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Published byShawn Wells Modified over 7 years ago
B504/I538: Introduction to Cryptography
Spring • Lecture 19 (2017—03—21)
Assignment 4 is due! Assignment 5 is out and is due in two weeks!
(2017—04—04) (Please get started early!!)
Recall: Groups Defn: Let G be a non-empty set and let ‘•’ be a binary operation acting on ordered pairs of elements from G. The pair (G,•) is called a group if Closure: ∀a,b∈G, Associativity: ∀a,b,c∈G, Identity: ∃e∈G, Inverses: ∀a∈G, The group (G,•) is abelian (or commutative) if Commutative: ∀a,b∈G, a•b∈G ??? ??? (a•b)•c=a•(b•c) ∀a∈G, a•e=e•a=a ??? ??? ∃a-1∈G such that a•a-1=a-1•a=e a•b=b•a ??? Note: We often refer to just the set G as the group if the operation is clear
Recall: Exponentiation in a group
For n∈{1,2,3,…} we define an=a•a•a•••a For n=0, we define an=e For n∈{-1,-2,-3, …} we define an=(a-1)-n Additive notation: If (G,+) is a group under addition, then we write n•a≔a+a+⋯+a n times Thm (law of exponents): Let (G,•) be a group and let m,n∈ℤ. For each a∈G, am•an=am+n and (am)n=amn. n times
eth roots e≠identity! (from here on, we’ll denote the identity by 1) Defn: Let (G,•) be a group and let a∈G. An eth root of a in G is an element b∈G such that ??? a≡be in G. Common notations include: b ≔ e a = a1⁄e = ae-1 161/2≡ in (ℤ,•) ½·3≡ in (ℤ7,+) 81/2≡ in (℥17 ,⊡), where ⊡ is multiplication modulo 17 4 16 ≡ in (ℝ,•) 4 ?? ?? 5 ?? 5 (since 5•5=25≡8 mod 17) ?? 2 Defn: An eth root of a modulo n is an eth root of a in (℥n,⊡), where ⊡ denotes multiplication modulo n.
eth roots Q: Do eth roots modulo n always exist? A: No! (So when do they exist?) Q: If an eth root of a modulo n exists, is it unique? A: In general, no! (But when is it unique?) Q: If an eth root of a modulo n exists, is it easy to compute? A: Yes, provided we know the factorization of n! (21/2 mod 11 does not exist, since 12≡1, 22≡4, 32≡9, 42≡5, 52≡3, 62≡3, 72≡5, 82≡9, 92≡4, 102≡1!) (31/2≡5 or 6 mod 11, since 52=25≡3 mod 11 and 62=36≡ 3 mod 11)
eth roots modulo p Suppose p>2 is prime and let a∈ℤp
Q: When does a unique solution for a1⁄e mod p exist? A: If gcd(e,p-1)=1, then a1/e≡ad mod p where d≔e-1 mod p-1 If gcd(e,p-1)≠1, then a1/e may or may not exist; if it does exist, then it is not unique! Fact: If p>2 is prime, then the squaring function, which maps each a∈G to a2 is a 2—to—1 function in ℥p.
Quadratic residues Defn: An element a∈ℤn is a quadratic residue modulo n if and only if it has a square root modulo n. At most half of elements in ℤn can be quadratic residues modulo n! The set of quadratic residues modulo n is denoted QRn. Fact: (QRn,⊡) is a group, where ⊡ is multiplication modulo n! More generally, a is an eth residue modulo n if it has an eth root modulo n.
Legendre symbols Defn: If p>2 is prime, then ( a p )≔a(p-1)⁄2 is called the Legendre Symbol of a modulo p. Q: What makes ( a p ) worthy of special consideration? A: Fermat’s Little Theorem implies that ( a p )2≡1 whenever a∈℥p! (Note: ( a p )∈{-1,0,1}) Thm (Euler’s Criterion): a∈℥p is a quadratic residue modulo p if and only if ( a p )=1; that is, if and only if ( a p )≡1.
Jacobi Symbols The Legendre Symbol generalizes to composite moduli, but the properties are slightly trickier: If ( a n )=1, then a is definitely not a quadratic residue modulo n If a is a quadratic residue modulo n, then ( a n ) is definitely equal to 1 However, if ( a n )=1, then a may or may not be a quadratic residue modulo n! We will discuss Jacobi Symbols later on when we see the Goldwasser—Micali cryptosystem
Computing square roots modulo n
Thm: If p is a prime such that p≡3 mod 4 and a is a quadratic residue modulo p, then a1/2≡a(p+1)⁄4 mod p. Proof: (a(p+1)⁄4)2 ≡a(p+1)⁄2 (law of exponents) ≡a1+(p-1)⁄2 (rearranging) ≡a•a(p-1)⁄2 ≡a (Euler’s Criterion) ☐ Q: Why do we insist on p≡3 mod 4? A: If p≡1 mod 4, then (p+1)⁄4 is not an integer! (If p≡1 mod 4, more complicated algorithm compute a1/2 in O(lg3 p) steps)
eth roots modulo n Suppose n is composite and let a∈℥n
Q: When does a solution for a1⁄e mod n exist? When is it unique? A: If gcd(e,φ(n))=1, then a1/e≡ad mod n where d≔e-1 mod φ(n) If gcd(e,φ(n))≠1, then a1/e may or may not exist; if it does exist, then it is not unique! Note: Suppose n=pq for distinct primes p and q. Then knowledge of φ(n) is sufficient to determine n It appears hard to determine existence of a1/e when factorization of n is not known…
Computing p and q from φ(pq)
Goal: Given n=pq and φ(n), determine p and q. φ(n)=(p-1)(q-1)=pq-p-q+1=(n+1)-p-q (defn of φ(n)) ⇒ (n+1)-φ(n)=p+q so that q=(n+1)-φ(n)-p (rearranging) ⇒ n=p(n+1-φ(n)-p)=-p2+(n+1φ(p)) (substitute into n=pq) ⇒ p2-(n+1-φ(n))p+n= (rearranging) This is a quadratic equation in indeterminant p with a=1 b=-(n+1-φ(n)) c=n ⇒ the quadratic formula yields p and q as the two roots!
The eth root problem Defn: The eth root problem (aka the RSA problem) is: Given (n,e,a) such that n=pq for distinct s-bit primes p and q, a∈℥n, and gcd(e,φ(n))=1, compute a1/e mod n. One possible solution: compute d≔e-1 mod φ(n) and output ad mod n Fact: Computing d is equivalent to factoring n! Q: Is solving eth root as hard as factoring? A: Well…err, maybe? I dunno! (It may be possible to compute a1/e directly!)
Practice: Computing square roots modulo p
Compute the square roots of 3 mod 139, if they exist. Compute the square roots of 5 mod 139, if they exist. Legendre Symbol: 3(139-1)/2≡138≡-1 mod 139 Roots do not exist! Legendre Symbol: 5(139-1)/2 = 1 mod 139 Roots exist! Mod 4 congruence: 139 = 3 mod 4 Simple formula for computing roots! “Positive” root: 5(139+1)/4 = 127 mod 139 “Negative” root: = 12 mod 139
Practice: Computing eth roots modulo n
Compute 511/11 mod (Note: =113·97) Compute φ(10 961): (113-1)(97-1)=10 752 Relative primeness: gcd(11, 112·96) = 1 unique root exists! Inverse mod : 11-1≡1955 mod Compute root: = mod
Logarithms Defn: The logarithm of a to the base b is the number x such that We denote that x is the logarithm of a to the base b by logba=x ??? a=bx log4 16= log5 125= log2 128= log2 16= 2, since 42=16 ??? ??? 3, since 53=125 7, since 27=128 ??? 4, since 24=16 ???
Recall: Order of a group element
Defn: The number of elements in a group (G,•) is called its order. We write |G| to denote the order of (G,•). Defn: Let (G,•) be a group and let a∈G. The smallest positive integer i such that ai=e is called the order of a in (G,•). We write |a| to denote the order of a∈G. If |a|=|G|, then we call a a generator of (G,•).
Euler’s Theorem for finite groups
Thm: Let (G,•) be a group and let a∈G. a i=a j in G if and only if i≡j mod |a|. Lagrange’s Theorem: Let (G,•) be a group with order |G|=N. Then |a| divides N for all a∈G. Corollary: If i≡j mod |G|, then ai=a j in G. Trick: To compute ai mod n, first reduce the exponent (i.e., i) modulo |a|, or |G| if |a| is not known.
Cyclic groups Defn: If (G,•) has one or more generators, then we call it a cyclic group. Thm: If |G| is prime, then (G,•) is cyclic. This follows directly from the generalization of Euler’s Theorem on the last slide! Note: If (G,•) is cyclic and |G| is given, then given any generator g∈G, it is easy to select h∊G is easy. (How?) - Choose r∊{0,1,…,|G|-1} and output h=gr
Discrete logarithms ??? h=gx in G.
Defn: Let G be a group with |G|=n and let g,h∈G. A discrete logarithm (DL) of h to the base g in G is a number x∈ℤn such that ??? h=gx in G. Q: Does the DL of h to the base g always exist? A: No! (So when does it exist?) Q: If the DL of h to the base g exists, is it unique? A: Sort of… If x1 and x2 are DLs of h to the base g, then x1≡x2 mod |g| Thm: If (G,•) is a cyclic group of order n with g a generator, then ∀h∈G, x=loggh exists and is unique in ℤn - We therefore speak of the DL of h to the base g
The DL problem Defn: Let (G,•) be a cyclic group of order n and let g be a generator of G. Then the DL problem in (G,•) is: Given (G,n,g,h) where g,h∈G with |g|=n, compute x=loggh
That’s all for today, folks!
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