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Citric Acid Cycle Overview

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1 Citric Acid Cycle Overview
Stage 3 Digestion Citric Acid Cycle Overview

2 Warm-up Draw the entry level Rx of Glycolysis.
What’s the enzyme named catalyzing it? Name the inhibitor of that enzyme. How many ATP are made?

3 Pyruvate

4 The 3 Uses of Pyruvate it is turned into
Product Acetyl CoA Ethanol Lactic Acid condition Aerobic Anaerobic organism Any eukaryotic cell Yeast Muscle cells organell Mitochondria Cytosol purpose Endoxidation Making more NADH, ATP Regeneration of NAD for continued glycolysis

5 Two types of Fermentation: A. Lactic Acid - Muscles
Produces no CO2 Lactic Acid is degraded in liver ≈3-5 hrs Does not produce post-workout muscle pain!!!

6 B. Alcoholic Fermentation in Yeast
* Produces Ethanol and CO2

7 Endoxidation Needs O2 (aerobic) and Mitochondria to completely harvest the chemical energy left in pyruvate Pyruvate is converted to Acetyl CoA, loss of 1st Carbon as CO2 Enters Mitochondria

8 Mitochondria Eukaryotic cell organelle
Has two membranes (like nucleus) Outer membrane believed to originate from endosymbiontic theory: mitochondria were once independent organisms: Has it’s own DNA and ribosomes Inherited from the mother

9 Structure of Mitochondria

10 Endosymbiotic Theory Endosymbiosis animation

11 Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs C)
Central pathway for metabolizing carbs, lipids and proteins Location: Mitochondrial Matrix Has two parts: Decarboxylation and Regeneration Components are natural acids: Citric-, Malic, Oxalic-, Fumaric acid Acids in fruits/vegetables are metabolized in the citric acid cycle

12 Warm-up 1. Where: Glycolysis or Krebs Cycle would you find this molecule? 2. What’s its name? 3. What do all molecules in the Krebs Cycle have in common?

13 Stage 4 Digestion: Electron Transport Chain and ATP Synthesis

14 Electron Transport Chain- ETC
Interconnected proteins (Cytochromes, Ferroproteins, CoQ…. ) labeled Complex I-V embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane

15 A. Unloading of NADH/FADH
NADH and FADH (Complex II) molecules go to Complex I – Dehydrogenase and unload the H Unloaded NAD/FAD go back to Krebs Cycle/Glycolysis H is separated into high energy e- and H+

16 B. Proton Pumps High energy e- passes through complexes I,II, III, IV – proton pumps that use e- energy to pump H+ into mitochondrial intermembrane space This creates a 100 x H+ difference between matrix and intermembrane space: H+ gradient: Chemiosmosis

17 C. The Role of Oxygen Complex IV: energy of e- has been used up
Oxygen (very e-negative) absorbs e- on the matrix side – where it is neutralized by H+ gradient forming water ½ O2 + 2e- + 2H H2O Oxygen is the final electron acceptor of aerobic cellular respiration – this is why you breathe!!!

18 D. ATP Synthesis Harvesting energy of the H+ gradient
Works like a water wheel

19 ATP Synthase: Complex V
allows H+ gradient to rush through using energy to make ATP ADP + P+ ENERGY ATP

20 ADP + P ATP

21 animated ATP synthase Electron Transport Chain Cellular respiration all Glycolyis Krebs cycle


23 ATP Conversions 1 cytosolic NADH = 2 ATP 1 mitochondrial NADH = 3 ATP
1 mitochondrial FADH = 2 ATP

24 Net ATP from 1 Glucose 2 ATP (G) 2 2 NADH2 (G) = 2 FADH2 (transport) 4
2NADH2 (K prep) 4 2 x 3 NADH2 (K) 2 x FADH2 (K) 4 2 x 1 GTP (K) 2__ Total ATP

25 Location?Location?Location?
In which cellular compartment houses the… Glycolysis Citric Acid Cycle Electron Transport Chain Hydrogen Ion gradient ATPsynthase

26 Warm-up 1. Write the balanced net reaction of anaerobic cellular respiration of 1 mole of Glucose to Lactic Acid. 2. Write the balanced net reaction of aerobic cellular respiration of 1 mole of Glucose. 3. Give two reasons why cells convert Pyruvate to Lactic acid during temporary anaerobia.

27 Warm-up The enthalpy for I mole of ATP is -30 kJ.
The enthalpy of combustion for 1 mole of glucose is kJ. 1. Calculate the efficiency of aerobic cellular respiration by multiplying # ATP with the enthalpy then comparing it to the combustion enthalpy. How much chemical energy is captured and how much energy is lost? 2. According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred. What happened to the the energy difference?

28 Lipid Metabolism Cytoplasm: lipase separates Glycerol and Fatty Acids
Glycerol (C3) is converted to Pyruvate (C3): yields NADH Fatty Acids are transported into Mitochondria for β-Oxidation chopped into 2 carbon molecules to make Acetyl-CoA (Krebs Cycle) Yield: 1 NADH + 1 FADH/chop ondrial matrix

29 Amino Acids Liver: Removal of amino group as NH3 (ammonia)
Ammonia is toxic, reacts with CO2 to form urea, secreted as liquid waste: kidneys O 2NH3 + CO NH2-C-NH2 + H2O Ammonia Urea

30 Carbon skeleton of AA AA skeletons with 2 C → Acetyl
AA skeletons with 3 C →Pyruvate AA skeletons with 4 C → Succinate Fumarate, Malate, Oxaloacetate AA skeletons with 5 C→ α-Ketoglutarate

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