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‘ The Finnish (and Scandinavian) team in IWM2003

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1 ‘ The Finnish (and Scandinavian) team in IWM2003
Ossi Hakanen, Skanska Hannu Jokiniemi, Rautaruukki Group Pasi Korkeakoski, Rautaruukki Group Jouko Lehtonen, Turku Polytechnic IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen

2 Micropile business in Nordic Countries
The micropiles business started in late 80´s Growth has been significant and constant new applications new micropile structures new installation methods the trends vary: drilling => impact driving when only costs considered; jacking => impact driving when end-bearing problematic; driving => drilling when vibrations considered Totally about 100 rigs, mainly impact driving (in Norway mainly drilling), close to micropile meters / year IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen

3 IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen
IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen

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