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Accreditation and Assessment at Whatcom Community College

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Presentation on theme: "Accreditation and Assessment at Whatcom Community College"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accreditation and Assessment at Whatcom Community College
Professional Development Day: Friday February 27, 2009 Ron Leatherbarrow Vice President for Instruction Tresha Dutton Outcomes Assessment Coordinator Anne Marie Karlberg Director of Institutional Research and Assessment

2 Overview Accreditation Assessment

3 Overview Accreditation Assessment

4 Accreditation What is accreditation?
“a voluntary, non-governmental, self-regulatory process of quality assurance and institutional improvement” Purposes institutional improvement and quality transfer financial aid reputation insure quality “qualifies institutions and enrolled students for access to federal funds to support teaching, research, and student financial aid” Regional accreditation of postsecondary institutions is a voluntary, non-governmental, self-regulatory process of quality assurance and institutional improvement. It recognizes higher education institutions for performance, integrity, and quality to merit the confidence of the educational community and the public. Accreditation or preaccreditation by a postsecondary regional accrediting agency qualifies institutions and enrolled students for access to federal funds to support teaching, research, and student financial aid. (Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, 2005)

5 Accreditation Accreditation process: includes a self study/report, peer review, and site visit 6 accreditation bodies serve the United States Whatcom’s: The Northwest Commission of Colleges and Universities (was 9 standards, now 5 standards)

6 Accreditation April 2001 Last full 10 year report and visit
The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities recommended that Whatcom Community College… “continue with the development and implementation of an institutional and educational assessment plan, encompassing all its offerings…the assessment efforts will need to be formalized into policies and procedures. These efforts will need to be conducted on a regular basis, integrated into overall planning and evaluation and monitored across all areas of campus. This information will help demonstrate the extent to which the college achieves its institutional goals, determines resource allocation and improves its institutional and administrative services. These responsibilities need to be shared with the various levels of faculty and administration.” (April 2001 Full Evaluation)

7 Accreditation April 2001 Last full 10 year report and visit
April Last interim reports and visits The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities recommended that Whatcom Community College… “continue to refine department goals and Core Learning Abilities (Standard 2.B)” (April 2006 Interim Evaluation)

8 Accreditation April 2001 Last full 10 year report and visit
April Last interim reports and visits October Last interim reports and visits The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities recommended that Whatcom Community College… “continue implementation of its assessment model so that multiple data sources can contribute to improved teaching and learning. The scheme is so new that data collection is not available to provide a proper evaluation of their long term efforts. WCC must continue this scheme across the curriculum and the institution. This will provide evidence of an effective assessment and outcome plan (Standard 2.B.1, 2.B.3).” (October 2007 Interim Evaluation)

9 Accreditation April 2001 Last full 10 year report and visit
April Last interim reports and visits October Last interim reports and visits April 28th, Next interim report and visit February 2008, Letter from the President of NWCCU to President Hiyane-Brown: “In requesting a focused interim report and visit in spring 2009, the Commission expressed its grave concern that WCC has not developed and implemented meaningful assessment procedures that link data gathering and analysis with overall planning at the institution. The Commission was equally concerned that the College has not yet provided evidence that its assessment activities lead directly to enhanced teaching and learning at the institution.”

10 Accreditation April 2001 Last full 10 year report and visit
April Last interim reports and visits October Last interim reports and visits April 28th, Next interim report and visit April Next full 7 year report and visit

11 Accreditation: Comments and questions?

12 Overview Accreditation Assessment

13 Overview Accreditation Assessment
The Office of Institutional Research (IR) and Assessment What is assessment? Assessment and IR at Whatcom Next steps: Everyone

14 Overview Accreditation Assessment
The Office of Institutional Research (IR) and Assessment What is assessment? Assessment and IR at Whatcom Next steps: Everyone

15 a. The Office of IR and Assessment
provide data for decision-making and grant writing guide initiatives for the improvement of student learning and success increase communication about, and accessibility to, assessment-related information… Assessment and IR website ( Insider inserts Assessment Coordinating Committee Hired in May 2008 No A/IR department, although over the years, there had been initiatives taken by individuals at the college. The Assessment Coordinating Committee… is the former Goal 2 committee. is the group that provides a forum for consultation and reviews the assessment-related plans. 15

16 Overview Accreditation Assessment
The Office of Institutional Research (IR) and Assessment What is assessment? Assessment and IR at Whatcom Next steps: Everyone

17 b. What is assessment? “ The systematic collection of information about student learning…to inform decisions about how to improve learning.” (Walvoord, 2004, p. 2) This is the most succinct and clearest definition I know of assessment. Assessment is...

18 improvement (formative) accountability (summative)
Purposes improvement (formative) accountability (summative) 1. improve student learning and performance (internal improvement) 2. demonstrate to external accreditation bodies that the relationships between the institution’s mission and learning outcomes are evident.

19 Mission statement It is essential to tie our assessment efforts to our mission. When assessment is done well, it can improve student learning and clarify and strengthen the mission of a college. All of our strategic plan initiatives are derived from our mission. It is essential to tie all assessment efforts to the mission of the college. Kathi: the strategic plan initiatives are derived directly from the mission; assessment measures how well we do what we say we are doing Assessment measures the extent to which we are successful.

20 Assessment data So how do we know if our programs are effective? We use 3 sources of assessment data. Direct indicators: require students to demonstrate their learning through e.g….

21 Assessment data Direct indicators (outcomes): e.g., essays, capstone projects, demonstrations, presentations So how do we know if our programs are effective? We use 3 sources of assessment data. Direct indicators: require students to demonstrate their learning through e.g….

22 Assessment data Direct indicators (outcomes): e.g., essays, capstone projects, demonstrations, presentations Indirect indicators (perceptions): e.g., surveys, focus groups, interviews Indirect indicators: ask students to reflect on their learning thru for example…

23 Assessment data Direct indicators (outcomes): e.g., essays, capstone projects, demonstrations, presentations Indirect indicators (perceptions): e.g., surveys, focus groups, interviews Institutional data: e.g., retention, graduation, enrollment, transfer trends do not necessarily indicate student learning but do reflect the overall condition and effectiveness of the college You can use this general framework for evaluating anything—not just student learning: for example, if you are evaluating an employee, you can determine the degree to which they are accomplishing the tasks for which they are responsible (direct); you can ask others for their perceptions or the individual to self-assess (indirect); and you might have data (attendance).

24 Assessment levels College level Program level Course level
Try to use a combination of the 3 types of data at the course, program, college levels

25 Examples of Assessment Activities
Type of data College Program Course 1. Direct indicators (outcomes assessment) identified Core Learning Abilities and outcomes some program outcomes are identified course outcomes listed on syllabi 2. Indirect indicators (surveys, interviews) Student Opinion Survey (ACT) graduate surveys students who withdrew / stopped out employer survey for technical / professional programs student evaluation of courses 3. Institutional data (rates and numbers) performance after transfer time to degree completion graduation student enrollment retention transfer course completion grade distribution I will be working with different people across campus on many of these activities and will be consulting with others to come up with a realistic time line and plan.

26 Examples of Assessment Activities
Type of data College Program Course 1. Direct indicators (outcomes assessment) Core Learning Abilities and outcomes program outcomes course outcomes on syllabi 2. Indirect indicators (surveys, interviews) Student Opinion Survey graduate surveys employer survey for technical / professional programs student evaluation of courses 3. Institutional data (rates and numbers) performance after transfer time to degree completion graduation student enrollment retention transfer course completion grade distribution

27 Examples of Assessment Activities
Type of data College Program Course 1. Direct indicators (outcomes assessment) Core Learning Abilities and outcomes program outcomes course outcomes on syllabi 2. Indirect indicators (surveys, interviews) student opinion survey graduate survey employer survey for technical / professional programs student evaluation of courses 3. Institutional data (rates and numbers) performance after transfer time to degree completion graduation student enrollment retention transfer course completion grade distribution

28 Examples of Assessment Activities
Type of data College Program Course 1. Direct indicators (outcomes assessment) Core Learning Abilities and outcomes program outcomes course outcomes on syllabi 2. Indirect indicators (surveys, interviews) student opinion survey graduate survey employer survey for technical / professional programs student evaluation of courses 3. Institutional data (rates and numbers) graduation performance after transfer student enrollment retention transfer course completion grade distribution

29 Success! Sally, the student Whatcom Community College
Bellevue High School Enrollment / registration Success! WWU Shoreline Community College Advising / financial aid Placement test Classes CLAs math test course evaluation final grade Extracurricular activities Work Student Opinion Survey Work study / Child Development Center Whatcom Community College

30 Sally, the student Whatcom Community College Type of data College
Bellevue High School Type of data College Program Course 1. Direct indicators (outcomes assessment) 2. Indirect indicators (perceptions in surveys) 3. Institutional data (numbers and percentages) Enrollment / registration Shoreline Comm. College Advising / financial aid Placement test Whatcom Community College

31 Sally, the student Whatcom Community College Type of data College
Bellevue High School Type of data College Program Course 1. Direct indicators (outcomes assessment) 2. Indirect indicators (perceptions in surveys) 3. Institutional data (numbers and percentages) Enrollment / registration Shoreline Comm. College Advising / financial aid Placement test Classes CLAs math test course evaluation final grade Whatcom Community College

32 Sally, the student Whatcom Community College Type of data College
Bellevue High School Type of data College Program Course 1. Direct indicators (outcomes assessment) 2. Indirect indicators (perceptions in surveys) 3. Institutional data (numbers and percentages) Enrollment / registration Shoreline Comm. College Advising / financial aid Placement test Classes CLAs math test course evaluation final grade Student Opinion Survey Whatcom Community College

33 Sally, the student Whatcom Community College Type of data College
Bellevue High School Type of data College Program Course 1. Direct indicators (outcomes assessment) 2. Indirect indicators (perceptions in surveys) 3. Institutional data (numbers and percentages) Enrollment / registration Shoreline Comm. College Advising / financial aid Placement test Classes CLAs math test course evaluation final grade Student Opinion Survey Extracurricular activities / Work study / Child Development Center Whatcom Community College

34 Sally, the student Whatcom Community College Type of data College
Bellevue High School Type of data College Program Course 1. Direct indicators (outcomes assessment) 2. Indirect indicators (perceptions in surveys) 3. Institutional data (numbers and percentages) Enrollment / registration WWU Shoreline Comm. College Advising / financial aid Placement test Classes CLAs math test course evaluation final grade Student Opinion Survey Work Emphasize importance of inputting data Extracurricular activities / Work study / Child Development Center Whatcom Community College

35 Benefits results in meaningful conversations about teaching, learning, and priorities among faculty and staff increases consistency among instructors / staff increases the focus on essentials creates a unified vision based on common values and community needs provides information for planning / budgeting decisions, grant-writing maintains accreditation long-term: improves student success

36 Overview Accreditation Assessment
The Office of Institutional Research (IR) and Assessment What is assessment? Assessment and IR at Whatcom Next steps: Everyone

37 c. Assessment and IR at Whatcom
accreditation report and visit: April 28th, 2009 faculty assessment of student learning (Core Learning Abilities project) program review (enrollment patterns, retention rates, etc.) comprehensive accreditation review in 2011 baseline data (e.g., new student profile data, such as financial aid info) Student Achievement Taskforce (looking at student success and retention) Student Achievement Initiative (State Board) 37

38 c. Assessment and IR at Whatcom
Assessment and Institutional Research intranet website: Most of the A/IR work is posted on our staff Intranet, but it will soon be a part of the Whatcom public webpage (so anyone will be able to view it—accreditors, especially, like to have A/IR information readily accessible) This is the homepage of the staff website. Click on the A/IR link at the bottom of the screen Website: for both educational and accessibility purposes (to increase accessibility to data) This website is structured based on the 3 different types of information that we use for assessment and IR purposes In addition, there are an assortment of other resources on the side bar. 38

39 Overview Accreditation Assessment
The Office of Institutional Research (IR) and Assessment What is assessment? Assessment and IR at Whatcom Next steps: Everyone

40 d. Next steps: Everyone learn more about assessment:
become familiar with the Assessment and Institutional Research website read the Insider inserts use data to make decisions (and document it) refer regularly to data in grants, reports, and presentations to both internal and external audiences embed assessment throughout college processes (e.g, college publications, job descriptions, budgeting, strategic planning process, curriculum review, etc.)

41 Assessment: Comments and questions?

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