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. SBM 9 Unit 3 Reading 扬州市江都区第一中学 韩宝琴 定语从句专项练习.

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Presentation on theme: ". SBM 9 Unit 3 Reading 扬州市江都区第一中学 韩宝琴 定语从句专项练习."— Presentation transcript:

1 . SBM 9 Unit 3 Reading 扬州市江都区第一中学 韩宝琴 定语从句专项练习

2 Lead-in What’s our national flag like? Can you describe it?
Five-star red flag Zeng Liansong

3 Colour: blood bright future

4 Pattern Chinese people Communist Party

5 Russia Spain Italy Brazil England Germany
The following are national flags of some countries; try to tell which country each flag belongs to. Russia Spain Italy Brazil England Germany

6 Look at the national flags of the three countries
Can you guess what we will learn today?

7 Presentation Reading National flags, colours and cultures
Book 10_课件_U1_Reading2-8 Presentation Reading National flags, colours and cultures 7

8 Reading strategy Read the headline , the first paragraph and the subtitles. Think of what you already know about this topic.

9 Try to match France USA Indonesia

10 What does a national flag tell you?
Read the first paragragh quickly and try to answer the question: What does a national flag tell you? ◆ A flag tells us something about the country it represents. ◆ A flag often symbolizes the origin of that country. ◆ A flag tells us the country’s values, beliefs and culture.

11 Read the passage quickly to answer the questions:
Skimming Read the passage quickly to answer the questions: Q1. What’s the motto of the French Revolution? Q2. What do the stars and the stripes of the American flag stand for? Q3. What’s the Indonesian national flag like? Liberty, equality and fraternity. The stars stand for the 50 states of the US. The stripes stand for the original 13 states. It’s a red band over a white one.

12 Multiple choice 1 According to the passage, a country’s flag tells you the following information except ______. A. the origin of the country B. its values and beliefs C. the culture of the country D. its history and future D

13 A 2. What was the successful result of the French Revolution?
______________ A. It was successful in ridding society of inequality. B. It helped create the “Tricolore”. C. It had little effect on many other countries. D. The French used red, white and blue in their flag. A

14 3.The “stars and Stripes” is closely related
to ________. A. the values of America B. the World War II C. the French Revolution D. the independence of the USA D

15 4. Which of the following statements about
the Indonesian flag is true?__________ A. The red color stands for courage. B. The white band indicates the equator. C. The flag is a white band over a red one. D. The colours are linked to food. D

16 Scanning the French flag Red bravery, revolution, strength and
blood of the French White peace and honesty Blue liberty and justice

17 Scanning the USA flag Red strength and bravery White
purity and innocence Blue hard work and justice

18 Scanning The Indonesian flag A red band over a white one. the p______
Explanation 1 Explanation 2 Explanation 3 the p______ hysical the s______ piritual s______ ugar ice r_____ ◆ brave and c________ nature ◆ fire ◆ the equator onsiderate urity P_____

19 What do the three flags have in common?
Comparison What do the three flags have in common? Red and white are used in all three flags. ◆ France ◆ USA ◆ Indonesia imilarities S____________

20 Red France USA Indonesia White Blue Blood, things that are physical
Color of sugar Brave & considerate nature Equator going through the country Bravery Revolution Strength Blood Strength Bravery The spiritual Rice Purity Peace Honesty Purity Innocence Liberty Justice Hard work Justice

21 Discussion How does understanding history and culture help us learn about our national flag? Discussion

22 1.History of blood and tears
2.Noble actions of revolutionists 3.Hard foundation of our country 4.Firm union of 56 peoples 5.Central leadership of Communist Party 6.Love our country better 7.Work harder to make our motherland stronger 8.Work together to build a harmonious society 9.Make our life more colorful

23 Question: How many times was five-star red flag raised in the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing? It’s exciting that we can watch five-star red flag being raised as we listen to or sing the National Anthem of China.

24 Enjoy the National Anthem of China

25 The year 2009 witnessed the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

26 Saying Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌 Love me , love my country.

27 Homework 1.Complete the after class, paying attention to the form and cultures on national flags. P37 (E) 2. Read the text again. Try to find out the language points. 3.Finish the exercises of the reading part in workbook.

28 Thank you !

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