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Objectives Explain the main assumptions of the Psychodynamic and Humanistic Approaches Outline at least 3 key concepts within the Psychodynamic and Humanistic Approaches Explain each of the debates in Psychology and apply them to two Psychological Approaches Compare, Contrast and Evaluate the Psychodynamic and Humanistic Approaches.
Review- Assumptions Freud (1) or Maslow (2) You have been named
All Freud’s will be writing on MWB’s everything they can remember about the Psychodynamic Approach All Maslow’s will be writing down on MWB’s everything they know about the Humanistic Approach Without MWB’s- Freud’s find a Maslow and explain everything you can remember. Maslow now explain your approach to Freud
Psychodynamic Key Concepts
Psychosexual stages of development – Old Age Pensioners Like Gardening The Structure of Personality In pairs, write a scenario/situation demonstrating Freud’s tripartite personality (ID, EGO, SuperEGO). Divide the 5 psychosexual stages up amongst your group. Each person should write down what occurs in that stage and what the consequences are of becoming fixated in that stage. Once everyone has done this, discuss the stages as a group. Extend – Can you provide any criticisms of the tripartite personality or the psychosexual stages of development
Wallboards- Defence Mechanisms
Write a definition of the following (don’t know? Have a go). Try to think of examples or evaluation points linked to these. Repression Forcing a distressing thought out of the conscious into the unconscious Denial Refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality Displacement Transferring feelings from one source of distressing emotion onto a substitute target
Evaluating the Approach- Supporting Evidence Research for the Psychodynamic Approach Little Han’s phobia Task- Discuss the Little Hans study with the person sat next to you – remind each other of the key points. What psychosexual stage was Hans fixated in and why? Is the Little Hans case study good evidence for the Oedipus Conflict? (What is “good” evidence?) Is this a scientific way of investigating phobias? How might a behaviourist explain Han’s Phobia? You should know this from homework Do not know? Scan
Humanism- Application- Article
Stick the article on the wallboards and complete all 3 questions below Reasons why young women feel life is 'on hold’ Referring to features of Humanistic Psychology explain why young women feel this way- Annotate and use content from the article to support where possible What other factors are mentioned in the article and how does this challenge the Humanistic approach? Spiral- Highlight any Behavioural, Cognitive and Emotional characteristics of depression
Examples Self Esteem/ The Self- The women have a low view of themselves “We don’t feel confident”. Low self esteem of the women could be linked to a lack of unconditional positive regard from childhood. Congruence- Their self concept (living at home and low wage) does not meet their ideal self (housing, job etc) "I'm at that age now where I'm looking at other people and thinking, oh my god, I'm still stuck in my parents' home," Free Will- Women do not feel they have free will or choice as a result of their situations. Hierarchy of needs and Self actualisation The women’s needs are not being met so they cannot meet their potential and participate in personal growth. Belongingness- “Evee said being far away from family and support networks sometimes made things harder for her” Physiological/safety needs- "Living at home, I don't have my own space - my room is tiny because I'm in a box room” Safety needs “38% were worried about job security” Self esteem-needs“We don’t feel confident” Other Factors?- Gender- What other factors might influence depression in females? Socio-economic? Culture? Characteristics of Depression Behavioural- Reduced social interaction, withdrawal Cognitive- focusing on the negative Emotional- Loss of enthusiasn, worthlessness, low self esteem
Evaluating the Approaches
Issues and debates An introduction As part of your paper 3 you will have to complete a section on Issues and debates This is weighted as much as your other topics and you may have a 16 mark essay on this We will look at issues and debates related to Schizophrenia, Gender and Forensics and also do stand alone sessions on these All the Issues and debates link nicely to the approaches and you have explored some already…Can anyone tell me any?
Task- Issues and Debates
We must ensure we understand the terminology first. There may be a couple of terms you do not know but you will after this activity. Activity Take one card each Walk around the room ask someone your question If they answer it correctly swap If they do not answer correctly then tell them the answer then ask them again (this helps to reinforce the answer) If they answer it correctly swap cards Continue until you have had at least six different cards
Approaches vs Issues and Debates Grid
This is similar to the grid in the back on your Approaches pack but better as can be used for both the Issues and debates and Approaches topics (staple this to your approaches pack) Individually complete the rows of the grid for Humanism and the Psychodynamic Approaches (You should know most of these points from your summer homework) Try to give examples where possible Core- Do with support from homework, cards, textbooks and the approaches pack Extend- Work in pairs and try to do what you can without notes Challenge- Complete independently without notes
Check your grid This should say Psychic not Physic
Check your grid
Comparison questions How to compare and contrast effectively…
We have done work on evaluative essays for the approaches but not comparison essays Outline and evaluate the psychodynamic approach in psychology. [16 marks] Discuss one or more differences between the psychodynamic approach and the humanistic approach. [16 marks] The aim of this activity is to provide you with a template for effective comparison using the familiar burger technique. Task1- Discuss In pairs what you think the structure of the above essay might be
We can use our grid to form these paragraphs for evaluating approaches, comparing approaches and for discussing issues and debates
Templates Difference: Which two approaches are you contrasting?
Point One difference between the ___________________ approach and the ___________________ is … Example (Approach 1) The ___________________ approach suggests [Provide explanation of the difference you are going to discuss] … Explain (Approach 2) However, the ___________________ suggests [Explain how approach 2 is difference] … So What
Psychodynamic vs. Humanist- Example
Difference: Which two approaches are you contrasting? Point Example (Approach 1) Explain (Approach 2) So What The Humanist approach could therefore be argued to be more sophisticated as it adopts a holistic view and recognises the role of free will on human behaviour One difference between the psychodynamic approach and the humanist approach is the extent to which they argue that our behaviour is determined. The psychodynamic approach suggests that behaviour is determined by unconscious drives (e.g. the ID) and early childhood experiences, an idea termed psychic determinism. However, the humanist approach suggests that humans control their own environment and are capable of change. Therefore the humanist approach argues that humans have free-will while the psychodynamic approach suggest that our behaviour is determined.
Independent task (MWB – to practice? / Notebooks)
Core – Write a compare and a contrast paragraph using the templates, example and Grid Extend- Write another compare and another Contrast paragraph without the supporting resources Challenge- Pick a different approach and write one comparison and one contrasting paragraph for Humanistic approach Psychodynamic approach Discuss one or more differences between the psychodynamic approach and the humanistic approach. [16 marks]
Exam Practice Choose one you cannot do and practice
Psychodynamic Using an example, explain the role of the unconscious (4marks) Outline Freud’s Tripartite personality (3 marks) Identify one Freudian Defence Mechanism and explain how it would affect behaviour (3 marks) Humanism Outline what is meant by Congruence and provide an example (4 marks) Outline Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs explaining the term self actualisation (4 marks) Outline two assumptions of the Humanistic approach (4marks)
Plenary. Wallboards- In groups write a model paragraph for the Psychodynamic approach and the Humanistic approach Decide whether it is comparative or contrasting Don’t forget the So What! A – Determinism and Free Will B- Nature vs Nurture C- Reductionism and Holism D- Idiographic vs nomothetic D- Scientific vs non scientific E- Application/use
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