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English for Academic Purposes

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1 English for Academic Purposes
Dr. Indriana Kartini or Assistant Lecturer: Muhammad Idham Darussalam Mardjan, S.Si. Irfan Ilmi, S.Si. Lecture materials will be on:

2 Competency 4 active English learning objectives:
be able to read scientific articles effectively (reading) be able to write scientific reports (writing) be able to present scientific reports (speaking) be able to listen to scientific talk (listening)

3 Schedule I: Reading and Writing
Week 1-2: Introduction – Grammar Fun Week 3: Effective reading 1 Week 4: Effective reading 2 Week 5: Reading Quiz – on-line Week 6: Academic Writing 1 Week 7: Academic Writing 2 Week 7: Writing Quiz – on-line

4 Schedule II: Presenting and listening
Week 8: Introduction – Science talk Week 9: Listening for a purpose 1 Week 10: Listening for a purpose 2 Week 11: Listening Quiz – on-line Week 12: Effective communication Week 13: Presenting scientific report Week 14: Group presentation (selected) weekly topics may change accordingly

5 Grading Exam 1 (mid-term) 40% Exam 2 (final) 40%
Quiz and group report (4x) 20% TOEFL Score 500 equivalent with A (University rule): Scan your TOEFL record and it to me at with title TOEFL Score

6 Quiz On-line via e-Lisa UGM sign in: In class
with your active and password select community: Bahasa Inggris Indriana Kartini In class will be scheduled (listening test)

7 Fitur Soal : Pelaksanaan uji coba

8 Komunitas Bahasa Inggris Indriana Kartini (di eLisa3)

9 Jadwal Kegiatan Mingguan
Week Subject Sub Subject 1 Introduction Overview of semester materials (RPKPS and schedules) Kuis pengantar (penjajakan) 2-3 Grammar Highlight English structure (kuis on-line Kuantum Gama) Sentence types materi link e-book dan toefl di e-Lisa 4-5 Writing Materi khas kimia – istilah dalam: Sistem satuan Nomenclature Proses kimia materi artikel ilmiah, link ke IUPAC di e-Lisa 6-7 Deskripsi data Deskripsi proses Argumentasi MID EXAM WEEK

10 Jadwal Kegiatan Mingguan
Week Subject Sub Subject 9-10 Reading Technique Struktur bacaan Membaca abstrak Membaca artikel ilmiah 11-12 Presenting Presentasi data Presentasi kelompok Up-load tugas 13-15 Listening Conversation Mini talk Lecture materi link conversation dan talk di e-Lisa FINAL EXAM WEEK: Group Report due and Final Evaluation mahasiswa up-load tugas multimedia di e-Lisa atau via

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