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Neighbors Helping Neighbors Out of Poverty

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Presentation on theme: "Neighbors Helping Neighbors Out of Poverty"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neighbors Helping Neighbors Out of Poverty
North Texas Regional P-16 Council Tuesday, May 8, 2012 Fort Worth, Texas Presented by: Camille D. Miller and Diana Maldonado 1

2 Texas Health Institute
Mission: To improve the health of Texans and their communities. The Benefit Bank of Texas vision: to build a diverse network of volunteer and professional counselors at community organizations, businesses, churches, and health care and social service providers united in helping the 17.1%* of Texans in need. Non-profit 501 © 3 State Affiliate Role to implement and sustain The Benefit Bank state-wide (in all regions) The challenge of our work: Overcoming Poverty vs. Managing Poverty *US Census Bureau 2009, Poverty Population Numbers 2 2

3 Texas Unclaimed Federal Dollars Per Year*
SNAP (food stamps) $ 4.8 Billion EITC (tax credit) $ Million SCHIP (children’s health) $ Million Children’s Medicaid (children’s health) $ Million Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy (prescriptions) $ Million Pell Grants (college tuition) $ Million Total $ 8.3 Billion *Represents most recent data available: SNAP–2010, EITC-TY2009, SCHIP-2009, Medicaid-2007, Medicare , Pell Grants-2007 3 3 3

4 Help with Federal/State Taxes
The Challenge Federal Poverty Level in Texas is 17.1%* Medical Benefits FAFSA / Pell Grants SNAP Help with Federal/State Taxes What is the challenge of individuals accessing the work supports they are eligible for? Multiple locations (SNAP, Medical, FASFA, TAX) Multiple visits to complete an application Time off work Transportation Childcare Trust Proud NOT KNOWING – NEW POOR * US Census 2009 4

5 Strengthens communities
A Solution A tool that: Supports workers Stabilizes families Strengthens communities What we are going to show you today is a solution to theses challenges that will allow individuals and families to receive the work supports they are eligible for and that solution is The Benefit Bank of Texas. 5 5

6 The Benefit Bank of Texas
A counselor assisted one stop service An eligibility calculator An application completion tool A free income tax assistance program Offered where people live, learn, work, play, and pray 6

7 The Benefit Bank of Texas
Current Programs: SNAP (Food Stamps) Medicaid - CHIP, Perinatal CHIP, Medicaid for Children, Medicaid for Pregnant women, Medicaid for parents/caretakers of Medicaid children with income below TANF needs limit, Retroactive Medicaid and Spend down Medicaid TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)   Federal Taxes - Earned Income Tax Credit, Childcare Credits FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Voter Registration 3 years back taxes 7

8 Family Budget on Low Wages Alone (1 adult in college with 2 children)
INCOME EXPENSES Wages $ 15,080 Rent & Utilities $ ,608 Food $ ,032 Transportation $ ,108 Health care $ ,288 Child care $ ,064 Taxes $ ,416 Miscellaneous $ ,940 College expenses $ ,720 Total $ ,176 A full time minimum wage worker in Texas earns $7.25 per hour / $ per week / $ per year. Rent and Utilities - $634 per month / $7,608 per year Food - $336 per month / $4,032 per year Transportation - $259 per month Childcare - $422 per month Expenses exceed income by: $ 16,096 8 8

9 Family Budget with Probable Work Supports
(1 adult in college with 2 children) INCOME EXPENSES Wages $ 15,080 Rent & Utilities $ ,608 EITC $ ,595 Food $ ,032 SNAP $ ,500 Transportation $ ,108 Medicaid $ ,788 Health care $ ,288 Child Care Subsidy $ ,764 Child care $ ,064 LIHEAP $ Taxes $ ,416 Additional Child Tax Credit $ ,000 Miscellaneous $ ,940 Work Pay Credit $ College expenses $ ,720 Pell Grant $ ,350 Total $ 34,937 $ ,176 Let’s assume our example family assuming the mom has applied for all eligible work support benefits. Tax credits like EITC increase her income – but she has to file taxes. SNAP gives her a swipe card she can take to the grocery store for $4,500 ($375 per month - $125 per person) worth of food for her family for the year. Medicaid will help with medical expenses, LIHEAP for energy assistance, and she is eligible for child care subsidies so she can continue to work. Based on filling out the FAFSA, they are eligible for a Pell Grant and, based on filing her taxes. Work Supports raise income by: $19,857 Income exceeds basic expenses by: $ 3,761 9 9

10 How TBB-TX Works Client chooses/enters own access password
Expertise is in the service Explanatory help pop ups Electronic filing with printed copy for client Detailed follow up instructions for client No information retained on local computer Sophisticated reporting No one but the client owns their information It is a web-based system, so it is never stored on the computer It is like a security box at a bank, where there has to be two keys to access the information… The counselor has one key and the client has the other. When a client sits down for the first time with a counselor that counselor logs in and then the client logs in. Together they access the information. The counselor there to empower the client. – does not make decisions for the client. 10 10

11 Tools You Can Use Check potential eligibility in a few minutes 11
Application completion tool Eligibility determination calculator Free income tax assistance program Educational outreach program Copyright © Solutions for Progress, Inc 11 11

12 QuickCheck - Basic Information
QuickCheck is based on: Household size Information for each person living in the household is entered. Household income How much earned and unearned income was there for the tax year? Household expenses How much is the person’s cost of living? What are their expenses? Do not have to be a counselor. Only need to go to Only 1-2 minutes Copyright © Solutions for Progress, Inc 12

13 QuickCheck – Eligibility Evaluation
The amount of stars under a program or tax credit indicates how likely a person is to be eligible to qualify for the credit or program based on the information provided during the Quick Check. Two or more stars generally indicates a good possibility that a person would qualify for a program or tax credit. Site Finder allows a person to locate the nearest TBB-TX site that provides the needed service(s). 13

14 Site Locator To use Site Locator, go to 14

15 TBB-TX Self-Serve Tax & FAFSA Filing
Anyone in Texas with a household income of $60,000 or less can file their income taxes for free, right from home! Here’s How: Visit Click, “The Benefit Bank Self- Serve Login.” 3. Select your state and click, “Go!” Complete and e-file your taxes! You can also complete and e-submit a FAFSA application. Copyright © Solutions for Progress, Inc 15

16 TBB-TX is Different Tax returns and benefit applications prepared on and filed electronically from single platform Wide range of benefits supported (more can be added) Constant maintenance for conformance with current federal and state regulations 16 16

17 Proven Success in Multiple States
PA NC FL SC OH IN KS TX AR MS In Ohio, more than 5,000 counselors at over 1,100 sites have helped families claim $518 million in supports since Recognized as most successful program in US.* In South Carolina, more than 1,750 counselors at 419 sites have helped South Carolinians claim more than $26 million in supports since January Results are at twice the pace of Ohio. In North Carolina, 1,700 counselors at 340 sites have helped North Carolinians claim $24 million in supports since April 2010. * Ohio Second Harvest Food Bank, 17

18 Making Headway Region 1 – Pilot Site / 32 sites / 81 counselors
As of February 10 – opened up to allow sites to come on board Region 3 – Dallas / Ft. Worth – 8 sites with 50 counselors will be trained May (Tarrant County MHMR) Region 6 – Houston / Galveston – 8 sites, including Children’s Defense fund, Houston, Alief & Spring Branch ISD, Sweeney Hosptial, St. Vinvent Region 7 – Intrest 18

19 The Benefit Bank of Texas Overcoming Poverty vs. Managing Poverty
Provides access to enrollment where people: Live Learn Work Play Pray Overcoming Poverty vs. Managing Poverty 19

20 Examples of TBB Sites Home ownership programs Faith congregations
Asset building programs Prisoner reentry programs Education organizations Advocacy group offices Unions Employers Public agencies Child and Family CBOs Faith congregations Health & social service organizations Food and nutrition organizations Community-based organizations United Ways Community Development Centers Job-training programs Homeless shelters 20 Copyright © Solutions for Progress, Inc

21 TBB Host Organization Roles
There are two TBB roles within each organization: Site Administrator – primary contact works with counselors to ensure they have a good working knowledge of TBB ensures that the site is working effectively to assist clients informs TBB-TX staff of changes of contact information for the organization or counselors TBB Counselor – direct-service person staff and/or volunteers proficient with computers attends training for benefits and/or taxes attends update training, as needed 21 21

22 Site Requirements Computer with internet connection Printer & Fax
Staff/Volunteer time Private space for client sessions 22 22

23 Free Marketing Support
23 23

24 The Benefit Bank Help Desk
Staff of trained professionals reached by a toll free number to answer technical questions about The Benefit Bank of Texas 24

25 10 Easy Steps to Becoming a TBB-TX Site Step by Step Actions to Becoming a Site for The Benefit Bank of Texas Receive and review a TBB-TX site agreement Sign site agreement. Identify potential counselors for your site (include an identified site administrator – primary contact for TBB-TX). Schedule training for your counselors. Fill out electronic site information sheet for locations, times of operation, inc. THI sends an invoice for site membership fee (annual budget < $1 million = $500/year; >$1 million = $1,000/year). Pay invoice. Attend training. Utilize free marketing materials to inform clients of your new service. Begin providing TBB-TX services to clients. 25

26 Thank you! Diana Maldonado Camille D. Miller
State Director of The Benefit Bank of Texas Texas Health Institute (512) Amanda Royston Vice President Events, Education, Marketing and Communication Camille D. Miller President and CEO Texas Health Institute (512) Sherry Wilkie-Conway COO

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