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CORAL to the Rescue: An E-Resource Management Solution for Small-Staffed, Budget-Challenged Academic Libraries Richard Wisneski Yuezeng Shen Ian Yee Cleveland.

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Presentation on theme: "CORAL to the Rescue: An E-Resource Management Solution for Small-Staffed, Budget-Challenged Academic Libraries Richard Wisneski Yuezeng Shen Ian Yee Cleveland."— Presentation transcript:

1 CORAL to the Rescue: An E-Resource Management Solution for Small-Staffed, Budget-Challenged Academic Libraries Richard Wisneski Yuezeng Shen Ian Yee Cleveland State University May 2017 1

Background Review – Why CORAL Installation of CORAL Tour of CORAL Workflow Feature of CORAL Possibilities for and Drawbacks to CORAL Discussion 2

3 Why Centralized Online Resources Acquisitions and Licensing (CORAL)?

4 Our Old Homegrown ERM Homegrown ERM was largely flat file
limited ways to search, filter No way to link to License Records, resources’ web sites. Vendor Records III ERM, OCLC, and Serials Solutions out of price range Need for ERM that: was more robust ERM that could contain documentation, licenses, acquisitions, advanced search and filter mechanisms could be customized Was cost-effective Was well-supported Contained workflow component

5 Open Source – But Widely Used
Very Active User Community CORAL Presentations Common – e.g. OVGTSL, NASIG, ER & L, Charleston, ALA Adopted by Institutions such as Wheaton College, Eastern Carolina University, NC State University, Southern Illinois University – Carbondale, Wake Forest University, Texas A & M, UMass Updates, shared scripts, enhancements 5

6 Support Network

7 CORAL Installation 7

OS: Debian GNU/Linux or RHEL/CentOS 7, FreeBSD, etc. should work Apache httpd Web Server: upstream uses .htaccess files MySQL: MariaDB is ok, uses MySQL specific functions, no PDO or DAL PHP: PHP 5.6 used, should eventually migrate to PHP 7 Need to be comfortable with CLI or have IT personnel who are LTC 2016 Conference CORAL 2.0 Beta as of has improved installer

9 CORAL Tour 9



12 RESOURCE MODULE Contains subsections on: Acquisitions
Contact Information Vendors Cataloging Issues Usage Credentials and Attachments (e.g. for Titles List) Allows for Filters – Basic and Advanced Customizable Allows for Easy Import from an Existing ERM 12



15 LICENSING MODULE Allows link to License itself Customizable
Allows for Populating Licensing components such as ILL, Perpetual Access, Course Reserve, etc. Filters Calendar feature to see License Renewals by Month License Expressions Snapshot – e.g. ILL, Course Reserve, Data Mining, etc. 15



18 Licensing Calendar CORAL ERM
Draws upon the “Current Sub End” date found in the “Acquisitions” component of the Resource Record (You enter this end date in the Resource Record) CORAL ERM 18

19 CORAL Organizations CORAL ERM
Many are pre-populated, although you can create Organizations as well You can add: Contact information Usage Statistics URL Issues with Organization Aliases Addition information is also pulled from what you enter in Resource Record CORAL ERM 19

20 CORAL Organizations CORAL ERM
This information was pulled from what I entered in the Resource Record. Works vice-versa as well CORAL ERM 20

21 CORAL Documentation CORAL ERM
You add your own documentation, and create “Document Type” and “Category” labels. 21

22 CORAL Data Dictionary CORAL ERM 22

23 CORAL Workflows 23

24 Electronic Resources Workflow
SCENARIOS Investigating new resources (Trials) Acquiring new resource Modifying existing resources Withdrawing resources Workflows for Ebooks, Ejournals, Databases, Packages STAKEHOLDERS Collection Management librarian Acquisitions Cataloging Subject Librarians Interlibrary Loan Financial Officer Campus Community ELEMENTS Documentation Tools and Resources Transparency Decision Making – who is responsible for order records, license negotiations, contacting vendors 24

25 Example of Workflow: TRIAL AND PURCHASE
Includes Collections Division, Acquisitions, E-Resources, and Info Systems Workflow Example: TRIAL AND PURCHASE 25

26 CORAL Workflow Component

27 CORAL Possibilities and Drawbacks

28 Usage Statistics File must be saved as .txt in tab delimited format
File may not be larger than 5MB Columns must conform to COUNTER's standards for the report type 28

29 Usage Reports Yearly Usage Statistics Provider rollup Publisher rollup
top resource requests usage stats by title usage stats by publisher/provider 29

30 Possible Connection to Public A-Z Database List
From Wheaton College 30

31 Interfaces for Subject Librarians, Interlibrary Loan, Etc.
Platforms to get information on resources From OhioLINK. Could be built to speak to ERM From OSU – Using OCLC 31

32 Shortcomings / Drawbacks
Requires Systems Librarian well-versed in computer languages such as SQL, XML, XPATH to take full advantage of customizing CORAL Tickler set-up requires back-end work – although one can view the Calendar Very difficult to do global editing/revision No connectivity to ILS Only One Order Record documentation Difficult to pull pricing information to analyze changes over time


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