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Presentation on theme: "MODULE 2: FOOD AS MEDICINE"— Presentation transcript:

Claudia Pillow, PhD

2 What Should You Eat? FORGET THIS…




6 Food as Medicine DO EAT:
Fresh, mostly raw & organic vegetables and fruits Healthy fats (avocado, coconut, olive, nuts) Wild and sustainable seafood Grass-fed organic meats and eggs Fermented Foods DO NOT EAT: Gluten Genetically modified foods (such as GMO corn & soy) Heated vegetable oils Added processed sugar Chemical preservatives Artificial sweeteners Refined grains, sugars and vegetable oils cause inflammation in the body!

7 What Can You Eat to Reduce Autoimmune Symptoms?
Anti-inflammatory Foods Omega 3 Fatty Acids Vitamin D Probiotics

8 Anti-inflammatory Foods
Sea vegetables: kelp & seaweed Wild Salmon Spices : Turmeric & Ginger Leafy Green Vegetables: spinach & kale Cruciferous Vegetables: broccoli & cabbage Mushrooms Berries Papaya & Pineapple Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Herbal & Green Tea

9 (milk protein)

10 Omega Fats Essential Fatty Acids - body does not produce so we must obtain from food Omega-3: cold water fish, algae, flax, chia Omega-6: pumpkin, walnuts, sesame, safflower, sunflower, soy, corn, canola oil and animal fats Omega-9: olive, tree nuts, avocado, peanut Copyright ©2011 by Dr. Claudia Pillow Not to be copied or reproduced without permission


12 Functions of Omega’s Energy production (vitality) Oxygen transfer
Hemoglobin production (red blood cells) Membrane components Produce hormones (prostaglandins, exocrine and endocrine) Growth & healing enhancing Cell division Skin elasticity Anti-inflammatory Reduces platelet stickiness (too much causes clogging) Reduces blood pressure Copyright ©2011 by Dr. Claudia Pillow Not to be copied or reproduced without permission

13 Omega-3 Deficiency are Autoimmune Disease Symptoms
Fatigue Impaired brain function affecting vision, mental, behavioral & learning capabilities Impaired nerve function such as reduced motor coordination & tingling sensations High triglycerides & blood pressure Tissue inflammation Edema (swelling) Dry skin & hair Low metabolic rate & thyroid function Immune dysfunction Copyright ©2011 by Dr. Claudia Pillow Not to be copied or reproduced without permission

14 Omega-3 Sources EPA (Eicosapentanoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexanoic Acid) are marine and animal based dietary Omega-3 sources: cold-water fish including salmon, tuna, halibut, anchovy, sardines, mackerel, herring, mussels and sea algae (kelp) ALA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid) is a plant based O-3 source: flaxseeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, soybeans and some dark green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts) Krill Oil Supplements- better absorption & delivery of DHA to brain 2007 study journal of American College of Nutrition= 300 mg daily Copyright ©2011 by Dr. Claudia Pillow Not to be copied or reproduced without permission

15 Omega 6:3 Ratio Recommended: Actual: 10:1 Anti-Inflammatory Diet 2:1
Why is this ratio a problem? **80% oil consumed in this country is from linoleic acid (LA) in processed soy and corn oils. Too many Omega-6 can produce inflammatory substances called prostaglandins. Copyright ©2011 by Dr. Claudia Pillow Not to be copied or reproduced without permission

16 How Much to Eat Daily? Omega 6: 6 to 18 grams/day=1 tbsp
Omega 3: 3 to 9 grams/day=1-2 tsp Warning: Light, air and heat breakdown EFA’s and cause rancid oils, free radical chain reactions and hydrogenation. Make sure oil fresh! Copyright ©2011 by Dr. Claudia Pillow Not to be copied or reproduced without permission

17 Vitamin D Fat soluble vitamin that is a hormone
Promotes calcium absorption & bone health Protects against inflammation & cancer Converted to calcitriol (D3) to repair cell damage Vitamin D & cancer linked in 200+ studies Vitamin D can cut overall cancer risk by 60%


19 Sources of Vitamin D Daily Recommendation = 600 IU*
Sunlight: minutes between 10am-10pm Vitamin D sulfate: water soluble Supplements: D3/D2 need cholesterol as a transportation vehicle. Cold Water Fatty Fish: 3 oz salmon= 450 IU Egg Yolks= 40 IU per egg Cod Liver Oil= 1360 IU per tablespoon Fortified Foods: milk & OJ *IU= international units

20 Probiotics A microorganism introduced into the body for its beneficial qualities. Protects immune system against disease. >200 studies show probiotics can be helpful for over 170 diseases & conditions (image of lactobacillus acidophilus)


22 Healthy Gut Bacteria Protect Against:
Obesity Herpes Celiac Disease & IBS Chronic Fatique Heart Disease Skin Rashes Depression & Mood Acne Common Colds & Flu Allergies Epstein-Barr Food Sensitivity Diabetes & Insulin Resistance Cancer

23 Gut Bacteria More than 100 trillion bacteria in body
“Good”= bifobacteria & lactobacillus acidophilus “Bad”= h pylori & clostridium difficile Ratio G/B= 85:15 Sugar (grains & alcohol) & processed foods feed bad bacteria, yeast and fungi in your gut. “Reseed” by eating foods that encourage fermentation and taking probiotics

24 Symptoms Unbalanced Gut
Gas & Bloating Constipation Diarrhea Nausea Headaches Sugar Cravings Fatigue

25 How Do You “ReSeed” EAT FERMENTED FOODS EVERY DAY Miso Natto Kombucha
Kimchi Sauerkraut Olives Kefir Yogurt Pickled Veg **Pasteurization and sugar kill probiotics So read labels for live cultures and no added sugar.




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