_decode () Both A and B Json_code()

23 22.Syntax for PHP json_decode is ------.
mixed json_decode ( string $json [, bool $assoc =  false [, int $depth = 512 [, int $options = 0 ]]] )  mixed json_decode ( string $json [, bool $assoc =  false [, int $depth = 1024 [, int $options = 0 ]]] )  mixed json_decode ( string $json [, bool $assoc =  false [, int $depth = 256 [, int $options = 0 ]]] )  mixed json_decode ( string $json [, bool $assoc =  false [, int $depth = 128 [, int $options = 0 ]]] ) 

24 23.Regular expressions are nothing more than -------of characters itself.
A sequence A pattern A sequence or a pattern None of these

25 24. PHP has ----- types of regular expressions.
3 4 5

26 25. Which of the following belongs to PHP regular expression.
POSIX regular expression PER regular expression Both A and B None of these

27 26. Which expression we can use if we want to match both upper and lower case.
[a-z] [A-Z] [a-Z] None of these

28 27. Error_fucntion is used to handle errors and has ------- number of parameters.
3 4 5

29 28. Which of the following keywords we use in exceptions.
Try Catch Throw All of these

30 29. AJAX stands for -----. Asynchronous Java Script and XML
Script and XAMPP None of these

31 Object oriented language
30. XML is a Scripting language Markup language Object oriented language None of these

32 31. XML is same as HTML CSS PHP XHTML

33 32. Identify the difference b/w HTML and XML.
XML doesn't define a specific set of tags you must use. XML is extremely picky about document structure. Both A and B None of these

34 33. The var_dump() function displays
Return any PHP value in binary form Return any PHP value in text form Return any PHP value in human readable form None of these

35 34. If a string has some whitespaces in the beginning of text how can we remove it.
Trim() Whitetrim() Whtspc() Itrim()

36 35. Which function changes the first case of string.
Ucfirst() First() Casefirst() None of these

37 36. ----- is used to sort an array in descending order.
Isort() Fsort() Dsort() Rsort()

38 37. Which one of the following data is/are external data.
User input Session Cookies All of the mentioned

39 38. PHP offers ----- type of filtering.
2 3 4 5

40 39. PHP doesn't support ------.
Far loop Do while loop While loop Do for loop

41 40. Setcookies() function appeared in ----.
Inside tag After tag Before tag Can use anywhere

42 41. If you combine a string with a integer the result will be a -----.
float String Int char

43 42. PHP and C have same ------.
Syntax Operators Control structures All of these

44 43. Identify the PHP frameworks from the following.
FlightPHP CakePHP FuelPHP All of these

45 44. According to Microsoft design pattern theory factory is -------.
A Class has one instance, It provides a global access point to it A Class Simple Creates the object and you want to use that object a family algorithm and encapsulates each algorithm None of these

46 45. MVC stands for Medium view controller Model view community
Model view controller Middle value controller

47 46. In MVC view act as --------.
GUI Monitor Structure None of these

48 47. Final keyword is introduced by ------.
PHP 4.3 PHP 5 PHP 4 PHP 5.5

49 48. Final keyword is used to -----
Prevent child class from overloading Make a variable static Make a class global accessible None of these

50 49. $GLOBALS is ------ PHP variable.
Predefined Local Global Super global

51 50. $_FILES variable is ------.
An associative array of items uploaded to the current script via the HTTP POST method. An associative array consisting of the contents of $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIE. An associative array of variables passed to the current script via HTTP cookies. None of these


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