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The Respiratory System

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1 The Respiratory System
Take A Breath The Respiratory System

2 Try this . . . Video  Why could you not keep holding your breath as long as the diver? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 WOW! Facts A person inhales and exhales fifteen times a minute, approximately 20,000 times a day. In 24 hours we breath around 10,000 litres of air (enough for 30,000 coke cans)

4 Why do we breath? Why do we breathe? Because our body is using up the oxygen to help produce energy for us to live. The respiratory system is vital to renewing the available oxygen. It is also vital to removing the waste product carbon dioxide.

5 Why do we breathe? The Respiratory System is the process by which OXYGEN enters our body and CARBON DIOXIDE leaves our body. Oxygen is extremely important to our cells because it is combined with the NUTRIENTS in the cells MITOCHONDRIA to produce energy for that cell to function.

6 Continued … When our cells produce the energy though, it also produces a WASTE called Carbon Dioxide. Because of this, when we breathe out we send the CO2 back out of our body and into the air.

7 Diffusion Diffusion is when particles move from an area of HIGH concentration to an area of LOW concentration.

8 Structure of the Respiratory System
Nose & Mouth – entry and exit point for air Nostrils: filter air using hairs, tiny hairs (CILIA) and mucus. WARM and moisten air. The following structures have support CARTILAGE to prevent it from collapsing. You can feel some of the cartilage at the front of your THROAT. Structure of the Respiratory System

9 Pharynx – throat, connects to the larynx
Larynx – Voice box, connects pharynx to trachea Also known as our ‘Adam’s Apple’. Trachea – The windpipe, connects larynx to the bronchus. Epiglottis – prevents food going down the trachea.


11 The Vocal Chords Can you speak when you don’t have any air in your lungs? TRY IT! Teacher: Use a balloon to show how the vocal cords work.

12 Structures cont. Lungs Bronchi (Bronchus) – Main tubes the run from the trachea to the bronchioles Divide into secondary and tertiary bronchi Bronchioles – tertiary bronchus lead into the lungs. Alveoli / Alveolus – Air sacks. This is where the oxygen and carbon dioxide gas is exchanged.

13 How do we inhale and exhale?

14 The Diaphragm 

15 Think about it. Which is easier to do?
Breath in or Breath out? Why do you think that it is easier in relation to the muscle?

16 The Diaphragm When the diaphragm contracts downwards – The lungs FILL with AIR, and the chest moves OUTWARD. When the diaphragm relaxes upwards – The lungs EXPELL the air out of the body, and the chest moves INWARD.

17 Comparing Respiratory Systems (EXTENSION)

18 Grasshopper



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