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Third Grade Legislation

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1 Third Grade Legislation
Read to Achieve Third Grade Legislation

2 Third Grade Expectations
At the end of third grade, your child will take the End-of-Grade tests in reading and in mathematics. The Read to Achieve legislation requires that third graders who are not reading at a proficient level on the End-of- Grade reading test be given extra attention. (Proficiency is determined by a score of level 3, 4, or 5 on the EOG.)

3 If your child is not proficient…
First, your child will be given an opportunity to take a retest to make sure that he or she did not have a bad day on the day of the test administration. Second, if your child is not proficient on the retest, he or she will be encouraged to attend a reading camp to help improve his or her reading skills. If your child attends reading camp, he or she will be retested on reading comprehension. If he or she tests proficient, your child will be promoted to fourth grade.

4 For all children who have not shown proficiency by the end of the summer, a decision will be made by the principal and all teachers familiar with the children on their placement for the following year. Your child could be retained in third grade OR placed in a fourth grade class with a retained reading label.

5 Fourth Grade Retained in Reading Students…
If your child is placed in the fourth-grade class with a retained reading label, then he or she will be eligible to retake the reading test in late October to achieve a mid-year promotion and to have the retained reading label removed. Your child will remain in the same fourth-grade class for the entire school year and will continue to receive the uninterrupted reading instruction throughout fourth grade to support ongoing improvement in reading skills.

6 Additional Read to Achieve Information:
Students will have the opportunity to receive a ‘Good Cause Exemption’ in the event they do not pass the EOG. Good Cause Exemptions can be given for demonstration of reading proficiency on an alternate test or by alternate means.

7 Possible Good Cause Exemptions
BOG3 (Required Score of 439+) ITBS (Required Score of 71%+ on Reading Comprehension) mClass Reading 3D TRC score (Required Level P at BOY, MOY, or EOY testing window) SRI (Required Score of 725+) Read to Achieve Alternate Assessment (administered after the EOG)

8 Reading Tips for the Home…
Be sure your child reads at least 20 minutes daily and discuss their reading with them by asking questions before, during, and after they read (bookmark). Stay in close communication with your child’s teacher for progress updates and suggestions of additional support your child may need at home. Watch for mCLASS Home Connect reports in September, January and May. These contain specific information about your child’s progress in reading as well as tips for supporting your child’s development as a reader.

9 Resource Links

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